I need urgent help

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    • I need urgent help

      I need to know if you can help. I have tried to kill myself three times already. First I used a broken pen to rasp the skin off my arm. That didn't carve deepenough to actually do anything. Then I tried to slash an artery using a steak knife. No good. I was way too cowardly. Finally I tried to jam a pen through my wrist. It didn’t work because I hit the wrong spot. If you can help me please respond. Just be aware that I have some serious problems and so you need to keep an open mind If you don’t know if you can help please respond anyway. I NEED HELP.
    • Re: I need urgent help


      The first thing I need to say is this - calm down, walk away from any distractions and take a deep breath. You are obviously in some serious depression, otherwise you wouldn't be trying to kill yourself. But I need to tell you, killing yourself isn't the answer. By killing yourself you are taking a cowardly way out, a desperate attempt to get out of a situation that may not actually be as bad as you think.
      You don't say why you tried to kill yourself, so I can't give too much advice, but I want to say that no situation is impossible to resolve. It may take time, it may take guts and courage, but you can do it and you will get there.
      You really, really need to talk to someone close about this, because it's really hard for us to help you over the internet, although we'll do all we can! Talking is SO hard, I know, and it may be embarrassing to you because you feel you can't talk about it. I know, I've been there. But you have to talk to someone about this. If there is one thing I really want you to do, it is tell someone. Parents, teachers, counsellors, whatever. You HAVE to tell somone.
      There are ways to kill depression. Don't forget we're coming into Spring, and that Winter may have left you felt feeling like shit. One of the best remedies is to get outside, take a walk, go for a run, a bike ride, whatever. Distraction techniques are the best way. If you can't get to your cutting instuments, you won't feel to inclined to do so.
      I really hope this helps, if you want more advice, PM or talk to me :)

      - MollFace
      [CENTER]♫♫ even if you cannot hear my voice
      i'll be right beside you dear
      like my advice? +rep me! ;)
    • Re: I need urgent help

      if you wanted to die truly, you would have done it. you value life because your afraid of death. so keep valuing life. problems in life do not always last, most do not. teenage years are known to be the worst and most stressful and depressive part of everyones lives. its natural to feel this way, as almost everyone does at some time or another. take a deep breath and evaluate what is good in your life, focus on what you have instead of what you dont have. let that be a reason to live. :) those that love you, that care for you, thet would only be hurt if you died, so why hurt them if you care for them?

      live, and be happy. I'm here if you need to talk, please dont hesitate to pm me.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • Re: I need urgent help

      There are other ways to let your emotions out. Harming yourself should be last on your list. Write music, Its a great outlet for your emotions and its actually constructive. No matter how bad things get... It will get better. It always does, I promise you. You just have to hang in there. Dont let the people/things win by killing yourself. Thats the most cowardly act you can ever do. You have to face your problems you cant run away.

    • Re: I need urgent help

      On a less assy not. Uhmmmm look at it this way.
      WHy make yourself suffer for other people being dicks? Hurt tHEM instead of you!
      I myself went through some tough times. I saw it that way. I just held in my anger.....most of the time but yeah. Hurting others > Hurting yourself

      Not trying to be a BIG dick but uh...
      really? If you were really trying to kill yourself, this post would have never been made.
      Lets face it, your life sucks but you don't wanna keel yourself. There are other ways to solve your problems than to pretend to kill yourself.
    • Re: I need urgent help

      And uhmmm normally I wouldn't say this but...... don't kill yourself maybe? That is for the biggest cowards. Not being able to kill yourself is not being a coward........ You consider getting some help here or something. Like post something that is really bugging you irl and im sure people will reply with decent answers.
    • Re: I need urgent help

      Flashfire07 wrote:

      I need to know if you can help. I have tried to kill myself three times already. First I used a broken pen to rasp the skin off my arm. That didn't carve deepenough to actually do anything. Then I tried to slash an artery using a steak knife. No good. I was way too cowardly. Finally I tried to jam a pen through my wrist. It didn’t work because I hit the wrong spot. If you can help me please respond. Just be aware that I have some serious problems and so you need to keep an open mind If you don’t know if you can help please respond anyway. I NEED HELP.

      You don't want to kill yourself.

      Put a movie on.

      Grab a bite to eat.
    • Re: I need urgent help

      I don't know what's going on in your life right now or what's going through your head, but I can only guess. Things may not look that great right now and it might feel like you're at the bottom, but give it time and it will look brighter for you.

      First, I want to commend you for taking that first step and asking for help, that takes a lot of courage and a lot of strength to expose your problems to complete strangers. That takes a lot of guts to do so, praise yourself for that.

      Second, it would seem like the only way out is if you end your life, thus ending your troubles. Whatever problems you're going through; whatever obstacles that are in your way, you need to gather up the strength to overcome them. The only way out is if you make that change, a positive one, and seek someone that will help you (or find an alternative - pen to paper and keep a journal or blog). Giving up is the coward's way out. Fortunately for you, you have been given another chance to live, another chance to better yourself and make a positive effort. So, take this opportunity and don't throw it away.

      Third, as I've mentioned before, there are people who can help you. Whether it be friends, relatives, or any other trusted adults; there's always an ear that will listen to you and a shoulder for you to lean on. And if it sounds uncomfortable to talk to someone about it, don't back out - just give it a shot and make an effort. It's best if you express your feelings to someone than having these emotions bottled up.

      Whatever you do, please think twice on it. Take the above advice, as well. They are all good people who have given great suggestions.


      Be well, be safe.
      Support Leader,

      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: I need urgent help

      Please, talk to someone. That's what most people in this thread have said, because it's true. Suicide isn't a good way to escape from your problems - sure, you don't have to deal with them anymore, but it's nowhere near worth it.

      Remember, there are no second chances if you succeed in killing yourself. You're worth so much more than just a tragic death. Hang in there, and be sure to ask for help.
      [COLOR="Silver"][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"]Back me down from backing up
      Hold your breath, now, it's s t a c k i n g up!
      Etched with marks, but I can deal
      And you're the p r o b l e m, and you can't feel.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
    • Re: I need urgent help

      if you have a problem,
      face it with courage
      and outmost faith.
      Suicide wouldnt
      be that helpful.
      That'll just worsen the prob.
      Seek help from your
      parents and friends,
      or someone whon you can trust.
      life is beautiful, and if you'd kill
      you will not be able to
      se the rest of it's beauty.
      as ive always say,
      "there's no limit of what faith can do"
      God is always with you.

      take care and Godbless

      please dont harm yourself in any way.
    • Re: I need urgent help

      Flashfire07 wrote:

      To all those who posted on this thread. Thanks. Most of you gave helpful advice and things aren't as bad anymore. I'm still a bit of a mess but I don't want to die anytime soon. So, again, thanks for all the support.

      That's really good...but if u ever need to talk or rant, feel free to message me...I've been really depressed before, so I can relate...anyway, I hope things stay good or get better for u...
      Please check out my blog at http://mylifeinverse.com/ or check out my youtube videos at http://youtube.com/mylifeinverse Thanks, loves!