18 months and still not over her

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    • 18 months and still not over her

      Its been a year and half now and im still not over my ex. We went out on and off for a 3 year period and finally we just stopped just seeing eachother all together. i dont know weather it was because we stopped having so many lessons with eachother in school, but after the age of 14 me and her have really drifted apart. Im 16 now and i still feel EXACLY the same about as i did when we went out, if not stronger emotions beause ive matured.

      I havnt had a relatonship with anyone else since then, and she still is to this day the only girl i truely love. But as much as i hate it, i know she has been going out with other guys and is pretty much over me. I havnt seen her in the flesh for months now, but ive looked at her myspace and ive spoken to he over MSN a few times and its clear shes over me. The conversations are alot different now, its all small talk rather than deep conversations what we used to have. Its always me starting the conversations aswell and they quickly go stale. I feel the spark we used to have is gone and i really do miss it.

      It doesnt help that i dont have any other girls to focus on, i feel that if i had other girls to talk to and be friendly with, getting over her would be alot easier. But all the girls i know either have serious boyfriends or i simply dont want to be with them or they dont want to be with me.

      Im finding accepting shes gone a really hard thing to cope with, ive never had to get over a serious relationship before so im finding it extremely tougth. No matter what i say to myself to get it into my head that shes gone forever, another part of me keeps telling me to hold on either because there is some form or deluded hope or because there simply is noone else there.

      I want to tell her how I feel but it feels awkward to tell somone i havnt spoken to in a while about my deepest emotions. Im pretty sure if i did it would freak her out and shed probably show all her friends and current boyfriend what i said and have a good old laugh about it.

      Its been the last 2 or 3 months that have been the hardest because i realised how long its been and how little ive moved on, i feel like a total loser. I really need to get over and i feel that i need some good advice from people who have gone through this before. The only person i can talk to about it at the moment is my best friend and although hes a good listener , hes very crap at giving good advice.

      Any help or feedback is greatly appreciated thankyou, feel free to ask me any othe questions or information that you need, to give me better advice.
    • Re: 18 months and still not over her

      Well, I'm sure it is a tough situation for you to be in. You need to be willing to move on. If it's clear that she's over you then stop giving yourself false hope. There are other girls out there, you just need to be patient. Right now you're hurting and it may seem like there isn't another girl out there for you, but there's still plenty of time for you to find someone. You're still young. You holding on to the idea of being together again isn't going to help you move on. It's not easy and it certainly won't happen overnight but in time you will find it getting easier to deal with. You can still be friends with her, but realize that friendship is what you have and nothing more. Like I said, it's not easy to accept but it does get easier. When you talk to her, don't expect to have meaningful conversations and don't expect to magically bring the spark back to life. Have a friendly conversation like she's any other friend of yours, don't set yourself up to get hurt.

      Focus on other things. It doesn't just have to be girls. Right now, you need to get over your ex or else any other girl could just be a rebound. Don't have expectations, just build friendships before trying to rush an instant connection for a relationship.

      It's time to move on. You can do it, just be willing to let go. Good luck.
    • Re: 18 months and still not over her

      It seems to me that the biggest obstacle in getting over this girl is yourself. Or, rather, it doesn't seem like you're trying to. You tell yourself that you are, but in actuality, you're indulging some absurd fantasy where she hasn't gotten over you, you're still with her, and things are perfect.

      Here's the deal. She has. You aren't. They're not.

      Do yourself a solid and concentrate on your life, instead of hers, or rather, her place within yours. If she wants to be part of your life, she'll make the move. You're not helping either one of you by constantly pulling her back into it.

      Allow yourself to move past her, and get on with your life.
      Love it when you call me Legs
      In the morning, buy me eggs
    • Re: 18 months and still not over her

      thanks for your replys.

      Im finding it gets a little easier every day. But i still feel deeply in love with her :/

      It doesnt really help her boyfriend has the same name as me...

      Her message on MSN was 'i love you [name]' and for a second i thought she was talking about me.

      Im contemplating weather i should tell her how i feel about her, i think she deserves to know.

      Replys are really appreciated..
    • Re: 18 months and still not over her

      I was with a girl for four years. We broke up In November but we got back together around January and It lasted about 3 weeks. I thought I had to have her back and she is the one, I cant live without her, Its gonna be so hard to find someone else, Ill never go out with someone as long as that again etc etc...but getting back with her was a mistake. It didn work after we broke up because the trust was gone because she randomly ended it and I thought she probably would again. I loved her to bits It just wasn the same the click was gone.

      I'm 19 and I consider myself to young to be in a serious relationship. Just keep your chin up. When it happened to me back in November I was a wreck but it only makes you stronger. I'm done with relationships for a while I'll just let it happen if there will be one I'm not going to go looking. Dont think you have to be in a relationship because you dont have to be. Have fun while your young and dont tie yourself down thats what I've learned. I know every teen couple or whatever will call me stupid and say im wrong for saying this but when your young theres always going to be someone in the relationship that will start wanting other things and thinking am I too young for this.
    • Re: 18 months and still not over her

      It sucks, not to be over someone but the best advice I can do is let it go, Move on other fish in the sea. Also to lose some type of contact of with your ex until you are ready to agree with yourself that your completely over it. You should try some type of hobby like writing or drawling it might ease the pain even more.