my mom said..

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    • Re: my mom said..

      A mother is not supposed to say things like fuck you and I hate you.
      A mother is supposed to love you no matter what and show you that.

      Theres no reason you should get over this.
      If it hurt you then express that to her and if she says she doesn't care then this is just from personal experiance, tell her you hate her too, tell her to fuck off.

      I mean it may not be true but you need to make your mom see that what she said hurt you.

      Did she even say this for a reason?
    • Re: my mom said..

      In a situation like this, the cause may be one of many. She may have been a young mom who had a baby and didn't ask for all of the stress that came with a child. The other end of the spectrum is that she may have just had a bad day, and took it out on you.

      Like several people said above, talk to her and tell her that it hurts you. If she doesn't give a damn, then there's no reason for you to hold back anymore. Although I will say that violence will probably get you into more trouble than you expect. The best way to end this is of course, to get to the root of the problem.
    • Re: my mom said..

      I agree with Kase, I just wanted to emphasize that a mother never has any right to say she doesn't love her child.

      A mother should never say she does not love or want her child, or that she hates him/her.
      A mother should never abandon her child or threaten to disown him/her.
      And a mother should never swear at her child.

      All of these things hurt, but unfortunately are done quite often. :( I hope she can see how this makes you feel, and that you can both deal with it without having to lash out.
      [SIZE=1][SIZE=2]S i m u l a t i o n: M e + H i m[/SIZE]
    • Re: my mom said..

      No.. it is not right for her to say those things to you ever. What exactly provoked her to say this? I might be able to help out a bit more if I know the situation.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: my mom said..

      Your mum obviously said this when she was stressed out and did not mean it at all a mothers love is unconditional and she is probably regretting what she has said.

      how about showing a bit of love to your mum show her you love her more than anything in the world do things that makes your mum happy and try avoid doing or saying things to make her upset and angry and blurt out things she does not mean and i bet you will hear her say different things nicer things to you.
    • Re: my mom said..

      A mother could never NOT love her children. No matter what she said, she loves you, just know that.

      If I were you, I would tell an adult, one that won't go to Child Protective Services and claim verbal abuse or something, but one that will sit down and talk with her, with you in the room of course. Perhaps a counselor, but they can be expensive, so talk to a school guidance counselor. Whatever you do, DO NOT tell the counselor why you want to have a conjoined session with her, your mother and you there. She may feel the need to contact CPS about it, but if you work out the issues in front of her, she most likely will not.

      I know counselors in my high school are there to help with school type related issues, but we also have a school physchologist. Not all schools have one, but a lot of them do. I would suggest going to see him/her first, and if there isn't one, go to a guidance counselor.

      Actually, you could always play the guild card, and make your mom feel like shit. As sick as that sounds, it may work, she might see the light and apologize. Try writing her a letter, that way you can get everything that you need to say out, without her interrupting you, without the screaming etc.

      Good luck!


      Joey19 wrote:

      Your mum obviously said this when she was stressed out and did not mean it at all a mothers love is unconditional and she is probably regretting what she has said.

      how about showing a bit of love to your mum show her you love her more than anything in the world do things that makes your mum happy and try avoid doing or saying things to make her upset and angry and blurt out things she does not mean and i bet you will hear her say different things nicer things to you.

      I have to disagree with that. Being nice to her after what she said will either be too hard to do, or will cause him further emotional damage. You're acting like it's no big deal what she said to him. She doesn't have a single excuse for what she said. I don't give a shit if she was stressed, she should have enough fucking self control to avoid saying shit like that. This kid couldn't have possibly done anything to warrant his mother saying that.

      It's true that there's no way that his mother could ever hate or not love him, but saying it and not meaning it hurts just as much as if she meant it. If I were her daughter and she said that to me, I would have smacked the shit out of her lol. Don't do that if you're a guy though...

      Best of luck, Lasvegas!

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Drew93: I fail at typing and adding quotes ().

    • Re: my mom said..

      I guess it depends on whether your mum said it once or all the time.
      There is no way a mother should say stuff like that. It sounds trivial, but have you tried talking to her? It may help!
      Or, get another family member/friend involved if it really carries on.
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      i'll be right beside you dear
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