life is so fucked up,and noone helps you.

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    • life is so fucked up,and noone helps you.

      Well it may not be that way for ever fucknig person, but its like that for me.

      everyone i see and go near are so fucking evil towards me. they call me names,they attack me, they laugh at my crappy attempts to gain happiness, and noone even bothers to help me.

      My own mom spits in my face and made me bleed when i was kid.

      Not a single fucking person in this god damn shity ass earth has ever tried to help me. onley assult me. and make me feel pain.



      SO over all....

      I need to know what to do to make my life better.
      when everyone even your family hates you, what can i do.

      i need a place to go. beacuse if i stay hear.....something very bad is going to happen.
    • Re: life is so fucked up,and noone helps you.

      Whoa mate, calm down. We'll here for you.

      Explain in more details as we want to help you. Why do they call you names etc?

      I want to help you. We at Teenhut care about you mate.

      You have the right to feel safe from abuse, I would suggest you call kids help phone in your local area. Where are you located? I will grab you the number.

      Hate is a strong word mate. I doubt anyone really hates anyone.


      The post was edited 2 times, last by Cat ().

    • Re: life is so fucked up,and noone helps you.

      im sry for all my hate in that post.... :( i have depression from the life around me and it makes me angry and sad.

      and thanks for wanting to help me..

      I cant deal with people. ever since i was small.

      my name is brad and im 17...when i was kid my mother attacked me and made me bleed while i was on the floor crying she just said that's what you git. all because i dirtied my room.

      I never learnt how to talk to people properly. i have the hardest time making friends with anyone, when i try they just make fun of me.

      it got so bad i had to transfer schools. but instead of helping me it onley made things worse, i was sent to a school for kids who think there "gangster" and are better then everyone else. the criminal kind, they constintley called me names and if i ever tried to defend my self they whould threaten too beat me up.

      i finally got out of there after begging too my parents and i got home school.
      i thought that would fix my problems but my mom....

      llets talk about my mom...Shes very crazy....She is constintley talking behind my back about how stupid i am, how pathetic, i could go on and on. one night i woke up and guess what i saw? i saw my mother hovering over me with my brother, they were making fun of me!! they were hovering over me saying look how ugly he is. hes so pathetic.

      Then she started to argu with me the next day and she spit right in my face 3 times. 3 TIMES! Then a few days latter she spit in my food. i couldent do anything about it because she always used my father. my father is wiped. he does whatever my mother tells him to do. she makes up lies about me and tells my father, then my father gits mad and startes yelling at me saying why dont your respect your mom? after all she does for you?..............

      Then one day i tried too talk top my father how she is and that shes freaking off here rocker and he said no she isnt, your just lieing. so theirs no point in asking him for help what so ever.

      Then my parents hired me a psychotherapist to see and talk too about my problems since i have depression and a hard time looking people in the eye.

      i tried to tell him my problems and guss what. HE LAUGHED AT ME! W T F.

      I know my problems arnt as bad as others, i know people are suffering more then i am, But theses are problems that i need help with.

      im sry for the bad language i use....i just git so angry with this type of stuff.
    • Re: life is so fucked up,and noone helps you.

      Wow man, and I thought my life was bad, it makes me want to cry.

      Your allowed to use bad language, we are all fellow teens and mostly people who went/going through the same.

      I would suggest you get a hold of Kids Help Phone and they can help you better. Your mother is not acting like she should a a proper parent and you deserve better. Please contact Kids Help Phone any time, 24-7,…-help-line-directory.html

      I am also available for chat as I am going through short of the same problem but not as extreme as yours.
      You can PM me or add me to MSN: [email protected]

      No one should have to deal with the problems your facing and your not alone in this mate. I want YOU to know this. We are here to help you and no one will laugh at you or make fun of you.

      Your friendly Baboon
    • Re: life is so fucked up,and noone helps you.

      Cat's covered everything pretty well. If you're having problems with your parents and it's to the degree that you're in, you need to call someone like child services. You're going through abuse that you shouldn't have to go through. The TeenHut Directory will supply you with the contacts to get help, so use them.

      If you need to talk, feel free to PM me or add me to MSN. =)

      Support Leader,
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • Re: life is so fucked up,and noone helps you.

      You know, you would make an awesome lawyer. Maybe that's a goal some day - to help people. People that had the same problems.

      Yea, be your own Batman.

      Also, try to find a join ASAP so by the time you're 18 and finished high school, you move out. And rent your own apartment. Once you get your mom out of your life, and can self-support yourself, your life would drastically change.

      And wait until college, even.
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: life is so fucked up,and noone helps you.

      as soon as you can get out of there man
      join the peace corp or the army or something
      you are 17 years old and alot of years without much nature and love it sounds like
      you have to let go of some of that anger and some how find a way to put it behind you
      it will take years and you won't think straight until you start to

      your mother grew up a certain way and she is set in her ways
      you can't change her or make her understand

      just don't end up like her
      be better every parent wants there kids to grow up to be better then they are
      "Something to relieve the pressures of their everyday life, like having to tie their shoes. "
    • Re: life is so fucked up,and noone helps you.

      I dont think the internet is the right place to post this...
      But anyway I would suggest talking to a psychiatrist and you're not the only one this happens to there are hundreds if not thousands of other people going through the same problems you go through

      It is the right place to post it. Hes asking for help, and we answer the call!

      Your friendly Baboon

    • Re: life is so fucked up,and noone helps you.

      Where do you live man?

      Europe! That might just be the answer man.

      All people are not evil. But let me just ask you this, now don't get offended man i'm just being honest. Are you at all a bit of an asshole? Think about it honestly to your self. Because I doubt everyone is just mean an assults you and calls you name. Because that's bullshit. There has to be teachers and friends that can relate at the very least. Unless you are just an asshole then maybe you need to change,

      Now lets say that you are not an asshole a good guy but everyone just seems to pick on you. Get the fuck out then man. Work for it save up money and when you can be like fuck you all! And go somewhere! Do something!

      But people are pretty much only evil in lower ages for no reason. If your in highschool there is a reason why people are treating you like shit and you need to figure that out and fix that.
    • Re: life is so fucked up,and noone helps you.

      Well, maybe they do know they're doing it; I mean they probably do. But they don't know what it's doing to you.

      I would probably see if you can live at a friends house or another family member if possible.
    • Re: life is so fucked up,and noone helps you.

      Jeeez. If my mum did that to me.. I'd hit her back and tell her how ugly SHE was and how useless SHE was that she has nothing better to do than be so pathetic as to pick on her own child and tell her she's a useless piece of crap and she needs a fucking life, cunt.
      My god, how do you put up with that

      As for the friends side of things.. I'd just stay possitive. Hold your head high, as they say, they'd kill to see you fall. Plus, I know this is harsh sounding.. but no one wants to be friends with a whining bitch. People want to be friends with people who are smiling and happy. Try to be possitive.. And try to feel better in yourself..

      Yeah, with your parents, call childline. they sound like a bunch of cunts.