New School = New personality, right?! WRONG! ¬¬

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    • New School = New personality, right?! WRONG! ¬¬

      Well, Hi, I'm Guilherme from Brazil, I'm 16 and... I just moved from my old school a week ago... I was really excited about that, you know, new ppl, new friends, maybe find that person, thinking that I could be shy less... *-*... You know, maybe dreaming a bit, but... Anyways, I ever walked w/ girls on school (dunno why, boys sometimes are too annoying... And no, I ain't gay :P)... Then, when classes got started, I was really³ shy... I mean, I didn't want to be shy, but, or I was in silence or, when I tried to start talking to a person, I said stupid things... Not that I wanted to say these things "trying to be funny" but, if I didn't say it, I was going to be quiet, and I thought it would be worst... Well, in other words, I never know what to say, and when I try to find sth to say, I just make things worst ;x
      And, ppl kinda make fun of me cause they see I am kinda quiet and I think they think I'm a nerd or sth like that... But I ain't, I hate studying... I just want to talk to ppl but I ain't confident and don't say what to say...
      Please, ppl, help me... I REALLY don't know what to say :X
      Thank u SOOOOOOOO much³
      Gui :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by GuiBrazil ().

    • Re: New School = New personality, right?! WRONG! ¬¬

      I think that a school change mustn't mean a personality change. You shouldn't change at all. Be yourself, talk to people. Always think that you're not doing a favour to the other person. We all like talking.
      [5:24 AM] lazyday: i love girls but when they're fresh e.g. 7 yo
    • Re: New School = New personality, right?! WRONG! ¬¬

      try not to be shy,
      be confident, honest, and pretend cool as never before for a week or two xD
      that what gets people find interesting in new people x]

      after people started to like you can slowly go back to your truly yourself
      and they wont see a difference

      when i moved to new town i did that,
      in old school i was shy and stuff , noone really liked me.
      before my 1st day in new school i got new clothes, haircut and i was so tryin to be cool xD
      people liked me.
      after few weeks i stopped actin like it and i acted how i want to how its comfortable to me.
      people didn't see a difference anymore, they still accept me.
      its my second year in this school and i can say i am popular a bit x]

      remeber, first two weeks are the most important
    • Re: New School = New personality, right?! WRONG! ¬¬

      I know exactly how you are feeling. When I first started highschool I was thinking alright this is gonna be great im not going to be shy anymore! It will be a new me! Turned out it was easier said than done.

      I have lost a lot of my shyness since then, the way I did it was just stop caring what people might think of you. If they think your a nerd, so be it... Is that really gonna matter in a couple years when you graduate?
    • Re: New School = New personality, right?! WRONG! ¬¬

      i also changed my personality when changing school (kinda)
      because in my other school people treated me as some kind of freak just because i like pokémon :D
      but i'm not like that so in my new school i am trying (still) to show people i'm not like that

      my advice might be to make the entire class laugh a lot, but not with immature things
      that worked for me.....people like me etc because of one joke i made to a teacher at the beginning of the year :D
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Hold on to your kite =D[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: New School = New personality, right?! WRONG! ¬¬

      GuiBrazil wrote:

      Well, Hi, I'm Guilherme from Brazil, I'm 16 and... I just moved from my old school a week ago...

      Hi, Guilherme! I'm also from Brazil, and 16. I have also changed schools last year, so I know exactly how you're feeling.

      GuiBrazil wrote:

      I was really excited about that, you know, new ppl, new friends, maybe find that person, thinking that I could be shy less... *-*... You know, maybe dreaming a bit, but... Anyways, I ever walked w/ girls on school (dunno why, boys sometimes are too annoying... And no, I ain't gay :P)...

      I've always perceived this kind of tendencies in myself, but I thought it was just me... Also walked with girls on school, also find boys annoying, also ain't gay... :D

      GuiBrazil wrote:

      Then, when classes got started, I was really shy... I mean, I didn't want to be shy, but, or I was in silence or, when I tried to start talking to a person, I said stupid things... Not that I wanted to say these things "trying to be funny" but, if I didn't say it, I was going to be quiet, and I thought it would be worst... Well, in other words, I never know what to say, and when I try to find sth to say, I just make things worst ;x

      Just be yourself, like you were in the previous school. If you want to have friends, they should be your friends, not of a facade.

      Oh, and if you have any questions about the English language or anything else, you can PM me in Portuguese (or en English, if you so prefer)!
      Now I'm not feeling like the only Brazilian around here! :D
      [SIZE=4]Luis Andrade
      [/SIZE]Sao Paulo, Brazil[SIZE=1]
    • Re: New School = New personality, right?! WRONG! ¬¬

      You're not going to be able to instantly change who you are. I doubt that without some outside help, that isn't online, you'd even be able to change slowly. Just accept who you are, take the best of you and showcase that. Make sure there's something more to you than the quiet guy in the corner, or whatever you are.
    • Re: New School = New personality, right?! WRONG! ¬¬

      Just be yourself and talk to people really what else can you do =/ Don't change your personality I know you said you wouldn't already....

      You can still be shy =/ just still talk to people

      And there's nothing wrong with studying or being smart that shouldn't stop you from having friends....
      [CENTER]Maddi Love's Ryan
      >> <<
    • Re: New School = New personality, right?! WRONG! ¬¬

      you lack confidence my friend..

      one rule in making friends is to be yourself, lettem see who you really are..
      you dont have to be A popular dude to be noticed right away..
      take it slowly.. your just new to the place..
      get used to your surroundings first..
      dont act cocky around people..
      if your shy, well thats normal.. especially when your new.. :)

      but dont talk like a 2 year old .
      .:) people love talking and meeting new people just like you..
      be clear in speaking..
      find the "good" friends who'll be there for you..

      and enjoy your school year. :D
    • Re: New School = New personality, right?! WRONG! ¬¬

      So many people think that once you start over at a new place, or even a new year, you can change yourself for the better. But change doesn't come overnight. If you want to be less shy, it won't work if you simply cooperate with different people. Get out of your shell, because what you lack first and foremost is confidence.

      Practice speaking to people and remember useful conversation starters. Talk to yourself at home and imagine situations in which you meet someone new. What would you talk about? How will you stand? Do you make eye-contact? Do you smile? If you're nervous, the only thing you can do is practice to make improvements. Don't stutter and don't try to be someone else. Only when you're comfortable speaking about a topic you know, then you'll appear as the real you. Look for someone who accepts that you.

      Support Leader,
    • Re: New School = New personality, right?! WRONG! ¬¬

      Kase wrote:

      So many people think that once you start over at a new place, or even a new year, you can change yourself for the better. But change doesn't come overnight. If you want to be less shy, it won't work if you simply cooperate with different people. Get out of your shell, because what you lack first and foremost is confidence.

      Practice speaking to people and remember useful conversation starters. Talk to yourself at home and imagine situations in which you meet someone new. What would you talk about? How will you stand? Do you make eye-contact? Do you smile? If you're nervous, the only thing you can do is practice to make improvements. Don't stutter and don't try to be someone else. Only when you're comfortable speaking about a topic you know, then you'll appear as the real you. Look for someone who accepts that you.

      Support Leader,

      she's right. you cant change overnight ..and dont force ya self mate..
      the situations not as hard as you think ...
    • Re: New School = New personality, right?! WRONG! ¬¬

      Give some time cuz. Youve been there for couple of weeks. Shit son. They will know you. Just be patient with yourself and others. People thought i was a nerd and who is a good good kid. Hell, they were wrong
      [CENTER]Los Angeles Lakers
      Kobe. Andrew. Pau. Lamar. Derek. Trevor. Jordan. Sasha. Chris. Josh. DJ. Adam. Shannon. Luke. Sun