i'm not much of a ladies man

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    • i'm not much of a ladies man

      and i'm okay with that. but i'm so lame and quiet that no girls ever seem interested. i used to have a kind of mysterious thing going on but...it doesn' seem like that's a good way to meet girls...ummm...i'm kinda lookin for a female version of me...only prettier haha. any advice you could give me. mean other than the obvious talk more thing.
    • Re: i'm not much of a ladies man

      Hey there,

      Well, I can relate to you in a way because I'm a pretty quiet/private person. For me, meeting guys is extremely difficult. The best advice I can give you is just to be confident and take that extra step of faith to talk to a girl you're interested in. Don't always judge someone by how they look; perhaps you can try to make a whole bunch of new friends and get to know other people better. Do you know what I mean? Try to make new friends and I'm sure you'll find someone you like. Keep in mind that getting into a relationship is really not a necessity and don't feel pressured into getting a girlfriend. Be who you want to be.

      I hope that everything works out for you. Good luck with everything.

      Take care of yourself,
    • Re: i'm not much of a ladies man

      If one tactic fails, it's time to try another. You've been trying the whole mysterious, silent guy routine, and it doesn't seem to work. Now it's time to try and be more.. outgoing. Ultimately, however, you need to be yourself. If you're naturally a quiet guy, try and talk a bit more, but don't change yourself just to get a girl. That would be 'living a lie', which doesn't work.

      Maybe the next time you talk to someone you like, try and find a "comfort zone." If you feel more comfortable talking at a certain location, like at a park or while taking a walk, try and talk to the person there. =)

      Good luck!

      Support Leader,
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • Re: i'm not much of a ladies man

      Hi there :)

      First, you need to have confidence in yourself. Confidence is the key thing that most people are looking for, it really shows. Second, perhaps it's time to get yourself out there. You know the obvious already (which is to talk to people) and it works! Socialize with your peers, your classmates, etc. However, you want to maintain your individuality or what makes you you. If you're quiet and shy, and that's what you're comfortable being, then I know it must be out of your comfort zone to be a little more outgoing. Just try not to sweat it and don't be afraid to try something a little different than normal.

      Good luck!
      Support Leader,

      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: i'm not much of a ladies man

      I guess you should just work on your personality. Keep exploring who you are, what you like, and how you socialize with other people.
      Personally, I don't even say a word and I can get any female to notice me in class. I think it's just an "aura" that you exude that attracts girls.
    • Re: i'm not much of a ladies man

      This thread tells the basic truth for increasing your girl-meeting chances by about 300%.

      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Chivalry isn't dead. It's just being a really good ninja.[/SIZE]
    • Re: i'm not much of a ladies man

      ariet wrote:

      Confidence how?
      by getting a life :D

      - hobby
      - friends
      - talk to girls often ( get a friend whos a girl who could give out some female secrets)
      - get some style :D if u lacking that cos i am

      This summed it up pretty well.

      Hobby- My girlfriend loves music. So do I. We talk about it alot and we're both in marching and jazz band.

      Friends- Self-explanatory, you need to look some what social lol

      Talking to girls- Besides the obvious talking to them to get them to like you, its also helpful to be friends with the girl you like's friends. They can give you helpful advice and if they're not gossipy, then hopefully they won't tell the girl everything you said. =)

      Style- Yeah, basically, dress nicely, have a nice hair cut, shave, etc...
    • Re: i'm not much of a ladies man

      watup dude...

      my advice to you is just to go one step at a time. If you rush with girls you don't feel comfortable around, you will be lost for words... Try to find a girl who you think you could be compatible with.. now don't go up to her right away and start talking to her because that would just be creepy with the way you described yourself. If the girl you choose has any classes with you, ask her about what you're doing in the class and for some help. Since she probably knows that you're shy, it will look good to her that you're going up to her because you don't do it on a daily basis. Once you feel more comfortable talking to her, expand the conversation topics.. Just talk about TV, school, movies, food, etc etc. anything that you can find common ground on. and MAKE SURE THAT THE CONVERSATIONS ARE 2 SIDED... let her talk more, and do not talk too much. good luck bro