Hobbys madder?

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    • Re: Hobbys madder?

      Ummm... Well, there is a saying "Opposites attract", not that I've ever believed it beyond a physics point of view...

      Your interests do not have to be the cornerstone of your relationship though. I mean... I would never date someone simple because we liked the same things. It is more dependent on you as a person, your character and just whether you're fun to be around in general.
      And hygiene. Gotta have good hygiene.

      So umm to answer your problem, no - it should not be a problem unless you make it a problem; compromise and learn to like new things and your potential gf will do the same q:
      And yes, I mean why not? It's not interests you should look at, its the personality.
    • Re: Hobbys madder?

      People generally need to have some kinds of common interests to maintain a healthy relationship. However, those aren't the only things you enjoy doing, are they? I'm sure there are other things you can find fun, things that are more group-related activities. It's not like y'all can go on a computer animation date, ya know?

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: Hobbys madder?

      tiggerwalker wrote:

      Yeah but, if we don't like the same things what will we do?

      S: Do what any other teen does? No one ever really bases their dates on their own interests, they almost always follow stereotypical roles. Movies, skating, swimming (;, skating, hiking, going to one another's houses to hang, cottaging... ya...
      If you really like the person then the setting/activity of the date is just filler, what really matters is that you two would have something to do while you enjoy eachother's company.
    • Re: Hobbys madder?

      Hi there,

      Ever hear the saying that opposites attract? First off, I want to point out that you don't necessarily have to date someone who goes to your school. Believe it or not, there are tons of girls who do not go to your school (lol). Don't be in such a rush to date; take things one day at a time. Another point, you don't have to date someone who likes everything that you like. Actually, if you dated someone who had a lot in common with you, how boring would that relationship be?

      Having different hobbies and interests allows a couple to bond more while learning more about the other individual and perhaps expanding their knowledge on a wide range of different subjects and issues. I could appreciate you feel this way but honestly, don't set any of these kinds of barriers for yourself. Be yourself and when the right girl comes along, what does her hobbies and interests have to do with anything? If she really cares about you and vice-versa, you both can learn from each other.

      Don't think about it too much and just take things one step at a time. I hope that everything works out for you. Good luck with everything.

      Take care of yourself,