cyber, orgasm, then sick??

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    • cyber, orgasm, then sick??

      heyy, i really want to know what is wrong with me, i read my boyfriends post about this but i figured that i should post because i know more than he does. i have checked out all of the things that people have said and they fit my symptoms, but the things that people suggested are for pregnancy. i am still a virgin.

      well me and my boyfriend talk about having sex. i love him to death! so sometimes we have cybersex, and every time (after a while, and usually after i hit orgasm) i start to feel really sick. the symptoms that i have are as follows: feel like im going to get sick to my stomach, i get really hot (as if i have a feaver)(and sometimes wicked cold), i get very light headed and feel as if im going to pass out, sometimes i feel weak like i cant move/stand up. i have passed out i think once or twice. i feel the same way for about 4 days, it gets better little by little over those days.

      i havent really had this problem in a while because my boyfriend and i broke up and just got back together the first of january. the symptomas have been a little better, but they are still there. i still feel sick to my stomach, i get light headed, im not sick for as long, and i dont feel as weak as before.

      help me if you can :o.... if i am not online you can message me on aim: bloodondafloor21
      [CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"No one can have everything in life. So be thankful for what you have. Fight for what is essentially needed. Ignore things that are not needed."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
    • Re: cyber, orgasm, then sick??

      hey well u raise an intresting topic and there will be a few reasons
      for this . one you might feel so amazingly uncomfortable with
      the whole situation that it might cause u to become sick because
      its mentally induced , other reasons ur body might go into shock
      because ur fingering ur self and ur hyman is broken because ur
      a virgin . or the most out of left feild ur climaxing in the wrong
      way and for some reasons ur endophenise arent kicking in .maybe
      look at ur diet , eat more fruit i hope ive been some help
    • Re: cyber, orgasm, then sick??

      switch wrote:

      hey well u raise an intresting topic and there will be a few reasons
      for this . one you might feel so amazingly uncomfortable with
      the whole situation that it might cause u to become sick because
      its mentally induced , other reasons ur body might go into shock
      because ur fingering ur self and ur hyman is broken because ur
      a virgin . or the most out of left feild ur climaxing in the wrong
      way and for some reasons ur endophenise arent kicking in .maybe
      look at ur diet , eat more fruit i hope ive been some help

      it is an interesting topic! haha. but anyways, yeah i am kind of uncomfortable with the fact of having sex, but like i want to have sex but at the same time i dont. i am kind of afraid of having sex too, because i have passed out with just cyber, and the feelings would be more intense and the environment hotter than before, in meaning the symptoms might just be worse.

      there are the times that he asks me when i think that im going to be ready for it, and i tell him when the time is right it will just happen....

      thank you. this has been bugging me since it started. these are things that i have not heard before. :p
      [CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"No one can have everything in life. So be thankful for what you have. Fight for what is essentially needed. Ignore things that are not needed."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
    • Re: cyber, orgasm, then sick??

      switch wrote:

      umm yeah just to warn u i dont wanna be the person who tells u this ,your first
      time is gonna hurt alot because ur acting like this just giving u a heads up

      i know. im not really afraid of pain. but i get scared over a lot of things. and sex might just be one of those things that i am afraid of. il find out when it happens.:)
      [CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"No one can have everything in life. So be thankful for what you have. Fight for what is essentially needed. Ignore things that are not needed."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]