help with feelings

    • Re: help with feelings

      You can either tell your friends that you want to be taken seriously or get yourself acquainted with people who will take you seriously. That doesn't mean leave your other friends behind, but befriend somebody who will listen to you. Either that or talk to your counselor, whose job is to help you.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: help with feelings

      Well depends on the subject really......
      Do you feel like you just want to vent?
      Advice? Does the advice require someone to know you? If not you can always ask us. This is why we are here, to help.

      If you have to talk to your friends....well, it is rather obvious that you need to let her/him/them know that you are 100% serious about this issue and if they are not going to help then you will go to someone else. A reasonable person will catch on the fact that you are, indeed, seroius and listen. If the person continues to laugh and think you are not serious, then I doubt you would want to get an advice from them if they can't even comprehend that you are being serious.
      The King of Mind-Fuck

      The post was edited 1 time, last by DeamonD ().

    • Re: help with feelings

      DeamonD wrote:

      Well depends on the subject really......
      Do you feel like you just want to vent?
      Advice? Does the advice require someone to know you? If not you can always ask us. This is why we are here, to help.

      If you have to talk to your friends....well, it is rather obvious that you need to let her/him/them know that you are 100% serious about this issue and if they are not going to help then you will go to someone else. A reasonable person will catch on the fact that you are, indeed, seroius and listen. If the person continues to laugh and think you are not serious, then I doubt you would want to get an advice from them if they can't even comprehend that you are being serious.

      i just need to rant to nyone but dnt feel it importnt enought 2 use peoples time if u c what i mean =\
    • Re: help with feelings

      If you have something to say, whether it be a rant or not, then you should just say it. Don't worry about imposing when it comes to your friends. And as for's their job to listen. Vent all you want. Heck, do that here.
    • Re: help with feelings

      Don't do anything you don't feel comfortable doing. I think it's really important that you understand that. It's okay to not feel comfortable talking to other people about the way you feel. I feel like that sometimes; we all do. However, it's important for you to realize that there are people who will listen to you if you ever need to talk to someone.

      You could even create a topic on TeenHut here - and it's totally anonymous. That's why I really love the advice forums here. If you want to talk to someone offline, here are a few people who I'm sure would be more than happy to listen: your parents, a sibling, a close relative, a neighbour, a friend, a friend's parent, a teacher, a guidance counselor, a therapist, etc.

      Talk to someone that you trust and feel comfortable talking to. =) I hope that everything works out for you. Good luck with everything.

      Take care of yourself.