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    • Re: Flirting

      I wouldn't necessarily call it "cheating" but I think its really fucked up to flirt around behind someones back if your in a relationship with them. Idk that's just my personal thought on it.

      EDIT: There are exceptions though, Like if your just playfully flirting with a close friend or something that's different... Kind of.
    • Re: Flirting

      Depends on different relationships, like 'open' ones and that stuff.
      Honestly, if I was in a relationship it'd be like cheating on me if the other person did.
      But it'd depend if they were genuinly interested in the person they're flirting with.
      If it was prank-ish it wouldn't be a problem.
      And it also depends on what they're like as a person, anyway. People who don't know me think I'm a flirt, but I just need attention. o_O
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
      [CENTER]You did it, beautiful.<3[/CENTER] <- Don't be a fgt. It makes you look bad.
      [RIGHT] <-Blog of godlike proportions.
    • Re: Flirting

      Flirting is generally a way to pick up potential boyfriends/girlfriends. So if that's the case, I don't think it would be acceptable, because you're leading people on. However, if it's a playful flirt where the parties involved know that you aren't being serious, I don't think there's a problem.

      As others said, talk to your boyfriend about it. If you're both fine with it, and everyone understands, it's no biggy.

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    • Re: Flirting

      Well everyone knows I have a boyfriend and if I meet them I make that clear too. I naturally flirt a lot. Its playful like just complimenting and putting my arm around them and stuff. That's pretty much how I act with any of my friends. There's no kissing or anything like that. My boyfriend knows and since he lives kinda far away we only see each other once a week. We know we would never actually cheat, but there are situations since I'm 17 and he's 18 where we hafta let the other one out a little. (Like he slept in a girl's dorm room yesterday because she had an extra bed and his friend didn't) We are very sure of our relationship so we have pretty loose boundaries I guess. I'm not looking for a boyfriend/ girlfriend, but I'm still young so I want to have fun.