need advice.. please help

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    • need advice.. please help

      hmm here is the shortened version: i like this girl, want to ask her out, and to prom but can't isolate her from her friends during school. she is considered "more popular" than i am but i have seen a lot of signs from her that tells me she likes me.

      1. Should i ask her to prom or to go out first?
      2. How should i ask her out?
      3. How can i isolate her from her friends

      oh and i don't have her number

      thanks for anyone who answers.. it will be much appreciated and if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by JesseRider23 ().

    • Re: need advice.. please help

      okay so im guessing your american im english so i dunno how old u r but i gues it doesnt matter...
      she seems to like you if she was complaining about not being able to sit next to you. why not tap her on the shoulder and pull her away some where it will make her intrieged and it will give u a chance to talk. Why not ask to meet after school or out of school? start small to see how she reacts. for example if you meet out of school a few times and your getting close and getting on well why not ask her to prom.

      Theres always a chance of rejection but i guess thats life if things dont go so well try not to dwell on it and make things awquard ...

      think positive you've got this far ! :) ... don't worry about acne if shes a nice girl and likes your personality she won't care

      goodluck x !

      p.s Ask for her number !!
    • Re: need advice.. please help

      thx for the advice guys.. i appreciate it

      i would rather ask her out before i ask her for her number... sorry i wrote a lot before didn't even realize it haha i will shorten some of it so its easier to see.

      anyways does anyone know good ways to isolate her from her friends or if i should ask her to prom or ask her out first? thanks
    • Re: need advice.. please help

      killy750 wrote:

      ask her when she's with her friends, that will show her ur man enough

      yeah but she is in a whole different mindset while she is around her friends..

      fuck it.. i will find a time alone w/ her in school, grow a pair, and ask.. but should it be to prom or out on a date to chill first.. i am thinking chill first then if it goes well ask her to prom
    • Re: need advice.. please help

      I don't quite understand why you can't isolate her from her friends. If she likes you, then she won't care about taking 5 minutes out of her life to talk to you. You say she gives off signs of her liking you, therefore this shouldn't matter. Honestly, I would ask her to go out first, that way you can get aquainted with her outside of the school scene. I'd also make it known that you want to go to prom with her too though, that way she won't say yes to anyone else. The best way to ask someone out, is always straight-forward asking her out. If she likes you, then it won't matter how you ask her out. You can 'isolate' her from her friends by asking her before class or after class or by just asking if you can talk to her real quickly.
      -Best of luck! :]
    • Re: need advice.. please help

      Try be friends with her best friend, form a strong relationship there. After you do this, ask her friend if she likes you. You should ask her out first BEFORE you take her to prom, coz itz gonna get awkward. When you're on the date ask her if she wants to go to the prom.
      :ninja:Fool Me Once, Shame on you. Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me!:ninja:
    • Re: need advice.. please help

      I assume that if you two already did hang out on a regular basis, this wouldn't be an issue, so you should see if she wants to hang out sometime after school.

      Don't ask her out to prom just out of the blue. Get to know her first. It'll also increase your odds of her saying yes. But make sure you have enough time. It's April, prom is fast approaching.
      Love it when you call me Legs
      In the morning, buy me eggs