help my friend is snorting coke!

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    • help my friend is snorting coke!

      hi my name is mike i'm really concerned about my friend whose name shall remain anonymous but i really need some advice.

      my friend has been smoking cigarettes for a year, drinks when she gets bored, smokes pot, and now recently has been snorting cocaine. i'm very concerned and because she is defensive and in a lot of ways full of it i feel there is no way i can express my concern without her disregard. please help me what do i do?:(
    • Re: help my friend is snorting coke!

      she isn't completely gone yet
      she won't fuck my life up i know that for sure she did that last year and i have recovered and know how to protect myself. i can't watch her fuck up her life though she's a big part in a lot of my friends lives and no one can forget her.
      she has snort 4 lines from the stories i have heard, she started new years eve and yesterday she was going to snort more but there was only half a line left. i'm no pro with snort coke so i don't know what to do. she has apologized to me a lot for being an asshole yesterday and i know she still has some kind of logic.
    • Re: help my friend is snorting coke!

      mikee1212 wrote:

      she isn't completely gone yet
      she won't fuck my life up i know that for sure she did that last year and i have recovered and know how to protect myself. i can't watch her fuck up her life though she's a big part in a lot of my friends lives and no one can forget her.
      she has snort 4 lines from the stories i have heard, she started new years eve and yesterday she was going to snort more but there was only half a line left. i'm no pro with snort coke so i don't know what to do. she has apologized to me a lot for being an asshole yesterday and i know she still has some kind of logic.

      Thats really not that much coke at all.
      When she starts doing it constantly is when you need to worry DO not snitch on her though.The friendship will end and you will be labled a snitch.
    • Re: help my friend is snorting coke!

      I have to disagree with BURN.
      First of all, she is doing a little simply because her body is not as resistant to it............yet. As time goes on, it will lose it's potency and she will need more and more to get her fix.....which eventually can cause in an over-doze.

      Also, valuing your reputation over someones life is ridiculous and selfish.

      Obviously you have to talk her out of it....if that does not work, ask her to do it for you. Show her photographs of people who did coke, videos, documentaries etc. If she values you as a friend, she will at least watch them. Hopefully that will get through to her......if she does not care what you think....then it is not much of a friendship (at least from her end).
      If, again, she refuses to listen.......then I guess you will have to make a choice........either tell her parents/counselor and possible make her hate you.........or save her life. In my eyes anyone who thinks along the lines of "well...I do not want to be labeled as a I guess I won't tell anyone that my friend is fucking her self up....after all, my reputation is more important...not someones life" does not deserve to call him/her self a anyone.

      Choice is yours.
      The King of Mind-Fuck
    • Re: help my friend is snorting coke!

      DeamonD wrote:

      I have to disagree with BURN.
      First of all, she is doing a little simply because her body is not as resistant to it............yet. As time goes on, it will lose it's potency and she will need more and more to get her fix.....which eventually can cause in an over-doze.

      Also, valuing your reputation over someones life is ridiculous and selfish.

      Obviously you have to talk her out of it....if that does not work, ask her to do it for you. Show her photographs of people who did coke, videos, documentaries etc. If she values you as a friend, she will at least watch them. Hopefully that will get through to her......if she does not care what you think....then it is not much of a friendship (at least from her end).
      If, again, she refuses to listen.......then I guess you will have to make a choice........either tell her parents/counselor and possible make her hate you.........or save her life. In my eyes anyone who thinks along the lines of "well...I do not want to be labeled as a I guess I won't tell anyone that my friend is fucking her self up....after all, my reputation is more important...not someones life" does not deserve to call him/her self a anyone.

      Choice is yours.

      Telling on her is not gonna work I swear it won't coke is out of your system in like 48 hours so you tell on her she passes a drug test now your a shit head lier.If you really wanna help be a fucking asshole about her doing coke.
      Tell her how fucking retarded that is and then ask if she is fucking retarded.
      She is going to hate you either way being a dick about it may back her into a corner and make her feel like shit for doing coke thus she may stop.
    • Re: help my friend is snorting coke!

      xXBURNXx wrote:

      Telling on her is not gonna work I swear it won't coke is out of your system in like 48 hours so you tell on her she passes a drug test now your a shit head lier.If you really wanna help be a fucking asshole about her doing coke.
      Tell her how fucking retarded that is and then ask if she is fucking retarded.
      She is going to hate you either way being a dick about it may back her into a corner and make her feel like shit for doing coke thus she may stop.

      Yeah you may be right here.
      Let's just hope that she cares enough about the friendship or respects him as her friend......that is the key factor here, without a doubt.
      The King of Mind-Fuck
    • Re: help my friend is snorting coke!

      If you are correct that she has only snorted four lines in over two months, there's no reason to get that uptight about it. I've done that in a night and am doing just fine.

      The most you can do is inform her of the potential dangers. Being an asshole about it will just get you a nice fuck you in most cases.
      [CENTER]Guys don't go down, well I am-
      What the fuck is that, I should have brought my diagram.

    • Re: help my friend is snorting coke!

      Are you sure she's snorting coke?
      If so, talk to her about it and see what she says. Next I would talk to your parents and hers about getting her some help.

      And although she probably be mad at you for doing that; she thank you later on when she realizes you did the right thing and you probably saved her life.

      Also remember to be there for her, going through rehab; she'll need the support of a friend. :)
    • Re: help my friend is snorting coke!

      RockMeBaby<3 wrote:

      Are you sure she's snorting coke?
      If so, talk to her about it and see what she says. Next I would talk to your parents and hers about getting her some help.

      And although she probably be mad at you for doing that; she thank you later on when she realizes you did the right thing and you probably saved her life.

      Also remember to be there for her, going through rehab; she'll need the support of a friend. (:

      Rock you are tripping.
      The girl is expiermenting.
      If she makes a habit of it then you go the parents.
    • Re: help my friend is snorting coke!

      mikee1212 wrote:

      hi my name is mike i'm really concerned about my friend whose name shall remain anonymous but i really need some advice.

      my friend has been smoking cigarettes for a year, drinks when she gets bored, smokes pot, and now recently has been snorting cocaine. i'm very concerned and because she is defensive and in a lot of ways full of it i feel there is no way i can express my concern without her disregard. please help me what do i do?:(

      I wouldn't suggest telling her parents or the police tbh, that wouldn't be very loyal to your friend.

      However, I do think you need to sit down and have a serious conversation with her about this. Cocaine is awful, it makes you lose weight, it makes your skin a horrible dim colour and apart from anything it's really expensive - make sure you point out all of these bad points and any others you think of because she needs to stop now.

      If all fails I suggest talking to someone who can do something about it, perhaps if she has an older brother or sister.
    • Re: help my friend is snorting coke!

      xXBURNXx wrote:

      Rock you are tripping.
      The girl is expiermenting.
      If she makes a habit of it then you go the parents.

      If her friend is concerned; something must be going on. Expirmenting or not; something could go horribly wrong.
    • Re: help my friend is snorting coke!

      sikexl wrote:

      This. You don't go to parents over experimenting with drugs. That is just pathetic.

      Maybe she's not just experimenting; maybe this has been going on for a while. We don't know.