Attention-Seeking Sister

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    • Attention-Seeking Sister

      Hi. Well to start, I am a twin and my sister and I have been close for most of my life. When I started dating my current boyfriend she was fine with him, but as time passed I was spending more time with him than her (which is totally normal since I love him very much). She took affence to this and started hating him and was doing everything she could to break us up so I could pay attention to her again. I lost a lot of my friends, she spread rumors about me and him and she still is. I'm not sure if she realizes that I know she is the one doing this and that I hate her for all of it and don't want to pay attention too her. She was even so desperate to hang out with a 21 year old boy who has 6 girlfriends and has gotten underage girls pregnant, just for my attention. She also let it slip that she agreed to hang with him even though he said he would only hang out with her for the possible promise of sex. She cheated on one of her boyfriends with this guy (in a way since she never actually dated the creap). She later stopped hanging with him because she realized she got more attention (not from me) pretending to be a victim of his. Now she just hangs out with a lot of touchy feely people (my guess because she is sexually deprived but that could easily not be the case). It also seems that my parents have totally given up on parenting her and have put all their attention on me about things, and also have given up on helping me fix this problem before something bad happens because they think I should be able to fix it myself. She goes to great lengthes as you can see to get my attention and I'm almost running out of patience. I hope some of you can help me before I resort to violence. Thank you for reading.
    • Re: Attention-Seeking Sister

      I think you should tell her to calm down.
      But at the same time, she must love spending time with you...
      so you need to remember that boys come and go but your sister is your sister forever.

      No matter how much you think you "love" your boyfriend, you should always make time for your family.
      If you know all this then why dont you stop her? you're supposed to be her sister...
      why are you letting her hang out with pedofiles?

      If you really feel like she's annoying, talk to her about it.
      She's your sister, no matter how many times you argue,
      you're going to get over it like you always do...
      So just tell her about it and listen to her side of the story, then try to solve the problem :)
    • Re: Attention-Seeking Sister

      Thanks but I've tried talking at it doesn't work and I really do love my boyfriend because he's the only one that makes me happy in this entire world and I'm not just saying that. Currently I just want her out of my life, dead, taken I don't care. She doesn't even care if I'm happy it only matters if she gets what she wants. And I did do something kinda about the pedo thing. Let's just say my dad's not letting that guy come to our house ever again and leaving alive.
    • Re: Attention-Seeking Sister

      I have twin friends.. But unlike you, the two of them are best of friends. The two of them have good relationship with each other's girlfriend. I suggest you talk to your twin sister and tell her what you feel. She must understand that despite you are twin, both of you have different lives and must learn to live and be happy without the other.
      You can make your cellulite disappear naturally. :wink:
    • Re: Attention-Seeking Sister

      You need to talk to her. Really. And spend time with her.
      I think you mightve been neglecting her a small bit (which is natural when your in love). But i agree with what was said up there, shes your sister and always will be. Your family needs to come first and its not good if your sister is putting herself in harms way just to get yuor attention.
      [CENTER]E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle ♥
    • Re: Attention-Seeking Sister

      Viviku wrote:

      Thanks but I've tried talking at it doesn't work and I really do love my boyfriend because he's the only one that makes me happy in this entire world and I'm not just saying that. Currently I just want her out of my life, dead, taken I don't care. She doesn't even care if I'm happy it only matters if she gets what she wants. And I did do something kinda about the pedo thing. Let's just say my dad's not letting that guy come to our house ever again and leaving alive.

      No matter how much you think you hate her right now, she's still your sister.
      If she leaves, you might think you wont care, but you will.
      This boy friend of yours might make you happy now,
      but boyfriend/girlfriend relationship dont always last forever...
      But you can never break up with your sister.

      She's obviously trying to get atention because you dont spend enough time with her
      and I know that because you say you wanna have nothing to do with her.
      But you should really try to calm each other down and just find some common ground to work with.
      find something that both of you can do or talk about
      and avoid any thing that you think might start an arguement.

      Also this could just be a fase, pretty soon she'll probably not want anything to do with you either.