How do I get her to stop stalking me?

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    • How do I get her to stop stalking me?

      Okay, so my best friend has really changed her behaviour over the past few weeks. It seems like she's trying to.. become me. She follows me everywhere, for starters. She doesn't talk to any of her old friends unless I'm talking to them too. She's really obsessive over me. She adds all of my Facebook friends, even if she doesn't know them.She stopped listening to music she likes in favour of music I like. She even cut her hair exactly like mine! How do I tell her to leave me alone, without hurting her?
    • Re: How do I get her to stop stalking me?

      wow i had this once xD
      she copied my hotmail address, even included my second name as her middle name everywhere, started listening to my music....went and bought the same clothes that i bought....did make up and hair the same
      even started calling my mum "mum" and my dad "dad"
      and loads of other things
      i think she just feels really close and dependent on you.
      one day i said to my friend like a joke "aawwww you only did that cause i did it already ;) "
      and she got all defensive
      theres no easy way to do it...
      or just generally bring it up like saying
      "awww remember when we did this and that? you were so different back then...and a lot happier...whats changed?"

      so yeah.. :/ lol
    • Re: How do I get her to stop stalking me?

      Why not sit over the coffee and have a nice upfront talk about this. If she confesses that she was indeed trying to copy you, tell her to stop. If this was accident, tell her what you feel and what all this looks like.

      In any case, she should not be doing this.
    • Re: How do I get her to stop stalking me?

      You're a role model to her, and if she truly is your friend then you wouldn't be wanting to tell her to get lost. Tell her to be herself, don't try and act like someone's she not, telling her to stop everything at once could potentially break the friendship.
    • Re: How do I get her to stop stalking me?

      Oh god i know the feeling, its hard for people who don't that it's not just them looking up to you, they copy everything you do and it's annoying as hell! The guy who did this with me has stopped now though of his own accord i think. This was years ago though, about 3 i think
      [CENTER]She's a bitch lol
      Can't you see it?
      Glad she's gone :)
    • Re: How do I get her to stop stalking me?

      It's possible she admires you, since she wants to become you. There's something special or interesting about you and usually one would be flattered in a situation like this, however, I can see where you're coming from. Talk to her about it and express to her how you feel. Ask her what the reason of her actions are and see if you can consult it that way. Tell her that you appreciate the gesture, but she should be herself instead of trying to be like you. You should also just be as forward as possible, tell her that you need a little room to breathe. She'll eventually get the point.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by armyforthebroken ().

    • Re: How do I get her to stop stalking me?

      Okay, so my best friend has really changed her behaviour over the past few weeks. It seems like she's trying to.. become me. She follows me everywhere, for starters. She doesn't talk to any of her old friends unless I'm talking to them too. She's really obsessive over me. She adds all of my Facebook friends, even if she doesn't know them.She stopped listening to music she likes in favour of music I like. She even cut her hair exactly like mine! How do I tell her to leave me alone, without hurting her?

      Ok, I know you don't wanna' hurt her feelings and whatnot. But if she continues like this you'll end up going crazy and hating her.

      You just simply gotta' sit her down and let her know you'd prefer it if she gave you a little more space - if she really cares about you she'll understand.

      Good luck.
    • Re: How do I get her to stop stalking me?

      My advice is to be straight with her.
      Tell her how shes changed and how you liked her better before.
      Hopefully she'll understand.
      Friends like that are so annoying at times.
      Hope it works out for you
      All thee best XO
      [SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Depuis toujours, dans tes rêves![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
    • Re: How do I get her to stop stalking me?

      First, are you sure you really want her to leave you alone? is she older or younger than you?

      After we get the above cleared up, I'll probably be able to help you more but for now:

      I think it's kind of cute that she's looking at you like a role model because maybe she doesn't have anyone else.

      But I do agree that she's going to far. I would sit her down one day and talk to her; as her why she's doing the things she's doing and see what she says.

      I think it's important that you pay attention to what she says because she already looks at you like a role model, I think it's important that you help guide and be there for you.

      But I think you also need to set some guidelines; you need to tell her you need some space, point out where and what's she's doing that caused you to feel this way. And maybe after talking to her and seeing what the deal is; perhaps, (decide this between the two of you.) you both need to spend some time away from each other.

      Not end your friendship; but take some time off, so to speak.