A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

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    • A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      A Little Thing Called Common Sense



      Hello, everyone. My name is Just_A_Dude here on TH, and after reading various topics (here and in other places) and having experiences in real life, I have decided to make a topic to discuss common sense. I don't plan on making this very short, because I have many points and topics to cover. I've also aimed this at a more mature audience, but I don't mean mature by age. I mean mature by attitude, I don't expect an 11 year old to care for this topic, but all ages are free to read and share their thoughts if they wish (it's not like I can stop you, I'm just letting you know you're welcome to speak you mind here without negative thought toward your age to the maturity of this topic. Example: "Oh, you're way too young to know anything about that," posts will not be tolerated). For the record, I'm only 14, and I know how immature some of my peers can be, so I feel this is a very mature topic coming from someone my age. Maybe I wont word it as mature as I'd like, but oh well. Here goes nothin'.

      So if you don't like reading or deep discussions, this is your stop.

      Please note that this topic to to discuss opinions and views from our whole community, so no flame war stuff AT ALL. Your view is just as welcome as anyone else's, you are not to come here to put down other's thoughts just because you disagree.

      If the mods find this too deep or don't like the idea of this, please close or delete this thread. I just thought this would be a very interesting topic, but I don't think it's breaking any rules.

      Let's Begin the Discussion

      Okay, let's get to it. As stated above, I plan to cover multiple topics here, and I'm writing this in text editing software because I want this to be really clear and understandable with good points made, not rushed and incomplete.

      I really want everyone to read the whole thing if you're going to be a part of this discussion, but feel free to skip around as you wish. Are you ready? Don't worry, I'm not either.

      The Way We Treat Other People

      Okay, I wanted to start this off with a simple and easy to understand topic that wouldn't scare anyone away right from the get-go. So let's talk about something we've all experienced: Jerks.

      (I play the Pokemon TCG, make fun of me if you will, I don't care. I was just going to let you know you might not completely understand some of the stuff in this section due to the fact you probably don't play Pokemon. Also, this was originally written for a Pokemon community, but I post it wherever I go. And I don't feel like going back to fix this whole section up just for you. :p)

      One day at a small tournament, a Pre-Releases I believe, we all went to go see the next round pairings. Being held in a small hobby shop, it's kinda crammed getting to and from the Standings sheet when all three divisions are trying to fit between two rows of tables, so we all inch our way up. I find my name on the list and find my table number. I see my oppenent is the "crowd" and call him over. As soon as he gets to me, we're still trying to inch ourselves away. With people in front of me, I can only move so fast. So, he gets behind me and tells me to, "Move faster," and then shoves me. I lose some of my balance and hit the person in front of me, a Junior (Term used to describe a player age 10 or younger) mind you (And him). So I quickly apologize and get to my table. I expressed my feeling toward what had happened to the person who shoved me before we began our match. I just don't understand how someone could be like that. We're all trying to get out, we're all moving slow, and he has to go shoving people? I just don't get it, what's the point? What does he gain from shoving me into other people? Creative name calling before a match? Oh wow, real mature.

      I'll end this topic now, you get the point that I'm trying to make. Don't you? Why do people act so rude and mean to everyone, even people who have done nothing to them? What do they gain from this? It's just so wrong the way we treat each other.

      The Way Parents Raise Their Kids

      So, now that we've discussed the way people act so rude. Let's get to the problem: The way they're raised.

      As a parent, your only job in life is to raise your child correctly. Nothing else matters in your world until you're 100% sure your child was raise up right. So how could you make a mistake in this? No, wait, I take that back. Everyone makes mistakes, but why must you make so many? Did you not learn from the first? Second? Fourth? Tenth? 100th?! What excuse do you have to raise someone like the people stated above? How could you let yourself be a failure? I just couldn't imagine not raises my kids right. You are the authority in their lives, they do as you say. You tell them what's right, and what's wrong. When they break the rules, or do something against your wishes, you punish them (Like grounding, I don't mean beating kids up). What else could be easier? It's not rocket science. If you take away the source of the problem, there will be no problem.

      Well, I'm only 14, I don't know much about parenting. Now do I? But I do know it's not always the parents fault. That section was mainly just meant to tackle the people who let their kids run off and do whatever the hell they want even though they know it's not good for their kids. Outside sources (such as peer pressure) cannot be blamed on the parents if the kid decides to smoke weed because his friend told him to. Is that seriously the parent's fault? No.

      But as a parent, if you think it's bad for him, you should not allow him to continue to smoke weed and hang out with that friend. Encourage him to stop, tell him why it's bad, etc. Don't just let him do it, don't cave in. If you give up, you are a failure, and that is your fault.

      Parents aren't a one-stop blame shop, but you can blame a lot of fucked up stuff of the parents that is their fault entirely.

      It's time to end this one, too. My point here is simply just trying to say that no matter what you do, parenting isn't something you can do just half-way. You have to stick with it for at least 18 years, if not more. Don't take on the challenge if you can't handle to pressure. Are we going to have to start passing out tests to see if people are suitable for parenting? Get real, people.

      TV and Video Game Ratings and Censorship

      Ratings are a good thing. They help us decide what to let our children watch based on the content inside. This is definitely a plus, but why are they so strict? I understand why they include sexual and violence ratings, but why do we need one for language? Better yet, why do we have "language" at all? (I'll explain in the next section) And I really don't understand the violence category, either. I know I just said I did understand it, but let me explain.

      There are parents who don't want their children to get the wrong idea from watching TV and playing games. I can respect that, but between you and me, I've been playing video games since I was about, ummmm, like, born. I remember playing mortal kombat when I was 4. That's kinda young to be playing video games, much less M rated ones. But take a look at me, even though I've been playing violent video games since I was 4 I still don't walk around beating people up, I've never had the urge to shoot someone, I've never tried to rip someone's head off, I've never hijacked a car. I haven't even ever been in a fight. Do you know why? You guessed it, and it's what this is all about. I was raised with common sense. If parents raised their kids with some common sense like my parents did me, we wouldn't have kids taking guns to school, or kids steeling cars. Or at least, not as many. There's always going to be a mental case out there... We just want to cut down on the idiots.

      I can understand one for heavily violent scenes involving lots of blood and gore, guns and stuff, but having a show rated "TV-Y7-Mild Fantasy Violence" What's up with that?


      I know kids who eat the crap up like breakfast cereal. And we have a Rating for it. AHAHAHAH!!


      They're just words after all. I mean, if someone were to say, "Holy Crap!" What's the difference if they say, "Holy Shit!"? It's the same exact message, but yet everyone views the second phrase much more offensive. Is it just me, or have we lost our minds? It's just a word, a made up word. What's the problem? We view any of the list of seven, and a few more not on that list that are also considered very inappropriate, and sure, some of them are, but what about the one above? "Crap/poop/dung/turd/etc" over shit? I just don't get it, they're the same to me. Let me put it this way: If you were to put a picture next to both words in the dictionary, you'd use the same picture. Simple enough, right?

      So why does everyone view them as "bad words"? We image what things look like as we speak and hear, our brains are an amazing thing. So when you say, "Crap," or when you say, "Shit," you instantly think of the same thing. What makes the other one so much worse?

      And it's time for an end to this one, too. My point should be crystal clear. They're just words that mean the same thing, but yet one is worse than the other. No, I don't get it either.
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Just_A_Dude: Added Clarification for a few things. ().

    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude


      Okay, this is a touchy subject, but I'm going to see if I can't handle this sensitively.

      First off, before I say anything here I'm going to bring religion into the mix. I normally don't do this, and I really don't like to add religion into discussions that aren't related to religion because everyone has their own views and opinions, and perhaps the strongest are in this area, but I feel it's necessary here.

      When God created Adam and Eve, he created them, you guessed it, naked. When Eve ate the Fruit, they learned about good and evil, and eventually realized they were, ummm... Naked....

      If God created us nude, he obviously didn't have a problem with it... Right? Okay, you're not religious, we evolved naked. Happy? Either way, we aren't born with clothes on. Why do we view nudity the way we do? Nudity is just not acceptable in public, that's what society tells us. But why? Why does society tell us this? God didn't mind, we surely didn't (but do now), but yet it's almost taboo today. People just think it's bad. I don't get it. I mean, I'm not against clothes or anything, I love the idea of clothes, I can't stand being cold. I'm just saying we view nudity like it shouldn't even exist. It's a private matter between you and yourself, but you're born naked for the world to see. What made us feel this way? I know we've been wearing clothes for thousands of years, but that's beside the point. Why are we so ashamed of our own bodies, and why are we so offended by other people's? What if it was impossible to make clothes, would we walk around covering ourselves with our hands? And what about animals, why don't they fret over things like this? My dog could care less about being naked as long as he has food and a good belly rub every now and then, and that's the truth.

      I'm not trying to convince anyone to become a nudist. I'm just trying to say that your nudity isn't bad. I wear clothes everyday, but I'm also not scared to see myself or other people naked. If there was anything truly wrong with it, trust me, you wouldn't be born naked.

      Yep, I done here. I don't want to come across like the whole world should be a nudist community or anything like that. I'm just saying it's natural, and there's nothing wrong with it, and that it's not such a big deal. I'm not saying you shouldn't wear clothes, I'm just trying to figure out why we just can't accept being naked. We as humans are (supposed to be) more intelligent than that.

      And please don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about nudity in a sexual manner. I'm just talking about nudity. There is a difference between sexuality and nudity, that's why they're two different words.

      People, is it just me, or have we lost our common sense?

      I just don't get it, what has the world come to? You see, Japan has the right idea, or at least they're closer to it than us. They don't care if their kids hear a few "bad words" in their cartoons, they don't freak out about the smaller things like we do. Why are we so worried about things like this? Are we that focused on trying to be perfect? And I know we're not the worst, other countries are even stricter, but we're the "free nation" right? I'm just lost for words as to how stupid we all really are. I sure do type a lot to be lost for words, huh? Oh you just wait, I'm not even done yet. I had your hopes up with this little section here, didn't I?


      Okay, I want to talk about religion now. I'm going to tell you a little story that happened to me and my mom in the grocery store one day. Well, like any day you go to the grocery store, we were buying food. My mom was wearing some shirt that had something to do with the band Black Sabbath. It was a rock concert t-shirt, I think, but that's irrelevant.

      For those of you who don't know, Black Sabbath is a metal band. One of the first and most influential actually... But anyway, this person walked up to us as started basically preaching to us about how if we listen to that music we won't get into Heaven and all that nonsense. And obviously liking Pokemon, you know I've heard I'll go to hell for it, too.... BECAUSE PIKACHU IS SATAN!!!!
      So, basically I can't do anything I want to without going to hell. How lucky am I?

      Now I'm not trying to attack religious people here, I can respect your beliefs, but I expect you to respect mine in return. I understand that in the Bible it tells you to spread the name of the Lord, but there is a limit on this. You can't just force someone to do something they don't want to, you just can't. They can ask me anything they want, invite me to their church, or anything else because I respect their beliefs and I'm not a rude person. But when you tell me I'm not going to Heaven because I listen to a noise (because that's all music is: a sound) you've crossed the line. I ask of you to find me one verse in the Bible that says I'll go to hell for listening to rock music. Find one, just one. When you find that, you've won the argument, but until then don't threaten me on assumptions. God didn't give you that right.

      So my question is: Where do they get off? What gives them the right to threaten someone like that? What makes them better than me? If they truly believe I'll go to hell for listening to rock music, then why don't they care? I want to listen to it and I'm going to listen to it, I've made my choice. Let's say I will go to hell for it, let me go. I obviously knew the risk, and as far as your concerned I'm lost anyway. Just because you don't like my music doesn't mean it's bad. And what about the metal genre of religious songs? Those aren't bad, now are they?

      I just don't understand how people who claim to follow God, the person whose, "love is unconditional," can be so rude and mean to fellow human beings at times.

      I'll end this one here. Now, like I said, I'm not against religion. I respect it, all I want is a little respect in return. Is that too much to ask for? I can grantee that if I told a religious person that their bodies will rot away in the Earth after they die because they preach about the Lord and that He isn't real and they just waste a whole bunch of time... Well, that would offend them.
      Well, if you tell me I'm going to burn in hell, guess what. I'll be offended too.

      I've come to the conclusion that we've lost all common sense.

      Alright everyone, I've said enough and I'm tired of typing. I'm sure I've managed to offend numerous people with this thread (probably with the religious part more than anything), and I'm sorry, but I just couldn't take it any more. I had to say something.

      If anyone would like to add a topic to discuss, feel free to do so, this isn't just about how I feel. And thank you for taking the time to read this huge post. It means a lot, because personally, I'd probably skip around.

      Oh, and after reading this you'll probably think that I'm crazy. Well, you're probably right, but I never claimed to be sane, now did I?

      Well, there you have it, I've left my mark here. This will most probably be my best post ever, sorry if that's disappointing.

      Rock on,
      toxictaipan :rockon:
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]

      The post was edited 8 times, last by Just_A_Dude: Added Clarification to some things. ().

    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      The Guardian wrote:

      If right and wrong are subjective, how can all this be right?

      How is any of it wrong? I thought I made great argumentative points.

      You can't justify that dude shoving me, parents should raise their kids right, there is nothing wrong with nudity, everyone has their right to their own opinion when it comes to religion, you aren't automatically wrong because you don't agree, and "bad words" mean the same thing as "good words."

      I fail to see where any of that's wrong....
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Just_A_Dude: Added some stuff. ().

    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      Just_A_Dude wrote:

      How is any of it wrong? I thought I made great argumentative points.

      You did, Unfortunately their are people, like in Christianity and other religions namely; Christianity. Such things I have encountered as one, believing in this. However I will not defend them, because we too are guilty, of more than this in many cases.

      In my personal experience, I watched a Church be split apart because of a difference in the scriptures that they had stumbled upon, in trying to interpret it. In this case, one side thought it meant God was to be feared, be afraid of. While the other side thought based off the Hebrew translation, that God was to be respected, awe. Despite this, they could not get along eventually the church split.

      I watched, as the tempers flew, and words spewed out of their mouths, cutting the hearts of everyone. I saw a 21 year-old girl run out of the room crying. The parents before this got out of hand escorted the children outside.

      There are many other examples I could reveal, such as a pastor having an affair. And later on, when discovered a fight in Church broke-out and police were called. We have our darkside to, none of us being perfect.

      That was their opinion, many times for the opinion of the individual to be against certain types of music, they are elderly. I would be, among those persecuted as well, as many of my friends would be to. It may be rock and rock, hip hop, and so on however many of these still have some moral to the song, or story.

      Yes, I agree with some of your points, including that we've lost all common sense. NASA being a namely example.

      As for nudity, Guys are visually stimulated I'm sure they would not mind nudity. However their are many things that would happen, and the privacy and protection one used to have would be gone.

      PS: I called a bluff. Just to see how you would respond. :)
      [CENTER]We're the first to fight, the last to leave. We're your worst nightmare, and your greatest blessing. We are the US Marines!
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      The Guardian wrote:

      As for nudity, Guys are visually stimulated I'm sure they would not mind nudity. However their are many things that would happen, and the privacy and protection one used to have would be gone.

      PS: I called a bluff. Just to see how you would respond. :)

      The protection wouldn't be gone. Like I said, I'm not saying run around naked because I want you to. I'm just if you really want to, you should be able to. Public nudity is illegal in some places, but it's natural. WTF? :confused:

      Oh, and nice bluff!
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      Just_A_Dude wrote:

      The protection wouldn't be gone. Like I said, I'm not saying run around naked because I want you to. I'm just if you really want to, you should be able to. Public nudity is illegal in some places, but it's natural. WTF? :confused:

      Oh, and nice bluff!

      So what is natural and what is not?

      First, lets look at what would be taken away by allowing such.

      Imagine yourself in a world where everyone is nude, and you with everyone else are now on the subway. Now, how much would it take for a young man, standing right besides a nude woman to go from standing to more than?

      Men are visually stimulated, what women had before? clothing protection, some that gave them in some case reassurance. In case of a rape time, to get away, for a stranger to help. Protection.
      [CENTER]We're the first to fight, the last to leave. We're your worst nightmare, and your greatest blessing. We are the US Marines!
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      The Guardian wrote:

      So what is natural and what is not?

      First, lets look at what would be taken away by allowing such.

      Imagine yourself in a world where everyone is nude, and you with everyone else are now on the subway. Now, how much would it take for a young man, standing right besides a nude woman to go from standing to more than?

      Men are visually stimulated, what women had before? clothing protection, some that gave them in some case reassurance. In case of a rape time, to get away, for a stranger to help. Protection.

      But everyone wont be nude, you would still have the choice to wear clothes. And may I ask you... What would happen if clothes were illegal to wear in public? What if we never invented clothes in the first place? What then?

      And about rape.... That leads back to bad parenting. Someone who was raised right would have more respect for a fellow human being than that.
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      Just_A_Dude wrote:

      But everyone wont be nude, you would still have the choice to wear clothes. And may I ask you... What would happen if clothes were illegal to wear in public? What if we never invented clothes in the first place? What then?

      And about rape.... That leads back to bad parenting. Someone who was raised right would have more respect for a fellow human being than that.

      Bad parenting cannot be blame for everything. The first question you would have to redress is "Why did we invent them?"
      [CENTER]We're the first to fight, the last to leave. We're your worst nightmare, and your greatest blessing. We are the US Marines!
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      If so, why does the people in some of the hottest areas of the earth wear them? Clothing has more than one purpose.

      In some case like just recently released there is bulletproof clothing. Lightweight weighing only one tenth of what normal ballistic armor does, the fabric is eight to ten times stronger than steel. And of all things President Obama wore some at the inaugural speech. The purpose of this clothing is to stop bullets, knives, and other potentially deadly objectys or things.

      Then you have some thing like designer clothing, take a dress for example. Made to grab attention or attract it.

      Military BDU's made to be long lasting and tough.

      What do all have in common? Clothing provides protection. In the case of a rape, the more clothing one has no the longer time its takes for the one committing rape. Potentially giving time to escape, injure, or allow someone else to step in.

      Soo why is it, if designed for one purpose do we still wear it? Or even have it?

      There is more than one reason.
      [CENTER]We're the first to fight, the last to leave. We're your worst nightmare, and your greatest blessing. We are the US Marines!
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      The Guardian wrote:

      If so, why does the people in some of the hottest areas of the earth wear them? Clothing has more than one purpose.

      In some case like just recently released there is bulletproof clothing. Lightweight weighing only one tenth of what normal ballistic armor does, the fabric is eight to ten times stronger than steel. And of all things President Obama wore some at the inaugural speech. The purpose of this clothing is to stop bullets, knives, and other potentially deadly objectys or things.

      Then you have some thing like designer clothing, take a dress for example. Made to grab attention or attract it.

      Military BDU's made to be long lasting and tough.

      What do all have in common? Clothing provides protection. In the case of a rape, the more clothing one has no the longer time its takes for the one committing rape. Potentially giving time to escape, injure, or allow someone else to step in.

      Soo why is it, if designed for one purpose do we still wear it? Or even have it?

      There is more than one reason.

      Protection from the element(s). Clothes not only keep you warm, but light colored clothes also reflect sunlight, reducing heat....

      If we didn't have guns or knives (etc.), we wouldn't need bulletproof clothes. You invent things you need. Clothes weren't invented to prevent rape, that's just a handy little coincidence.

      But I agree, there is more than one reason. Each reason varies from person to person. And like I said, there isn't anything wrong with clothes, but there isn't anything wrong with nudity either. It shouldn't be illegal. It's natural. You (society) are denying me the right to be natural? Control freak much?
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      Just_A_Dude wrote:

      Protection from the element(s). Clothes not only keep you warm, but light colored clothes also reflect sunlight, reducing heat....

      If we didn't have guns or knives (etc.), we wouldn't need bulletproof clothes. You invent things you need. Clothes weren't invented to prevent rape, that's just a handle little coincidence.

      But I agree, there is more than one reason. Each reason varies from person to person. And like I said, there isn't anything wrong with clothes, but there isn't anything wrong with nudity either. It shouldn't be illegal. It's natural. You deny me the right to be natural? Control freak much?

      What is natural?

      Control freak? hardly, I am however warning you of the potential dangers of it. If nude, not everyone could control themselves.

      But right, I must head to work... I'll pick it up later, eh?
      [CENTER]We're the first to fight, the last to leave. We're your worst nightmare, and your greatest blessing. We are the US Marines!
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      The Guardian wrote:

      What is natural?

      Control freak? hardly, I am however warning you of the potential dangers of it. If nude, not everyone could control themselves.

      But right, I must head to work... I'll pick it up later, eh?

      Something natural is something that can happen naturally in the world without man's interference.

      Since you are born naked without man's artificial interference, it is natural.

      Oxford Dictionary: Natural: Existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by mankind.

      Because your nudity isn't caused by mankind, it is natural.

      But not everyone can control themselves even with clothes.... People still get raped. What's your point? If someone has the intentions of rape, clothes wont stop him, it's will just slow him down. And really, it wouldn't take that long for an average man to tear through underwear. You also wouldn't have to completely remove the clothing either, pulling it down just a little bit would be enough... :/
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Just_A_Dude ().

    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      DamnImGood wrote:

      I always find statements like this interesting. Humankind is no less natural than any other creature, yet something we do is no longer considered natural. Why? We all evolved together. Even if we were created by a supreme being, we've all come from the same place and therefore are all equal. I realize the distinction we have from the rest of the animal kingdom is the ability to think freely, but that shouldn't negate our naturalness.

      We are natural, but the things we do are not. Anything we can do without help from tools is pretty much natural. Building a house from twigs and palm leaves is natural. Taking nails and timbers and hammers is not. Nails and hammers do not appear naturally in the world without us crafting them.

      For it to be natural it already has to be there, without our help. We must craft the hammer, we didn't harvest it from a tree that grows hammers naturally. If there was a hammer tree, hammers would be natural. But since they are manmade, they are.... Manmade.
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      DamnImGood wrote:

      But why is something manmade considered unnatural? Are beaver dams unnatural? Bird nests? Ant hills?

      So you're saying structures created by man without tools is a naturally occurring structure? A home built from twigs and leaves is as natural as a beaver dam? Where do you see huts and homes made naturally in the world?

      Admittedly, there is a grey area concerning things like shelter, but you can't tell me that stuff like clothing, cell phones, cars, etc. is natural. They don't exist on their own, they are manufactured. Granted, humans aren't the only beings that manufacture, but there is a distinction between things that occur in nature and things we use natural resources to create.
      Love it when you call me Legs
      In the morning, buy me eggs
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      Bebop wrote:

      Admittedly, there is a grey area concerning things like shelter, but you can't tell me that stuff like clothing, cell phones, cars, etc. is natural. They don't exist on their own, they are manufactured. Granted, humans aren't the only beings that manufacture, but there is a distinction between things that occur in nature and things we use natural resources to create.

      Screw whatever example I gave, ^that's what I meant to say.^

      Do cell phones occur naturally in the world without man? No. Do clothes? No. Does nudity? Yes.
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      Very well, than I shall use animal hide and tendons to create cloths, being natural. How and who are you to say what is and is not natural?
      [CENTER]We're the first to fight, the last to leave. We're your worst nightmare, and your greatest blessing. We are the US Marines!