hum...quite complicated

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  • hum...quite complicated

    okay so I'm not sure what to do.

    I came out to my mom as dad doesn't know anything.
    my "boyfriend" came out to me as transgendered and I'm fine with that.
    I came to the realization that i'm a lesbian, but haven't told my parents yet.

    my girlfriend doesn't mind if I tell my mom I'm a lesbian but then I'd have to out her. I'm not sure how my mom feels about the whole transgender thing and am not sure how to bring it up to find out. I wanna come out when the time is right, but I wanna know how she feels about transgender people first.

    Any ideas?
  • Re: hum...quite complicated

    Honesty does usually work well... but you could go with the entire "what would you do if..." conversation to try and get a handle on her potential reactions. Like, start asking random questions.. what would you do if.. you had to choose between living on the moon and living on mars? etc but keep it moving towards transgendered persons, and toward lesbian.... This is not always neccessarily correct though because a lot of people will say they feel one way but then when it is their own kid react differently.... So your best bet is to just be completely honest about it. An just come out.

    But don't come out because you feel you have to, do it because t is what you want and do it whenever you feel comfortable doing it.
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