Pregnancy Chances? (Trying To Conceive)

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  • Pregnancy Chances? (Trying To Conceive)

    I know that a lot of people on these boards will probably be very judgmental about what I'm going to say and ask, but please don't be too harsh. I'm just simply wanting advice, but I'll tell a little background on the story first.
    My boyfriend and I are attempting to conceive a child. Before getting lectured on this, I'd like to say that we are both adults (I'm almost 19 years old, and he's 23), we both have stable jobs, and a home and two vehicles that are all paid for. Also, I've completed my first year of college, and plan on beginning my second year online this fall.
    Now, back to the topic. If we have unprotected sex approximately 3-4 times a week or so, how high is the average chance of me becoming pregnant?
    Thanks in advance to anyone who replies! =)
  • Re: Pregnancy Chances? (Trying To Conceive)

    i dont think i could be a parent at 18 [my age] or at your age either. but if you think you're ready then im happy for you!

    like phuck buddy said, it's probably very high that you will conceive. And if you're having sex that often i say enjoy it!

    keep us posted how you go!
    ₪ Australian
    ₪ 6' 4"
    ₪ Bisexual
  • Re: Pregnancy Chances? (Trying To Conceive)

    Personally, I would wait until you have your career started, and schooling finished before trying to have a child. Cause then you'll just have to put school off, and you may never get the opportunity to go back and finish.

    But your choice is your choice! :)

    It sounds like you'll conceive easily (hopefully), but you have a greater chance in the middle to end of your cycle, I believe. You could go buy an ovulation monitor from a drug store. That'll tell you exactly when the best time is to try to conceive.

    Are you and your guy getting married or anything? No one wants to be a single parent. And most relationships end up that way. The stresses of a baby takes a toll on your relationship, and the guy usually ends up leaving. And being a *practical* baby yourself, it'll be even harder.

    Good luck!!
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  • Re: Pregnancy Chances? (Trying To Conceive)

    Phuck Buddy, I know very well what happens when the sperm reaches an egg. Even though it seems that you're assuming I am, I'm not an idiot.
    My question was simply how high are the chances because on an average day, the chances of a healthy female getting pregnant usually ends up being reduced to about 3-8%. I know that about 85% of healthy females will end up getting pregnant within a year of trying, but I don't know exactly what factors that's based on, so I was just wondering what MY chances are, based no MY factors.

    As for everyone else, I understand that I'm pretty young. And yes, we are planning on getting married. We're engaged at the moment. As for finishing college, I only have two semester of college left, and I'm planning on taking a full schedule this semester so that I can take the rest of the classes in a fast-paced four-week semester at the beginning of the Spring 2008 semester so that I'll be finished by the middle of February.

    This isn't something that's just popped into our heads within the past few days. We've thought about this a lot, planned a lot of things, and discussed it quite a bit.
  • Re: Pregnancy Chances? (Trying To Conceive)

    I read your other post about wanting to be a crime investigator. And honestly I would wait to get your career stable before having a baby. That way when you do have the baby you will have something to return to. If you have it before you stablize your career it might be harder to start it. Because you wont be able to start it until the child is at least a year or two old.

    Im just saying this because being a crime investigator is a tough job, and not something you can just jump into. It takes time for you to gain your credability and everything. Its a dedicated job, honestly I think you have to choose, either starting a career or having a baby. You cant juggle both at the same time. Maybe a few years apart but not at the same time.

    That aside, if this is really what both of you want then you should go to your doctor to see when you are most fertile. That way you can plan on when to start the baby makin'.