The why of bi

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    • Re: The why of bi

      I think a lot of them/us (I'm not entirely sure yet) would and do try to do that. But sometimes you just meet a person and you're like... wow.
      From what I've experienced you don't differentiate between gender anymore, so where you say why don't we just like the girls, we could pose the question "If you like black and blonde haired girls, why don't you just date the black haired ones?" Well... you could if you wanted to, but sometimes you like the blonde haired girl better, sometimes they're nicer, and sometimes the change is just good too.
    • Re: The why of bi

      I guess because in the end it might be easier like if you were to start a relationship with the same sex you wouldn't have to come out and then immediately introduce your partner. It would already be understood.
      Bisexuality seems to be more often than not a "phase" though amongst teenagers so I'd say that they shouldn't come out at all. And I don't understand "coming out" to begin with.
      i don't sleep
    • Re: The why of bi

      I'm gay, I'm not going to come out to anyone, when I find that one guy, I'm just going to let my family mind their own business and butt out really. If I get married sure I'll invite them, and then at that time I will explain to them that it's not a girl, but otherwise I don't have a single intention of coming out to anyone or my parents. I've told one girl, and that was only so she could help me keep an eye out for guys, seeing as girls have an odd way of finding gay guys. :)
    • Re: The why of bi

      I think that is what the majority of bi's do. They just focus on the opposite sex, don't tell anyone, and it works out fine. I think many if not most straight (and gay) people are actually some degree of bisexual, but the degree is small enough that it is easier to just ignore it. People may choose to live a bi lifestyle because they prefer the same sex over the opposite sex, so both have their advantages, or they meet people of both genders who they want relationships with, or they live in a very accepting environment.
    • Re: The why of bi

      Because we fall in love with a person as apposed to a gender. The reason i came out is because you just get sick of living a double life. Also one of the reasons my first BF and i split because he was comfortable to come out but i was not.
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    • Re: The why of bi

      runner wrote:

      I think that is what the majority of bi's do. They just focus on the opposite sex, don't tell anyone, and it works out fine. I think many if not most straight (and gay) people are actually some degree of bisexual, but the degree is small enough that it is easier to just ignore it. People may choose to live a bi lifestyle because they prefer the same sex over the opposite sex, so both have their advantages, or they meet people of both genders who they want relationships with, or they live in a very accepting environment.

      In regards to what he said about straight people being somewhat bisexual, I've seen statistics that suggest that 1 in 3 males have bisexual urges - as he said though varying degrees do apply so often they are ignored.
    • Re: The why of bi

      danman wrote:

      I dont understand why you would only stick to one sex. If you like chicken wings AND pizza, and you had to pick one I bet youd be pissed. As far as im concerned its just more fish in the sea.

      haha..sorta liek a sexual buffet? I like your style of thinking..:ninja: