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    • ^ he he^

      Well I've just kind of developed a gaydar over time... But it's not perfect, you can never be 100% sure. I'm not entirely sure how I work out if they are or not it's just like, subconscious.

      Maybe we develop little radio transmitters and receivers that share messages on a secret frequency :P
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]
    • I'm bi but mostly Gay.. Have been for a while. My "Gaydar" has not even begun to develop lol. I can't tell gay guys from straight guys except from the blatantly obvious ones..

      I can only see hot guys.. I can't really tell if they are gay or not.. I can only wish.. Lol.

      Someone should invent a Gaydar Lol I'd buy that xD
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    • Simplistic_Revolution wrote:

      I have like anti-gaydar. xD One of my best friends is gay... everyone, even people he didn't talk to, picked it up, but me? Of course not! I was told by one of my other friends... I pretended to know about it...

      Lol aaww.. Same with my best friend. She has ABSOLUTELY no idea but like everyone I knew suspected haha. Everyone still suspects but thats all good with me I dont care what people think :)
      [SIZE=3]Why am I back here after 2 years..?[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Simplistic_Revolution wrote:

      I have like anti-gaydar. xD One of my best friends is gay... everyone, even people he didn't talk to, picked it up, but me? Of course not! I was told by one of my other friends... I pretended to know about it...

      lol same for me! My best friend is bi and has been for years...all our friends knew and always made these references about her "liking every color of the rainbow"...I didn't pick up on it until about a year ago when I told them I was bi and they joked saying "oh, now we're in trouble! Those two will be dating within a week!" lol I was so oblivious!
      Please check out my blog at or check out my youtube videos at Thanks, loves!
    • I find my gaydar pretty good. I can spot bisexuals from far away or at least bi curious. The lesbians and gay ones I think most people can tell. I always grew up in an environment that everyone has to hide such a thing. So I grew up hiding it, and feeling that this is just wrong. So looking at people that hide it, I find similarities, I find the same reactions to things. For some bisexual women, that don't say it, they tend to talk about that subject quite a bit. When they are asked if they would ever do anything with a woman or if they are gay or bi they will answer really fast no. "probably with a face as well", and will probably space out for a while after or during that question. The ones that don't care and know what they are, are relaxed and don't make a huge thing out of it. Of course its not the same with everyone, but small things like that all together mean something. I haven't fallen out yet. I ll try and remember more, its just what my subconcious says.
    • cuapkige wrote:

      I find my gaydar pretty good. I can spot bisexuals from far away or at least bi curious. The lesbians and gay ones I think most people can tell. I always grew up in an environment that everyone has to hide such a thing. So I grew up hiding it, and feeling that this is just wrong. So looking at people that hide it, I find similarities, I find the same reactions to things. For some bisexual women, that don't say it, they tend to talk about that subject quite a bit. When they are asked if they would ever do anything with a woman or if they are gay or bi they will answer really fast no. "probably with a face as well", and will probably space out for a while after or during that question. The ones that don't care and know what they are, are relaxed and don't make a huge thing out of it. Of course its not the same with everyone, but small things like that all together mean something. I haven't fallen out yet. I ll try and remember more, its just what my subconcious says.

      Wow so you can easily tell a bi person from a gay person by observing... i mean i probably could but it'd take a lot of observing. Can you just kinda tell quickly?
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]
    • JCpatriots wrote:

      I would think it would be tougher to tell if someone is bisexual than it is to tell if someone is gay...

      Deffinately tougher!!!

      And Lachlan, it usually is by observing, but I usually observe people that I already think they are. I usually see their style. e.g Clothes, attitude Then I go to personal hair styles etc. I mean sometimes there are bi's that I really thought they where but then you get to see what i mention on the previous post and I stop. Its not too hard... go for it and see. Its a fun game I like figuring it out.

      The only hard part about this is for the girly girl bisexuals, but you can still tell by the way they will look at you. They feel as if " you know my secret" if you really look.