What's going on, because I don't know..

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    • What's going on, because I don't know..

      Okay so this is my 1st post thing or whatever so hello all hahaha. I figured it'd be good to get opinions on something i'm very confused about, and to be honest I don't like talking about it with my friends from school. But anyways, heres the story...

      There's this kid i like; lets say his name is Jake. He's in one of my classes and we sat together since the 1st day of school. We became pretty good friends I guess you could say and I gave him my number and we used to talk about every day via text message. Well I like 'Jake', alot. well...i used to. Anywho, a while back, we were talking one night and in the end, i ended up telling him i was bi. He said he heard it but wanted to hear it from me. So he was cool with it, whatever. Then we talked alot still and he actually got dirty with me, and asked super personal questions. Maybe a week or two after that, we uhm...traded pictures :x. Then a few weeks after that, we got dirty again and that led to him asking for me to give him head in the bathrooms at school? It was kinda weird and i never did it, but still he asked none the less. But after all of this he would always say; 'this is weird, im straight' or 'im drunk' or something pathetic along those lines. (I knew he wasnt drunk) So then after the whole 'straight' nonesense, i just got annoyed cause it seemed like he was leading me on i guess you could say? So then we didnt talk barely at all for a few weeks now. Its been kind of weird. He also is starting to do drugs and i dont mind when other people do it..except for the people i like? so that makes me upset also :( Today in class he kept looking over at me, and then came over to show me something, and when the person sitting next to me got up, he sat right down next to me.
      * I dont sit with him anymore
      So my questions are;
      -Is he really straight?
      -Is/was he interested in me?
      -What should I do about all of this? Let it all go, or try to get things back and running again, because I still really like him:confused:

      Thank you for everyone who read this super long thing :)
    • Re: What's going on, because I don't know..

      He's probably curious into his sexuality... there's not enough there to really come to any stronger conclusions than that... he could very well just be a jackass though which is seemingly implied by the intrusive questions, asking for head, and drugs...

      Again, he may have been interested, or he may have just been taking advantage of you :( Again, hard to say based off of what you've said.

      Well, is he the first guy you've ever really had any form of interaction with? You may just be grasping to the idea that there is something there because he's your first? I think you should move on for now, he may smarten up and return to being the nice guy he was when you first sat with him, otherwise I would just play it out and but him out of mind :)
    • Re: What's going on, because I don't know..

      IveGoneWild wrote:

      Okay so this is my 1st post thing or whatever so hello all hahaha. I figured it'd be good to get opinions on something i'm very confused about, and to be honest I don't like talking about it with my friends from school. But anyways, heres the story...

      There's this kid i like; lets say his name is Jake. He's in one of my classes and we sat together since the 1st day of school. We became pretty good friends I guess you could say and I gave him my number and we used to talk about every day via text message. Well I like 'Jake', alot. well...i used to. Anywho, a while back, we were talking one night and in the end, i ended up telling him i was bi. He said he heard it but wanted to hear it from me. So he was cool with it, whatever. Then we talked alot still and he actually got dirty with me, and asked super personal questions. Maybe a week or two after that, we uhm...traded pictures :x. Then a few weeks after that, we got dirty again and that led to him asking for me to give him head in the bathrooms at school? It was kinda weird and i never did it, but still he asked none the less. But after all of this he would always say; 'this is weird, im straight' or 'im drunk' or something pathetic along those lines. (I knew he wasnt drunk) So then after the whole 'straight' nonesense, i just got annoyed cause it seemed like he was leading me on i guess you could say? So then we didnt talk barely at all for a few weeks now. Its been kind of weird. He also is starting to do drugs and i dont mind when other people do it..except for the people i like? so that makes me upset also :( Today in class he kept looking over at me, and then came over to show me something, and when the person sitting next to me got up, he sat right down next to me.
      * I dont sit with him anymore
      So my questions are;
      -Is he really straight?
      -Is/was he interested in me?
      -What should I do about all of this? Let it all go, or try to get things back and running again, because I still really like him:confused:

      Thank you for everyone who read this super long thing :)

      get him to come over yourts sometime, keep him away from alcohol, and force hiom to talk to you. dont let him leave, make him listen to what your feeling and saying and tell him that you want to know why he's leading you on, and if he is curious or bi or whatever, that if he wants something to pluck up the courage and ask. because you like him, and you dont want your friendship to get damaged by all this pussy footing around.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • Re: What's going on, because I don't know..

      Sounds like he is in an 'experimental' mode. He is reaching out to you, the gay guy, to figure out his sexuality. He is reaching out to drugs to 'try' them out.

      I'm not sure how much stamina you have, but this is gonna be a very long and bumpy ride for you. It's your choice if you choose to hang on to him. If you were my best friend, I would suggest you walk away from him.