$$$Earn Xtra Cash $$$

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    • $$$Earn Xtra Cash $$$

      Do u need some extra cash? Join six degree's; a new social site that pays you for referring new members to the site. It has the same concept with myspace and facebook. You are paid 6 level deep ($3, $2, $1, $1, $1, $1).

      It may seems a little but you have the opportunity of earning $19,000 with this company, simply by referring 5 friends who repeat this step up to your 6th level. I've been able to refer 173 members and has a downline of 718 members.

      So far we have about 35,000 members so this is the best time to get in. Get paid every 2 weeks, anyone from the age of 18 or older is eligible to join including Uk and US members.