I'm not racist, but it's true.

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    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      emoslovetoast wrote:

      I had to re-watch the video of him saying those things again to refresh my memory. I think it was decieve of TMZ.com and the people on the news station to only start playing the video AFTER the person had interuppted his show, they started AFTER he was calling those people the "n word". The guy interuppted his show, he was being rude, and Michael Richards got rude back. However he way overreacted and starting calling the people who interuppted his show "motherfuckers" and "niggers".

      However, the people he was attacking referred to him as a "fucking cracker" and "fucking white boy" in return. The way both parties handled the situation was very childish and impolite. No I do not agree with using the "n-word" to attack people, and I don't use it for any purpose, and I don't think Michael Richards was right to call those people that, but all the media kept mentioning was that he called our racial slurs. They never mentioned that the people too, in return called back racial slurs themselves and they usually didn't mention that they interuppted his show. So in the end, the problem appeared to be the fact that he called those people "nigger" and he apologized for that.

      I'm sure white people do use the "N-word" for that purpose, I've witnessed it firsthand, but you can't say that EVERY white person who has used it was being racist. My Aunt was involved in the civil rights movement when she was younger and she said that she often called her black friends "nigger" and they called her some white racial slur that I cannot remember at the moment, knowing my aunt I can be sure that she was not being racist.

      How do blacks use it?
      Main Entry: nig·ger
      Pronunciation: 'ni-g&r
      Function: [I]noun
      Etymology: alteration of earlier neger, from Middle French negre, from Spanish or Portuguese negro, from negro black, from Latin niger
      1 usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a black person
      2 usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a member of any dark-skinned race
      3 : a member of a socially disadvantaged class of persons <it's time for somebody to lead all of America's niggers...all the people who feel left out of the political process [/I]
      That's what it means, from Merriam-Webster Online

      That's a very racist remark. Who are you to say that ALL blacks use it as a term of fraternity? Or ALL whites use it as a weapon against blacks?

      Though I agree, the fact is either it's a bad word or it isn't. It's kind of giving blacks more rights, because they get to use the word "nigger" while whites can't because of someone's opinion of the way the general African American feels about the "n-word".

      I never hear it on TV except in a TV show or movie about racism. And about Oprah, she was asking a question.

      Um, yeah you do. Plenty.

      If it was in a reality show they would most likely censor it unless it was on HBO or something.

      What about Hispanic and Asian history month? What's the reason for that?

      (BTW, I always say this if I'm debating someone, I'm not arguing with you or getting rude just stating my opinion)

      You do understand that, that Black History Month is really just Black American History Month. Those groups just don't have as much history as blacks do, in America. Also, I never said that all blacks and all whites use it the same way. I'm saying that when it is used by blacks or whites, more often that not, that's how it's used.

      And that's odd. I saw this reality show on A&E about Skinheads a while back that used the N-word had the oh-so-frequent frequent use of the N-word uttered without censorship of any kind. And I'm pretty sure it's a fact, that most television shows are "clean", not to mention void of much racial content or controversy.

      And I just explained context. During the Don Imus phase whites were using it like crazy discussing it. I just can't see any other reason that whites in general would want to use the word for any other reason but to offend blacks. Do you want to start seeing things on the news like;

      "Candidate Barack Obama, may just be the first ever nigger president of the United States. He is gathering serious support from the nigger voting population. Today we ask the people, both white and nigger, if we're really ready for a nigger in office, and what that could mean."

      Is that the freedom you want? It's OK in a classroom, it's OK with blacks among eachother, it's Ok for a movie, documentary, maybe even special designated "edgy" channel. Black's using the word, isn't attacking any group of people because of their color. It's harmless. The fact that it was originally create as something against blacks though, should obviously show that it hshould be handled with way more care, when uttered by whites. It's not appropriate for whites to hurl it blacks, to use terms on widely public mediums (say morning news, televised sports game, etc.) Nor is it appropriate for blacks to say it on those same mediums, just as swear-words have their place as well.

      I use it. I personally make sure just not to use 'nigger' in the presence of white friends (what reason could I possibly have to?). Though I have to admitt, that some blacks I know tend either to flaunt it or just get really stuck to the habit (the ones that use it ofcourse). I'd never use it an essay or speech I'd have to read to a class though (unless said body was "ABOUT" it).

      This thread is like all about taking things at face value, such as "word blacks can say but whites can't", "million man march for blacks and not whites", "BLACK history month" and not examining, or bothering with meanings. It's looking what things are without the purpose. It's the "what", without the "why?"
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      FutureNavyMan08 wrote:

      Question. How come certain black leaders can rail and slur against the INNOCENT Duke basketball players, citing white oppresion of blacks. Of course, why should they apologize? All they did was lead in the persecution of innocent young men. NAACP? Apologize? Ha ha.

      Yet when Imus refers to a team as "nappy headed hoes", they get his job.

      Welcome to the double standard.

      On a side note, a local AME church burned down recently. The pastor jumped all over the regional media, blaming "male teenage white racists" for the innocent. This same pastor- who is black and certainly not a teenager (though I think his comments would certainly qualify as racist) was later discovered to have burned down the church himself.

      As far as the comments that more white people are celebrated than black people- are you saying the blacks have simply not accomplished as much as whites? That sounds pretty racist to me.

      Look, I'm going to be called a racist for pointing that out. Guess what, I could care less. I see the racial double standerd every dang day. Sorry, NAACP, I ain't shutting up.

      Yeah. They were way too busy picking cotton, and serving rich white men their meals, for much of that. But because of this, what human achievements accomplished by such a group of people that even after slavery were treated so badly by America, should be celebrated. Noted that it's black history. Those times are long gone. Hell better freeze over before kids start celebrating Russel Simmons or Oprah in Black History Month.
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      So just because blacks are blacks, we have to celebrate their accomplishments. Because black people are speacil now.

      Disband the NAACP and throw out black history month- those will be the greatest accomplishments for racial equality.
      It is a sad day when an innocent nation's flag is decried as hate speech.

      If I say it, I believe it. Most of the time, anyway. :lol:
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      FutureNavyMan08 wrote:

      Disband the NAACP and throw out black history month- those will be the greatest accomplishments for racial equality.

      Oh shit. That was mean lol. But seriously I agree. The spainards discovered America, and the Natives kept it alive. I'd celebrate those months before I did black history. Really I don't see the need for you to have a month about black people. If you truly had pride in your race, you'd celebrate it year round, and not feel the need to have a month dedicated to you.
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      Strawberry_Wine wrote:

      Oh shit. That was mean lol. But seriously I agree. The spainards discovered America, and the Natives kept it alive. I'd celebrate those months before I did black history. Really I don't see the need for you to have a month about black people. If you truly had pride in your race, you'd celebrate it year round, and not feel the need to have a month dedicated to you.

      Yeah...the abolition of slavery paled in comparison to the leaps and bounds towards true equality gettingr rid of black history month would do.:rolleyes:

      Man, not be offensive, but you need to think more about what your saying(I'm replying to you because you agree with the dude u quoted). Black History month, isn't a month for blacks. It's about the history; a certain people in time, and a certain struggle. The period of time is over, but it's still celebrated, because it's important, but not really studied as mainstream American history(since whites were really the ones who built America). Purpose, purpose, purpose. There is such a thing, as racial double standards, and even reverse racism, but it's being tremendously exxagerated by guys on this board.
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      The struggle is OVER. The NAACP, in its perveted greed, claims that it isn't so that they can get money while pushing their own racist ideals.

      I will not deny the acheivements of African Americans- look at George Washington Carver and his peanut-related innovations. The fact is (as someone has already said) that they should celebrate their culture year round, the same way in which we celebrate other holidays. Otherwise, you are forcing an agenda on folks that black people are "more speacil" than folks of other races.
      It is a sad day when an innocent nation's flag is decried as hate speech.

      If I say it, I believe it. Most of the time, anyway. :lol:
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      J.Walker wrote:

      Yeah...the abolition of slavery paled in comparison to the leaps and bounds towards true equality gettingr rid of black history month would do.:rolleyes:

      Man, not be offensive, but you need to think more about what your saying(I'm replying to you because you agree with the dude u quoted). Black History month, isn't a month for blacks. It's about the history; a certain people in time, and a certain struggle. The period of time is over, but it's still celebrated, because it's important, but not really studied as mainstream American history(since whites were really the ones who built America). Purpose, purpose, purpose. There is such a thing, as racial double standards, and even reverse racism, but it's being tremendously exxagerated by guys on this board.

      Isn't studied? I know I had to do my studies on it this past year in school. I just don't think it's justified that I am forced to spend a month studying about it. Ok yes slavery=very bad. And yes getting it abolished was amazing, but uhm ok. So what if the SOUTH would of won the war? You think slavery would of been as quickly abolished? There where white people trying to get slavery over with too you know. And so what about JFK, George Washinton, Aberham Lincoln, Einstein. These where white men of great accomplishment, why is it that they do not get a month to be praised? Electricity, Democracy, these are all amazingly important to today's world. Why is that only because you overcame slavery that you get to have a month? I don't see the Jew's getting a month. They had to live through being Killed Off. Just killed. Because they where jewish. Killed off. So they don't get a month for having to go through that. If you're going to have praise in your race. Good, I fully support that, do I think you should have a national holiday to support it? No.
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      Strawberry_Wine wrote:

      Isn't studied? I know I had to do my studies on it this past year in school. I just don't think it's justified that I am forced to spend a month studying about it. Ok yes slavery=very bad. And yes getting it abolished was amazing, but uhm ok. So what if the SOUTH would of won the war? You think slavery would of been as quickly abolished? There where white people trying to get slavery over with too you know. And so what about JFK, George Washinton, Aberham Lincoln, Einstein. These where white men of great accomplishment, why is it that they do not get a month to be praised? Electricity, Democracy, these are all amazingly important to today's world. Why is that only because you overcame slavery that you get to have a month? I don't see the Jew's getting a month. They had to live through being Killed Off. Just killed. Because they where jewish. Killed off. So they don't get a month for having to go through that. If you're going to have praise in your race. Good, I fully support that, do I think you should have a national holiday to support it? No.

      The holocaust; THAT WASN'T IN AMERICA. It's not about just being jewish, black, hispanic or white. Are you starting to understand what I'm saying. It's not celebrating a race. It's celebrating certain black Americans (in the case of the holiday in America) achievements from 1 time to another(not current 1z, and not because they were black). And thats it.

      It is not part of mainstream American history=fact. Particularly because in many cases America was AGAINST them. YES. It's called BLACK history month(so?). It's like people are obsessed with the name. It's not just about being black. Splitting the month into event specific days as is done with other doesn't change anything; it still exists, the purpose is still accomplished, but just spread out so it's less powerful. The messages are potent when strung together, and they are positive ones too.

      As for praising my race, technically, African-Americans are not my race. I'm Garifuna (you could wiki that if u want). We have a different history. But im still black, and living where I live im assimilated into the culture. But it doesn't even take being black to understand why things are as they are. It's not racist.
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      Not because they where black? Then why is it called "Black History Month"? I am not a racist person, I am just fed up. Maybe you don't live where I do. I live in the south, in a small town. It takes about 15 minuts to drive through it. So uhm, here we have to study that because the history teacher is black. What I am saying is, how do you see it far to have a big celebration of black history month, (and you say its not about being black, but uhm... it only celebrates acomplishments of black people) when there where just as many great white people who really deserve things. And yes the Holocaust wasn't in America, but uhm hello, we freed them, and took care of them after it. So it's part of our history, just as much as it is theres. And I understand what you're saying, so I'd appriciate it if you didn't question my ability to understand.
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      Strawberry Wine has made some excellent points.

      By the way, slavery was on its way to ending in the south. (Time for a history lesson folks :D) Slavery was declining for many reasons, but perhaps the most interesting is that poor whites needed jobs. Poor whites wouldn't mind the idea of moving into labor posistions, quite frankly they needed the money. At the same time, slavery could not be abolished all at once. Despite a decline in dependency on slaves, they were still needed. Throwing them all out at once destroyed the Southern economy, as anyone with half a brain could have predicted.

      What you are saying is that the accomplishments of black people are more important than those of white people simply because they are black. Strawberry has already covered this, so I won't reiterate it too much. But its a key point.
      It is a sad day when an innocent nation's flag is decried as hate speech.

      If I say it, I believe it. Most of the time, anyway. :lol:
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      The rest of the world never had a problem with blacks? Are you that blind to world history? Or just so desperate to hold a case you would argue blatant mistruth.

      Racism exits all over the world. Open your eyes. Its no more prevalent in America than any other nation.
      It is a sad day when an innocent nation's flag is decried as hate speech.

      If I say it, I believe it. Most of the time, anyway. :lol:
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      well, I think it depends on what you think is racist and what you don't think is racist. I think some people use those words to hurt other people, while otheres are kidding around with their friends.
      But I think why people are so consumed with whites being racist or whatever is from the years of opression that blacks and other minorities have gone through. I'm not saying that other races aren't racist against whites, I'm just saying that people still have a lot of anger left from past years.
      Sometimes your words just hypnotize me.
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      Case 1: The Ashbury Wilder incident. Charleston, SC

      This event occured in the early 90s. An african american man by the name of Ashbury Wilder was caught shoplifting and the police were called. It may be noted that Mr. Wilder had mental health issues. When the police responded, Wilder became aggressive. He attempted to charge the officers, weilding a knife. Facing a deranged, armed, and hostile suspect, the responding officers were forced to open fire. Wilder was killed.

      In the aftermath, the NAACP showed up, citeing racism as usual. Although no proof of the officers guilt has ever been found (It may be noted that all eyewitnesses agreed that Wilder brandished a knife and charged the officers). The NAACP lead numerous legal and social cases against the Police department. Several officers were forced to resign in an attempt to draw the bad publicity away from the department.

      Event 2: The Duke Lacrosse team case
      I'm going to spare everyone the full description here. We all know what happened. The NAACP jumped on this case early on. The lacrosse players were painted as "common white oppresors preying on black people" and had their reputations. It may be noticed that the NAACP never apologized for its insults and slander.

      Would you like more?
      It is a sad day when an innocent nation's flag is decried as hate speech.

      If I say it, I believe it. Most of the time, anyway. :lol:
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      And you know... it's not like we're the generation that's commiting these racist acts. What happpened to the other races happened hundreds of years ago. I said yes, because it is true. White people can't say a damn thing, we can't acknowledge the fact that we're white, cause INSTANTLY we're called racist. Saying we're supporting the KKK. WRONG!

      Fuck I totally agree with what you said.

      My best friend is a Jew and I make fun of her all the time. If, in your heart, you know you don't hold hatred towards the other races, but you still joke about it, then you're not racist. And as long as you don't seriously hurt someone's feelings. Like.. don't go running around hatin on people, and you're fine. FUCK I really really agree with you.
      [CENTER]. : Hard Work Pays Off in the Long Run. Laziness Pays Off NOW : .[/CENTER]

      [CENTER]:wink: Member of the Kind of Weird Sexy Club :wink: [/CENTER]
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      Criminal Mastermind wrote:

      Well, you grabbed half of my family from the east coast of africa and took them to haiti against their will on tightly pacced slave ship's. And you raped my ancestors too, thats why my mom's skin is light. On my other side of the family, you took over india and disregarded indian's. You made them grow cotton instead of wheat and millions died. And when my greta grandfather resisted getting a christian wedding to retain his cultural isentity you called him a bastard and his wife a whore. You assaulted him, and he assaulted you bac. You then send him and his family to south africa and make him work on a damn railrode, forced labor.

      Thats why white people deserve all the shit they get. They had it coming.

      As I've seen others here post, I didn't do any of this to your family members. I wasn't living then, and neither were you. You can't blame me for something that I had no control over. Why should I get punished for something that possibly NONE of my family members had anything to do with all because of the color of my skin?

      You're going to sit there and rant and rave about shit like that, but what if I posted something about how MANY of my ancestors were Native Americans? Can you assure me that you wouldn't bitch at me about how they ran my ancestors away, not ME, so I have no right to complain?
    • Re: I'm not racist, but it's true.

      There is no O in BLT wrote:

      Umm dude. I didn't do any of that. I wasn't alive then, and I CANNOT help what color skin I was born with, just like you cannot help what color skin you where born with. So why should I pay the price for all the atrocities that happened in the past, when I obviously had NO control over them?

      Don't get me wrong, I am sorry all that shit happened in the past. But I cannot do anything to change it and had absolutely nothing to do with it happening.So why should I be held accuntable for them?

      If it is ok to hold an entire race accountable for stuff that happened in the past, then I should be allowed to hate all Americans for all the anti-Irish stuff in the 1800's and early 1900's. I should hate all Americans for all the No Irish Need Apply. How is that right?

      I really don't want to offend anyone with my post, I don't hate or dislike anybody based on skin color.

      I agree. Part of my ancestors are Irish, many are Native Americans, and there's a few other races mixed in there. I don't hold certain groups of people accountable for what happened to my ancestors, so why hold me accountable for what happened to your's, especially when you're basing it off the color of my skin, without knowing anything of my heritage. If I were racist towards certain groups of people all because of what they did to "my people", I'd probably end up being racist to myself. It's stupid. Let it go, people. I don't owe you anything, and I did nothing to you or your ancestors. I have no control over what happened in the past, so stop acting as if I do. And the same goes for me. You don't owe me anything, and you did nothing to me or my ancestors. You have no control over what happened in the past, so I won't act as if you do. Simple as that.