Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me?

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    • Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me?

      So. Basically I'm 17 and I go to a very small high school... For almost a year I've been trying to supress the attraction I have for other girls. I've always had a boyfriend and I'm sure it would be the last thing people would expect from me. I'm so confused. I know its such a hard lifestyle and I want to know for sure before i commit to bisexuality. I could see myself in a commited relationship with a female... but not a sexual one. PLEASE help me... please.
    • Re: Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me?

      Hmmmm well a year isn't very long (sorry if you thought it was xD) so I'd perhaps give yourself some more time. As you said, it can be a big thing to up out about so you would want to be sure.
      I'd just enjoy your current situation and just keep it in the back of your mind. there's a whole life ahead of you for if you decide to explore those feelings
    • Re: Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me?

      All girls can feel that way about other girls. It's natural. You're all willing to fuck one another under the right circumstances. But if you're not sexually attracted, then you're not a bisexual. Get a better boyfriend to experiment with. One that's actually decent in bed.
    • Re: Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me?

      Njord wrote:

      All girls can feel that way about other girls. It's natural. You're all willing to fuck one another under the right circumstances. But if you're not sexually attracted, then you're not a bisexual. Get a better boyfriend to experiment with. One that's actually decent in bed.

      A rather crude oversimplification... I would not change anything, just live your life. When it is time to come out you will know - trust me, it starts to erupt more and you have a drive to put yourself into the limelight.
    • Re: Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me? wrote:

      So. Basically I'm 17 and I go to a very small high school... For almost a year I've been trying to supress the attraction I have for other girls. I've always had a boyfriend and I'm sure it would be the last thing people would expect from me. I'm so confused. I know its such a hard lifestyle and I want to know for sure before i commit to bisexuality. I could see myself in a commited relationship with a female... but not a sexual one. PLEASE help me... please.


      I seen your thread and it reminded me of myself not long ago. I was utterly confused and just, couldn't kinda get my head around the feeling. Unlike you, my feelings for other woman came all at once - You say you know you've been feeling attraction towards other girls for over a year, right? Well, mine just hit me randomly and all at once - which shuck me up, bigtime.

      And, when you say you can't imagine being sexual with another fellow female; I also very much understand that, too. Because I never thought i'd want that neither - I just wanted a relationship with a girl - without sex. I was comfortable and confident in knowing that. However now, with being with my girlfriend 5 months today - and her being the person that brought all these feelings on - I very much so have changed my mind about the sexual side - I want all aspects of a relationship with her as I would if I were with a man.
      It all came with time - it takes time to let the feelings sink in. wrote:

      I know its such a hard lifestyle and I want to know for sure before i commit to bisexuality.

      It's only a hard lifestyle - if you let it be one. Sure, some people will not agree and accept - but, that is there opinion, respect it - but don't let it prevent you from being happy. You cannot change who you are - as much as I understand it being hard. But ask yourself this; What is more important to me? My being happy with my life? Or, being someone I am not?

      To me, the only way you will be sure of being bi - is experimenting. No one can tell you what you are and like - only you can make that decision, you know what I mean? If you are not happy with being with your boyfriend because of these feelings, then, maybe you need to re-evaluate your relationship?

      If you ever wanna chat, PM me :)

      Take care,
    • Re: Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me?

      Many girls can experiance this and it could just be curiosity.
      If its stressing you out you need to just stop thinking about it.
      If you are bi then you are, its not like anyone can change your sexuality.

      And if you are bi you're still attracted to guys too.

      Just stop thinking about it for awhile.
      See if it goes away, it could just be curiosity or a phase.
    • Re: Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me?

      you'd be surprised how many would be accepting, though the guys that accept may just be hoping for a show. lol. the idea is to just forget what everyone thinks. people too often place their happiness in other peoples hands and decisions, dont be one of those people, take control of your own happiness and be who you are. :)
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • Re: Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me? wrote:

      So. Basically I'm 17 and I go to a very small high school... For almost a year I've been trying to supress the attraction I have for other girls. I've always had a boyfriend and I'm sure it would be the last thing people would expect from me. I'm so confused. I know its such a hard lifestyle and I want to know for sure before i commit to bisexuality. I could see myself in a commited relationship with a female... but not a sexual one. PLEASE help me... please.


      You shouldn't be ashamed of what and who you are - your friends and people around you wouldn't change you for the world, I'm sure. Which means if you do tell them and they react badly, then they were never real friends and aren't worth your time.

      You shouldn't care what people think, you love who you love - whether they're male or female, who cares? As long as you're happy that's all that matters, right?
    • Re: Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me?

      Thanks guys!
      You guys have helped a lot... and trust me, I'm not bi curious. But I don't want you to be confused... I am in no way ashamed of what I am. I'm so happy that I've finally let go and embraced it that I can't stand it. I just very recently came out to my best friend and it was amazing.. of course they said they knew all along. =)
      Bottom line is I'm learning new things about myself and I'm loving it.
    • Re: Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me?

      Is it all girls or just one? Sometimes straight girls get a crush on one girl, but it really doesn't mean anything.
      Also, have you ever had any sexual experiences yet with either gender?
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me? wrote:

      No it's not just one girl... it's all girls. Well maybe not all of them. But it's kind of the same way that you're not attracted to every single guy you see. I am generally attracted to the female body and mind. And I have had experiences with both.

      I'm not attracted to any guys I see. x]

      And I am sorry, I didn't realize my reply was late and that you had it all figured out.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me? wrote:

      Hey it's no problem. I'm just glad there's so many awesome people on here willing to help me out!

      I just know the how to's when it comes to being attracted to the same gender and can understand how hard it is to go through the confusion of sexuality so I am more than happy to help others through it since I unfortunately had no one to help me through it since I was the first lesbian to come out at my high school and the only full on lesbian that I know. I had lots of gay guy friends and bisexual friends of both genders throughout high school (and still have lots now that I am in college), but all of them came out after me.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?