f my life

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    • well at the beginning of this year I met this guy B. We met at my one friends bonfire thing and he texted me the next day. I didn't really think to much about it we just talked and stuff. We hung out the following Saturday with my best friend A and her guy M. They had a thing for a while and were about to date. So it was just us four so i can't say i didn't know what i was getting myself into. So we all hung out that night and let's just say we had a really fun time... haha...so i didn't like him that much at this point but he was kinda just there. We hung out the next day at some girl's house whose parents weren't home or whatever. Thats when i realized i really did like him a lot and I could have seen us dating and stuff....Well we kept talking and then we hung out the following thursday with A and M, and my other bestfriend BW and her guy BH. So it was pretty much all couples and it was a fun time and stuff.....but the next day B didn't text me at all or call me or anything...I wasn't mad I just thought it was weird...So that night we all went to this party and B was there and he didn't even say effing hi to me. What a jerk. So we got into a bunch of fights and stuff because I really did like him a lot and it was pretty obvious he was using me...Well about 3 months after we were done he went skiing and effed some girl up there...idk i just can't get over him no matter how big of a jerk he is....hellllppp
    • Re: f my life

      same situation here...
      my ex sort of thing (we didnt really PROPERLY go out) but we like had this thing.. and we had a secret kind of relationship thing going for ages... and now i discover hes a complete jerk.. and recently i've seen him sleep around with like tons of girls.. yet.. i still find him.. spell binding. and i cannot help it! D=
    • Re: f my life

      Yeah I see why you can still be stuck on me. Number one this you can do is move on and I know that's not what you wanna hear. He was a total jerk to you and yeah it's gonna be hard to get over him but try involving yourself in other guys and look to your friends for support. Good luck.
      [COLOR="Purple"][FONT="Arial Black"]Damn that girl she's scandalous[/COLOR][/FONT]

    • Re: f my life

      So, you guys weren't dating, and you decided to get pissed at him for dating someone else, because he's just supposed to know (despite the fact that you didn't do anything to notify him of your feelings) that you like him?

      Get over it. And do something about it next time.
      Love it when you call me Legs
      In the morning, buy me eggs