Religion getting 'Shoved down ur throat'

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    • Re: Religion getting 'Shoved down ur throat'

      Jaysal wrote:

      Why do use so many unneeded commas?

      You're taught that your religion is the truth and that it should be spread to others to "save" them. That's the scary part.

      Just, as much, as you are taught what you believe to be true, Jaysal.

      Tell me, do you place your faith in what you believe? If so, why deny others the same right?
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    • Re: Religion getting 'Shoved down ur throat'

      Catlin wrote:

      People aproach me on the street about joining the church.

      Lady: Do you have time sir, to talk about god?
      Catlin: Look at me, do I look like I got time? Has god ever had time for me?

      Its way pushed down too much.

      Like in the 60's and 70's when the context of the words "Separation of Church and state" was completely ruined.

      And many rights, of those who wish to believe, are forced to remain outside of certain buildings. In one state, it is offense to mention God's name in court. Sad.
      [CENTER]We're the first to fight, the last to leave. We're your worst nightmare, and your greatest blessing. We are the US Marines!
    • Re: Religion getting 'Shoved down ur throat'

      I'm christian, but I have never pushed it down anyones throat, I'll talk about it to my friends, maybe, but if they don't wanna, I drop it. I know how much it pisses people off, so I don't even try. I figure okay, you want to be gay, lesbian, bi whatever, I have no problem with that (actually one of my ex's is a lesbian, and the other a trans, but there are 2 straight ones too, so I know it wasn't me :P) I have a lot of not straight friends, and no problems with it. People are people, no matter what, so I care and don't decide to easily hate someone over something so trivial. I am very proud of the fact I hate no one. I am not boasting, just saying I am quite tollerant. I figure, I do my thing, you do yours, and it's all good :D

      I just noticed the post about seperation. It really pisses me off though, I can't say god in a government thing without get a lecture. Frig off already, its a single word ! calm the hell down. It'll be okay!

      That wasn't directed at anyone here, just the messes up government. Seperation is one thing, going to the point I cannot say God is a bit much. It's a word, I can say fuck in court, I should be able to say god. Rant over :) thanks for reading

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Brad: Read another post! ().

    • Re: Religion getting 'Shoved down ur throat'

      i been going to a Catholic school since preschool and i go to Catholic church every Sunday and any youth events. I feel like Catholocism was kinda shoved down my throat, but im happy w/ it bc i love my religion. Here's why:
      [ame='']YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

      It makes me so proud to be Catholic and im glad my parents raised me that way
    • Re: Religion getting 'Shoved down ur throat'

      The Guardian wrote:

      Just, as much, as you are taught what you believe to be true, Jaysal.

      Tell me, do you place your faith in what you believe? If so, why deny others the same right?

      I wasn't taught to be believe anything. I choose to believe what I want.

      Why do you want to know? And I'm not denying you the right to believe anything. I'm just telling you how it is. Christians and Muslims are taught that their religions are the sole truth. It's different for Dharmic religions. We're taught that everyone has a right to believe what they truly believe.
    • Re: Religion getting 'Shoved down ur throat'

      Jaysal wrote:

      I wasn't taught to be believe anything. I choose to believe what I want.

      Why do you want to know? And I'm not denying you the right to believe anything. I'm just telling you how it is. Christians and Muslims are taught that their religions are the sole truth. It's different for Dharmic religions. We're taught that everyone has a right to believe what they truly believe.

      Just as you have said to yourself, even perhaps this very moment you are reading this, that you know the truth. When in fact, you could be wrong. Your faith, in your belief being so strong you lash out trying to disprove others, or bashing them. When you only reveal your true colors.
      [CENTER]We're the first to fight, the last to leave. We're your worst nightmare, and your greatest blessing. We are the US Marines!
    • Re: Religion getting 'Shoved down ur throat'

      In my perfect world, everyone would be entirely free to decide about God without any influence from others. They'd have time put aside to muse for themselves.

      Of course, the idea is completely ludicrous. Pity.

      I, personally, have not made my own decision. I am agnostic. Epicurean arguments left me without belief in an omnipotent, all loving God, but I won't rule out a God in general.

      I do hate it when people influence others, especially those who are not capable of realising they are being influenced so heavily.
    • Re: Religion getting 'Shoved down ur throat'

      The Guardian wrote:

      Just as you have said to yourself, even perhaps this very moment you are reading this, that you know the truth. When in fact, you could be wrong.

      I did not say anywhere in my post that I know the truth. Don't put words into my mouth.

      The Guardian wrote:

      Your faith, in your belief being so strong you lash out trying to disprove others, or bashing them. When you only reveal your true colors.

      Huh? First, I haven't lashed out, bashed or tried to disprove anybody. I stated a fact about Christianity (and Islam) and clearly the truth offends you. Second, I don't know where you got the part about my faith and belief being "so strong." What strong faith and belief? :rofl:
    • Re: Religion getting 'Shoved down ur throat'

      Jaysal wrote:

      I wasn't taught to be believe anything. I choose to believe what I want.

      Why do you want to know? And I'm not denying you the right to believe anything. I'm just telling you how it is. Christians and Muslims are taught that their religions are the sole truth. It's different for Dharmic religions. We're taught that everyone has a right to believe what they truly believe.

      Jaysal wrote:

      I did not say anywhere in my post that I know the truth. Don't put words into my mouth.

      Huh? First, I haven't lashed out, bashed or tried to disprove anybody. I stated a fact about Christianity (and Islam) and clearly the truth offends you. Second, I don't know where you got the part about my faith and belief being "so strong." What strong faith and belief? :rofl:

      Hahaha :lol:

      Yes, you believe in something and belief it to be right, denying this would be stupidity.

      Second i did not put words in your mouth. Also, no you did not state a fact, you stated your opinion. Please try again.
      [CENTER]We're the first to fight, the last to leave. We're your worst nightmare, and your greatest blessing. We are the US Marines!
    • Re: Religion getting 'Shoved down ur throat'

      The Guardian wrote:

      Hahaha :lol:

      Yes, you believe in something and belief it to be right, denying this would be stupidity.

      Second i did not put words in your mouth. Also, no you did not state a fact, you stated your opinion. Please try again.

      Your posts make very little sense. I suggest you work on your writing skills...

      No, I don't believe in anything specific when it comes to religion, so I can definitely deny it. This conversation was never about what is right and what is wrong. I stated that Christianity and Islam teach that their religions are the ultimate truth, that everyone else is wrong and that their religions should be spread. And yes, those are facts. You have not proven otherwise.

      And lastly, you did put put words into my mouth. I never said that I knew the "truth" about God.
    • Re: Religion getting 'Shoved down ur throat'

      Jaysal wrote:

      Your posts make very little sense. I suggest you work on your writing skills...

      No, I don't believe in anything specific when it comes to religion, so I can definitely deny it. This conversation was never about what is right and what is wrong. I stated that Christianity and Islam teach that their religions are the ultimate truth, that everyone else is wrong and that their religions should be spread. And yes, those are facts. You have not proven otherwise.

      And lastly, you did put put words into my mouth. I never said that I knew the "truth" about God.

      Did I say you knew the truth about "God"? No, I said you believe, have faith in what you believe to be truth. (Ie; you know what it is)

      It has nothing to do with god.

      I do not need to, as it was an opinion and have not backed it up with anything other than your words, which at this point one would logically ask "Why should I believe him?"
      [CENTER]We're the first to fight, the last to leave. We're your worst nightmare, and your greatest blessing. We are the US Marines!
    • Re: Religion getting 'Shoved down ur throat'

      The Guardian wrote:

      Did I say you knew the truth about "God"? No, I said you believe, have faith in what you believe to be truth. (Ie; you know what it is)
      It has nothing to do with god.

      Then what are you referring to? What I said about Christianity and Islam? That has nothing to do with faith or belief.

      The Guardian wrote:

      I do not need to, as it was an opinion and have not backed it up with anything other than your words, which at this point one would logically ask "Why should I believe him?"

      This is the most awkward part of your post. Of course it wasn't backed up by anything except words; there's nothing else I can use on an Internet forum to prove myself. You don't need to believe me, but logic and common knowledge should allow you to see that I am right. Here's a simple example. Why do you think Christians and Muslims convert people?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Jaysal ().