I feel kinda dumb...

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    • I feel kinda dumb...

      Well, I have this friend, let's call her Kara. Near the November, she introduced me to one of her guy friends, let's call him Geo. So Kara and Geo have been friends for a while, maybe a year or two, and I start talking to him too.
      I don't LIKE him, but I really do appreciate him as a friend. So anyways, today he went over to her house and they played around, and he msgs me saying the pictures are up.
      I was confused, so I looked, and that's how I found out he went to her house. It didn't SURPRISE me, but I felt a little jealous of the fact they hung out without me. Or maybe even he hung out with her and not me.
      I know my friend might feel the same way if it had been vice versa, but I feel so stupid for getting jealous over that.. ugh...I don't know =\
    • Re: I feel kinda dumb...

      No offense, but he was her friend first, so maybe they just wanted some time together? I don't think it necessarily had anything to do with leaving you out as such, it was just some alone time for them.

      But if it really made you feel bad, I suggest you talk it out with her and him. See what they have to say?

    • Re: I feel kinda dumb...

      I feel that way all the time; I get jealous whenever any of my friends hang out without me. But you need to understand that your friends don't necessarily have to include you in everything that they're doing. Some days, one will hang out with you without the other and other days they'll hang out with everyone. I don't really let it bug me, because I know they'll always be my friends no matter what. Don't let it bother you and you'll be fine.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: I feel kinda dumb...

      It's simply part of life.... sure, it's painful, but it happens. Jealousy can be a divider among friends. It could be the whole "male attention" thing. I know I get upset when one of my guy friends hangs out with another girl instead of me. Or I feel completely left out when a friend makes plans with someone else and leaves me out. It's very intuitive that you'd recognize that "Kara" would be upset if you hung out with just "Geo". She may have a crush on him but hasn't said anything.

      Don't let it stress you. Just take the initiative to invite them to do something with you. :)