Need help getting my Ex back

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    • Need help getting my Ex back

      There was this girl in School, we were together from 4th to 6th grade when she broke up. I haven't felt any pain after it until now...I can barely sleep and barely eat anymore.
      How is the best way for me to get her back? Some things indicates she probably still likes me but I'm too damn shy to even do something and my heart is bleeding intensively!
      Please can sombody help me?:(
    • Re: Need help getting my Ex back

      Wow, you're so young. Anyway, there are reasons as to why she broke up with you. Maybe she told you when she broke up with you, or maybe she was vague. If you don't know why she broke up with you, you should talk to her and find out. You're both very young and still have growing and maturing to go through. Feelings change, especially at young ages. I don't mean to put you down because of your age, but it's a big factor here. You're both getting older now, and her feelings could have changed. It doesn't have to be anyone's fault, things like this just happen. You have to know what went wrong if you want her back. Talk to her, communicate. If she doesn't want to give it another shot, you'll just have to accept it. You can't force her to be with you. Like I said, you're still very young and have plenty of time to date. It may hurt now, but it will get better. There are other girls out there.
    • Re: Need help getting my Ex back

      Aww D:

      I think everything changed when you
      guys grew up... But I can see that your
      13, and dudee, don't worry so much !

      If you really want to get back with her
      since your heart is bleeding from trails
      of her love, then ask her back out :]

      BUT in my opinion, I think you should just
      move on! Your still young.. though Im not
      that much older than you xD But you can
      still find many other girls instead of just
      sticking with one girl.

      Unless your undying love for her is killing you
      as we speak.... then definately just ask x]]
      Whats there to lose? :]

      Much luckk :D
      [LEFT][CENTER][SIZE=1]"One good thing about music is [/SIZE]
      [CENTER][SIZE=1] when it hits you, you feel no pain."[/SIZE]
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]-- Bob Marley [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Need help getting my Ex back

      Lil'D wrote:

      Guess nobody cares...:cries:
      I'll just have to find somwhere where I could get help instead of ignorance

      First off, act like this and she won't want you back. Second off, don't expect to receive any help if you don't have patience. Third off, many people are willing to help, don't start getting fed up with us if we don't reply immediately. Finally, listen and learn to our advice.

      Now, beyond those details I am willing to input my opinion. If you feel that your shyness is the thing that is holding you back, then do something about it. Your obviously still missing her, do you miss her enough to try to get her back? Or are you just going to sit back and watch the show...? You basically have three choices, either go for it and try to get back together with her, not attempt to get back together but continue to be broken hearted, or you can move on. I'd recommend the first one, but that's just me.

      Take care and thank us for the advice instead of accusing us.
    • Re: Need help getting my Ex back

      ^ ^ ^ Still no thank you LOL :]
      Hmm well.
      You were with her for quite a long time right?
      So actually i dnt see a problem,, you obviously know her pretty well
      [or did know her] So tell her? Most ex's never move on. not properly.
      Instead of sitting like a broken hearted wet lemon, get up and talk to her.
      You cnt be embaressed, youve been with her before so obviously know how to
      talk to her etc.. Make her laugh :] Remember the good times you shared?
      You never know, she may miss them too :]
    • Re: Need help getting my Ex back

      Being young is all about meeting new people, going out with different kinds of girls/guys so you can get to know all different types of people. This helps you build social skills and helps you gain an understanding on what kind of people to trust and who to stay away from..

      I know it might seem like the biggest thing in your life right now, but in a few weeks you'll probably forget about her. So make new friends and just enjoy your younger years :) It's easier than acting like an adult, because pretty wont be acting.
    • Re: Need help getting my Ex back

      Hooligan wrote:

      Being young is all about meeting new people, going out with different kinds of girls/guys so you can get to know all different types of people. This helps you build social skills and helps you gain an understanding on what kind of people to trust and who to stay away from..

      Thank you for your advice but where shall I so called meet other people?Since I know everybody in class and I doesn't live in a big city