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  • Embarrasing!

    tthis is so embarrasing for me . im almost 15 years old and i havnt had a boyfriend before :confused: , and not only that but i havnt even hooked with with anyone before . its always on my mind lately . and its not that im not into guys or anything cause i am alot . but i dont know i just feel so immature and like the only one with the same situation. it bugs me so much and i wish i just didnt think about it as much as i do ! ?? my friends are so more nito the whole hook ups and relationships then i am . and i do want a boyfriend dont get me wrong i just want one who cares about me for my personality and not just for skin / sex !
  • Re: Embarrasing!

    you know what, ENJOY being single. LOL it all may seem wonderful and great, but really...
    i know that sounds REDICULOUS but really, i wish i stayed single durring high school. less stress and i could be free to do what i want, look at who i want, ect ect ect. high school is supposed to be the best time of your life, but all the boys made it hard.
    relationships are great, but then they get sour, feelings get hurt, and you end up loosing a friend. ALL my relationships have been that way. the one im in now will more than likely happen like that eventually.
    so yeah, i know that probably didnt help much but hey...just live one day at a time and make the best of things.
    and dont jump into anything.
    I <3 YOU!
  • Re: Embarrasing!

    hippie-grl wrote:

    you know what, ENJOY being single. LOL it all may seem wonderful and great, but really...
    i know that sounds REDICULOUS but really, i wish i stayed single durring high school. less stress and i could be free to do what i want, look at who i want, ect ect ect. high school is supposed to be the best time of your life, but all the boys made it hard.
    relationships are great, but then they get sour, feelings get hurt, and you end up loosing a friend. ALL my relationships have been that way. the one im in now will more than likely happen like that eventually.
    so yeah, i know that probably didnt help much but hey...just live one day at a time and make the best of things.
    and dont jump into anything.

    AMEN and id like to add savor the simplest things the things that seem not to matter cause one day you will want those things back and wont take them for granted anymore
    So You Say You Love Her? Then why are you sitting at the computer and not holding her in your arms telling her how much she means to You? Cause I Bet theres another Kid Out There Who's Dieing to Be Where You Are..... I No I Am
  • Re: Embarrasing!

    I'm fifteen and I've never been out with a guy or even kissed a guy. I don't see the point in high school. I don't want to go out with someone just because I should, because the whole point of dating is to find someone you can picture yourself with forever. No one that I know is going to be that mature about a relationship and I'm not ready for that type of commitment either.
    [SIZE="2"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]The success or failure of your deeds does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed. Judge yourself by the intention of your actions and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stood in your way.
    ~Oma Desala, Stargate SG-1, Episode "Meridian"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  • Re: Embarrasing!

    When I was 14 I went out with a girl i had been friends with for years, infact who was probably my best friend at the time. Completely ruined our friendship and we haven't spoke since (i'm now 17). Don't let the pressure get to you, there is no rush, highschool romances are often pointless anyway, take your time and find a person right for you!
    [CENTER]"I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear escape from this afterlife[/CENTER]
    [CENTER]’Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here"[/CENTER]