True Colours

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    • True Colours

      Well, I've never posted in here before, but I thougt I might as well =p This is a poem I wrote more than a year ago, after I was going trough some depression/trust issuse. yeah. that was fun. ^_^;; anyhu, here it is ^^
      True Colours
      I trusted you with a secret
      A secret I didnt want told
      I thought you would know me and keep it
      I thought you might keep it old

      You promised it never to be released
      A promise you would take to hell
      I belived and never thought
      you would be the one to tell

      But you did tell that secret
      to whom I wanted it least known
      and now, your true colors shown
      I feel betrayed by you alone.

      I have some more stuff on my Devaintart if anyone wants to be curious or whatever NejiTaichou on deviantART Though my main vice is the visual arts, not so much the writting end. ^^
      True colours by ~NejiTaichou on deviantART

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Neji Taichou: trying to fix the format. again. ().