Job - Cashier - Money Missing

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    • Job - Cashier - Money Missing


      I work at a retail store. They told me that about £70 went missing from my till, so I've got to split 50/50 with my friend who was also on the same till for some of that day.

      Sucks, because I know neither of us stole it.

      I signed a form saying that 10% would come out of my wages until its paid. I was in an interview where they were writing down everything that was said, so although I didn't want to, I didn't want to cause a fuss. Now I regret that. It's only a stupid bit of paper, at the end of the day I'm sure if I get legal evidence that they can't take the money from me, the peace of paper will mean nothing.

      Does anyone know what rights I have? What should I do?

      Best bet is going to the council advice center and asking their, but thought I'd ask here first.

      Another question.. any idea if I can ask to see my records, then just throw away that bit of paper? Haha.

      Thanks all,

    • Re: Job - Cashier - Money Missing

      Chris4 wrote:

      It's only a stupid bit of paper


      Nope. That paper you signed is counts as a legal document believe it or not; so if you signed to say "yes i did it, just take the money, i don't care" and now you want to prove you didn't, your going to get yourself into a mess.

      The only proof you can really get though, is CCTV footage to see if it was your friend who took it, or maybe a customer.

      Getting legal advice will cost YOU MONEY! Are you willing to pay a lawyer more than £70 and then find out that you don't have enough evidence on your side?

      What shop do you work for? If it is somewhere like Tesco, Asda, Walmart then don't bother!!! They will employ more expensive solicitors, and you will lose the case; lose the £70, your legal fees AND POSSIBLY THEIR LEGAL FEES, and THEN you will be too embarressed to still work there. So you lose your job.

      Go ahead, get FREE advice. But ONLY go to a lawyer if your sure you can win the case. You have a right to ask your store to see their CCTV from the last week. But that's all.

      Hope I have helped you a bit :) I want to go into law when I'm older :D
    • Re: Job - Cashier - Money Missing

      You have a right to see what evidence the store has against you. Go on, ask them. If it transpires that they have no stable evidence, then you should run along and speak to a lawyer, who could probably help you more than we can. However, the piece of paper that you signed makes the situation ever more complex. Did signing the piece of paper confirm that you were the one responsible for the missing cash? If so, you've got yourself into a tight spot. Your best bet is to settle with the supermarket, they probably have more expensive lawyers than you can get, and you will lose the case if you go to court. But before doing any of that, get some professional advice. Good luck!

      Revenge is only sweet when taken in correct dosages.
    • Re: Job - Cashier - Money Missing

      skyhawk1268 wrote:

      You have a right to see what evidence the store has against you. Go on, ask them. If it transpires that they have no stable evidence, then you should run along and speak to a lawyer, who could probably help you more than we can. However, the piece of paper that you signed makes the situation ever more complex. Did signing the piece of paper confirm that you were the one responsible for the missing cash? If so, you've got yourself into a tight spot. Your best bet is to settle with the supermarket, they probably have more expensive lawyers than you can get, and you will lose the case if you go to court. But before doing any of that, get some professional advice. Good luck!


      Isn't that basically what I said?

    • Re: Job - Cashier - Money Missing

      skyhawk1268 wrote:

      Your best bet is to settle with the supermarket, they probably have more expensive lawyers than you can get

      I think I'm going to have to agree.

      I'm sorry, its the harsh truth.

      Life is a bitch, and the Big Man has turned around and bit you in the ass.

      Just pay the money and you can still keep your job, even if you lose a bit of your pride.

      Sorry, I just think its the only thing you can do, in reality.