Having almost no social life?

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    • Re: Having almost no social life?

      Basically, there is nothing wrong with you!
      I was always told its better to have a few good friends then none at all which meant for most of high school i was just like you. Eventually, you will meet a friend that you can always hang out with or do whatever. Dont feel bad or let it get you down. Just be yourself and everything will be fine.

      Ohhh yeah! & dont worry about saying stupid akward things around girls because once you find the one thats worth your time, she will understand. ;)
    • Re: Having almost no social life?

      Hooligan wrote:

      try being more confident when you speak, if people can tell you're shy they wont talk to you as much because they think it'll be awkward. just be yourself instead of using jokes and stuff to fill the silence. if you really wanna go out on the weekends you have to make some new friends, doesnt mean abandon your old ones, just make more friends that like to hang out more on the weekends.

      Answer me that and you will be my heroine.
    • Re: Having almost no social life?

      SuGi wrote:

      I'm in high school and obviously from the title i don't really have much of a social life. Its not like i dont have friends its just that they really never feel like doing anything. We only hang out of school like once or twice a month. On the school days i dont really have a problem of going home right after school, but when the weekend comes, I feel that i should be doing more stuff then sitting on the computer lol. I kind of feel like a loser cause i'm never doing anything while a lot of other people are out having fun on the weekends. Is it normal that i really dont do anything??? I want to be having more fun on the weekends, but i'm not really sure how to get more plans since my friends never really want to do anything. I dont want to like abandon them for other people because there really the only people i can easily talk to for hours. I have a lot of acquaintances, but i cant imagine hanging out with them at their house for like 5 hours cause i really wouldnt know what to do or say because i dont really know them. My social skills in terms of getting closer to people are kind of lacking :( so whenever i attempt to get to know someone better like or girl or somin i kind of a tendency to say stupid or weird things cause i dont want an awkward silence and it always ends up making me look stupid or weird. Sooo basically is there something wrong living liek this or me? Or am i just socially retarded? If i am how can improve on my current situation???

      Any useful advice anyone? I'm tired of spending weekends alone :-(. And i dont really liek sports to much and our school doesnt have many clubs and its also too late to join :-(. Sorry about the reallly reallly long post :)

      That isn't a long post :P

      But, seriously, Speak to your friends about this. Try to arange shit that all of you like. Maybe invite them around your house, or go out to the cinema.
    • Re: Having almost no social life?

      I used to be in the same situation as you. I had one friend I would occasionally hang out with on weekends and some people I would talk to and eat lunch with at school, but other than that I had no social life. For me almost every weekend was spent on the computer or playing video games.

      For me it started in junior year when I sort of randomly made some new friends. I started eating lunch with these guys and eventually they invited me to hang out with them on weekends. Since then we've grown to be an incredibly close group of friends. All you have to do is put yourself out there, be yourself, talk to people, and hope for the best. Also, if you want just invite some friends over to your house to chill or whatever, or maybe go to a movie.

      But most importantly be yourself.
    • Re: Having almost no social life?

      I'm the same way...I have people I talk to at school but I rarely see them outside of school...maybe 2 or 3 times a month...and we talk a little on facebook...but that's it...

      I'm pretty much a loner and it doesn't bother me, tho being home so much does...but I get over it and just chill by myself...

      I suggest that u invite ur friends to the movies or mall or something...or just get used to being home...plus, it's not pike there's that much of interest to do that isn't life threatening or illegal lol...but really, just be comfortable either at home or be confident and courageous and incite new people places...

      Hope it works out for u...
      Please check out my blog at http://mylifeinverse.com/ or check out my youtube videos at http://youtube.com/mylifeinverse Thanks, loves!