i really really love this girl

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    • i really really love this girl

      ok ,im 14 and like this girl at school alot ,we are good friends and hug alot :) but she huggs alot of people in our friend group i even had a dream that i was hugging her. my friend is her EX and we are good friends i dont think she likes me but is there a way to find out?
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      Mods/Admins plz dont remove this , I use this for chating to randomers
    • Re: i really really love this girl

      well before you do anything I would talk to your friend who is her ex just to make sure he doesn't get mad or something. You never know. I think the only way to really know if a girl likes you is ask her. The worst thing that can happen is she says no and life goes on... the best thing that can happen is she says yes, you go on dates, eventually get married, have kids and grow old together :D lol

      I think the positives out weigh the negatives. You will never know if you don't ask.
    • Re: i really really love this girl

      I agree with Daniel. Liking someone as much as you do at your age is completely normal. My sister is fourteen years old and she's 'loved' a whole bunch of different guys. Honestly, it's just a part of being a teenager and growing up. Whatever the case is, I'd recommend that you take things slowly to begin with. Because she is your friend and everything, you don't want to let this come in between your friendship. You also might want to make sure that you both feel comfortable with the pace in which your relationship is moving. Does that make sense to you?

      Because she just broke up with her boyfriend, I would try to be careful. Sometimes people in this kind of situation tend to be very vulnerable and therefore can fall for anyone who shows them attention. This is probably another reason why I'd caution you before moving ahead with anything. Give her time to get over her past relationship. If she still has feelings for someone else, I would strongly encourage you to avoid a relationship with her. Does that make sense? However, keep in mind that this is merely my own opinion. Do what you feel is best for you. =)

      I hope that everything works out for you. Good luck with everything.

      Take care of yourself.
    • Re: i really really love this girl

      I know that could seem like the case but I'm just trying to caution you, that's all. I broke up with my boyfriend and I still wouldn't say I'm over him. I'm just trying to get you to appreciate the variety of different scenarios that there can be. There is not only one sole situation that is definite. You need to be able to adapt to any kind of situation. My advice would be to take things slowly, no matter what. I would suggest that even if she hasn't just broken up with her boyfriend. Know what I mean? I'd suggest that especially because she's a friend of yours and I don't think you want anything to ruin that friendship.
    • Re: i really really love this girl

      yea but i sometimes even cry over her ,she is just the best and i just want to be more than friends. it just makes me so sad thinking that she probly dosnt like me back. she says on MSN etc that she loves me but i know she does love me in the BF/GF way ,i am not very atractive but im a nice guy. i wish i could just go out with her or got over her
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      1. [email protected]
      Mods/Admins plz dont remove this , I use this for chating to randomers
    • Re: i really really love this girl

      SeanBond wrote:

      ok ,im 14 and like this girl at school alot ,we are good friends and hug alot :) but she huggs alot of people in our friend group i even had a dream that i was hugging her. my friend is her EX and we are good friends i dont think she likes me but is there a way to find out?

      Ask another friend to ask her if she likes you. But don't push for anything. Cuz from what I see, she does not like you. She is just being friendly. BONG!
    • Re: i really really love this girl

      SeanBond wrote:

      yea i se your opinion but she dumped him and is not really botherd about it ,they only went out for like 1 month.

      Its better to be save than sorry. I don't want to scare you or anything but this could have serious complications in your friendship with both the girl and your other friend. Just take it slow.

      They may seem unbothered by it. But I dont care who you are if you break up with someone it is going to hurt a bit. A few years ago when I broke up with my girlfriend I would joke about it with my friends but on the inside I was really depressed.

      Just be careful. Nothing wrong with taking your time. Like I said before, Talk to your other friend about it first. If its okay with him than its relatively safe to move on.
    • Re: i really really love this girl

      If that's what you want to do go for it. That is really the only way to do it. However I can't stress enough how important it is to talk to your other friend. No matter what he says its still your decision on what to do but just make sure he knows whats going on. You don't want to lose a friend in this.

      Ive seen friends split because of this situation and really just because they did not talk about it. I don't want this to happen to you. Its not a fun situation when that happens.