Why is my best friend acting this way?

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    • Why is my best friend acting this way?

      This will be sort of lengthy, but I appreciate you for taking the time to read this! I have over a year to cover in this question, so I think you can understand why it's so long... Thanks!

      Well, let's start off with a story: My friend is only 3 days older than me, and our parents have known each other since before we were born. She also lives right across the street from my grandma! (You can see how we met). I've literally known this girl all my life! We're 14 now.
      I used to live with my grandma in kindergarten and we'd play after school almost every day. We were the best of best friends could get.

      Well, I moved away since then, only about an hour away. They also live in the closest major town. So we go there often, especially to visit my grandma. Well, last summer I spent 2 weeks at my grandma's house and at this point in time I hadn't seen my friend in 6 months. So, her mom has her run an errand over here and she comes in, gives my grandma something, and leaves. She doesn't say, "Hi," to me or anything. She didn't even look at me directly (Like acknowledge I was there), but I'm sure she saw me, it's not possible she didn't. And no, she wasn't in a hurry, she has no excuses there. When she left she kinda skipped down the driveway a little. (She might have tripped, I don't know)
      Then the next day her and her mom were cooking dinner. They were out of corn and called my grandma to see if we had some. We did, so she had me run some over there for them. My friend was acting all silly around me now. Talking in a slightly silly tone of voice, and acting goofy. Then when she went to go back inside (We met halfway in her driveway) she kinda skipped back inside. (Definitely not a trip this time)
      By now I'm just confused.

      We hardly ever hang out anymore because we don't live close by and she's never at home. Between school, homework, sports, after-school stuff, church, etc, etc.... She's always busy. We used to hang out more than this for a while after I moved, but now it's starting to get were we don't hang out as much... And whenever we do have the chance to hang out we never end up doing it. I really miss my friend and I'm wondering why she's acting like this. When we actually do get to hang out, it's just like the old days when we were best friends. But after that we usually don't see each other for long periods of time. We're still friends technically I guess, but it's definitely not like it was.

      Now it's been over a year since I've hung out with her, yet we've had a chance to do so last summer, and a few times before/after that. And by, "hanging out," I mean that I was out of coke to drink, and me and my grandma were outside. Then my friend and her mom came outside, and they were going to the convenience store to get some things. So my grandma sent me with them. When we got back home I grabbed a seat on their front porch and watched her and her mom strip the finish off of a dresser because they were redoing my friend's room. We hardly talked at all and it was pretty awkward for me. If you call that 'hanging out' then you're pretty lame. I haven't hung out with my friend since.

      I even asked her if she had a boyfriend while her mom walked away for a second, and she replied, "No." in a very quiet voice, basically whispering. I did notice she was smiling a little, but it didn't seem like it was out of embarrassment at all. Don't ask me why she smiled, I have no idea.

      What really gets me is that we've never had a fight, ever! I can remember only one time in like, 1st. or 2nd. grade. We were playing hide-n-seek. I counted to 20 or something and she hadn't found a place to hide yet, so I instantly tagged her. So she got mad and we started arguing about what number to count to. When that's your biggest and only fight, you know you're good friends!!

      Also, one time when we were like 9 or 10, 11 max, she came over to play and we went into the playroom. After hanging out for a while she grabs a stuffed toy and starts hitting me with it. It had hard-plastic eyes and I told her it hurt and to stop. All that did was make her giggle and hit me even more...

      I know that's like, 100% flirting, but we were really young!

      So the most recent time I saw her my grandma goes in the laundry room which is were she now keeps the toy chest. I saw the stuffed toy she 'beat me up with' and it jogged my memory. So I grab it and confront her about it. I said, "Do you remember this? You beat me up with this!"

      She said, "Did I? Are you sure?"

      I reply, "Yeah I'm sure! You don't remember, seriously?"

      Then she's like, "Nope! I do a lot of things I don't remember."

      She had the same smile and the same silly tone of voice as before, like she was happy I brought it up. I thought this was really weird, because well, it's like 90% probable it's a lie. I don't see why she'd lie about that, though. :allnight:

      When we do hang out every now and then we're still good friends and get along fine. She's never said anything about not wanting to be friends, and she's always nice to me. That's why I don't get it.

      For the record: We're both 14. I am a boy, she is a girl (Sorry, I'm not gay :p), and I have a crush on her. (You can see why)

      Now after all that, you're probably wondering what my actual question is!

      Well, I really want to know why my friend is acting so weird. It seems so strange to me that she acts so weird when we barely get to hang out. Why would she act like this? Now, like I said, we're still best friends when we actually ARE hanging out, but whenever we don't see each other for a long period of time like this... she acts like this...

      Thanks for your time! Sorry I made you read all that... Also, please excuse any bad grammar, I'm sort of sleepy. (It's 2 A.M. here)

      Rock on,
    • Re: Why is my best friend acting this way?

      Maybe it's just as awkward for her as it is for you when you don't see each other for long periods of time. We can't say for sure why she acts this way. It could be for a number of reasons. You should spend more time with her and see where it leads. Even as best friends, you should make an effort to spend more time with each other. Distance isn't easy but it doesn't help that nobody tries to make real plans to hangout. You can also use the phone or IM to talk with her. Make the effort. Nothing will change if you don't take the steps to change them. Talk to her more and spend more time with her and see if there's potential for something more than friendship. Good luck.
    • Re: Why is my best friend acting this way?

      My best guess would be that she has a thing for you and she may have just realized it as you moved away. That happens to a lot of people, one of them "You don't know what you got til' its gone" situations. Now the fact that she has a thing for you might make her more shy and more self conscious about being around you due to the fact that she wants you to think about her the same way and she's scared she's going to do something wrong to conflict that. I don't know that would just be my best guess. If I were you I'd talk to her about it a little more straight forward, maybe even talk to her about the fact that you have a crush on her.

    • Re: Why is my best friend acting this way?

      Jasmine wrote:

      Maybe it's just as awkward for her as it is for you when you don't see each other for long periods of time. We can't say for sure why she acts this way. It could be for a number of reasons. You should spend more time with her and see where it leads. Even as best friends, you should make an effort to spend more time with each other. Distance isn't easy but it doesn't help that nobody tries to make real plans to hangout. You can also use the phone or IM to talk with her. Make the effort. Nothing will change if you don't take the steps to change them. Talk to her more and spend more time with her and see if there's potential for something more than friendship. Good luck.

      I see your point, but it's hard. I actually used to IM her for a while after I moved, at least a year or two, but then she stopped coming on AIM completely. I've noticed she only really gets on in the summer anymore, and it's for like 5 minutes max. Unless she goes on as invisible.... I found her myspace page too, and she doesn't get on it too often either, only once in a few weeks. And I don't have a myspace to talk to her with. X( I'm not really sure see gets online too much, but then again, there are other things on the internet than myspace and AIM.

      But I'm definitely going to make a point of it next time I see her.

      Thanks for the replies everyone. Keep it up.
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]
    • Re: Why is my best friend acting this way?

      It does sound like she might have a crush on you. It could also be that she doesn't know how to act around you since you two haven't talked in such a long time.

      As Jasmine said, make a bigger effort to hang out with her more. Talk to her. MSN, AIM, Yahoo, Myspace, those are all good on the internet. There's also phones though. So try different ways to communicate.

      After you hang out with her for a bit more, see if she's still acting strange. If that's the case, tell her about your feelings. Tell her that you've noticed she's been acting a little strange, and you can tell her how you feel about her even.

      Just do what you feel comfortable with, really. Things tend to work out if you go with the flow.

      Good luck. =)

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      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • Re: Why is my best friend acting this way?

      Nihoru wrote:

      It does sound like she might have a crush on you. It could also be that she doesn't know how to act around you since you two haven't talked in such a long time.

      As Jasmine said, make a bigger effort to hang out with her more. Talk to her. MSN, AIM, Yahoo, Myspace, those are all good on the internet. There's also phones though. So try different ways to communicate.

      After you hang out with her for a bit more, see if she's still acting strange. If that's the case, tell her about your feelings. Tell her that you've noticed she's been acting a little strange, and you can tell her how you feel about her even.

      Just do what you feel comfortable with, really. Things tend to work out if you go with the flow.

      Good luck. =)

      Support Leader,

      I'm going to. Thanks for the advice everyone!

      It's also very interesting to know that she might have a crush on me also. <(^.^)>
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]