My Group Hates My Best Friend

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    • My Group Hates My Best Friend

      This might be a little long I 'll try to shorten it. I have a best friend, (Lets call her Friend A) shes kinda a smartass and she can be a little annoying sometimes, but I just tend to tune it out because I'm really shy and she is one of the closest friends I have in school. She was even the one who introduced me into the group in the first place.

      Turns out that everyone thinks shes bitchy and said that she told them the she wasn't in our group anyway. So I asked her if that was true and she told me that she felt that she has to go out of her way to chill with our other friends and stuff, but she still think that these are her buddies.

      I ready to tell her that no one really likes her but I don't want to start up drama, but I also can't stand them acting all sneaky and saying crap behind her back.

      Should I tell her?
    • Re: My Group Hates My Best Friend

      I think you should be honest with your friend, that the group talking about her behind her back makes you angry, and although they are your friends, you still consider her a really good friend too. Make it clear that she means as much to you as they do.

      It wouldn't be fair to break the news to her in a way that would make her feel as if you also talk about her, dislike her, etc. etc. In fact, them liking her or not, shouldn't affect you in the least, considering that she is your friend, and you should respect her as such.

      Good luck!

    • Re: My Group Hates My Best Friend

      Well would you want to know if they were talking about you behind your back?
      You should really be honest with your friend.
      It might hurt her but I think its something she needs to know.

      And you should really try keeping her away from the group as much as possible.
      Go out with her sometime and hang out with them another.