Late period but still getting cramps?

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    • Late period but still getting cramps?

      My period is VERY regular (to the point where my sis's bf can guess when it will be a month in advance. ugh. lol) but this month its 5 days late. i know it's normal for a girl to have a late period, or even miss sometimes, what worries me is that i'm still having cramps. i was just wondering if that's normal (having cramps but no period i mean) and what it could possibly mean.

      and by the way, no, it is not even remotely possible for me to be pregnant. so please don't suggest that. lol.
      Don't Think. Don't Try. Just Dance!
    • Re: Late period but still getting cramps?

      Its very probably nothing, chances are its just your womb lining has been a little thicker this month round. Which is perfectly fine and normal and just means that your bodies having to work a little harder than usual to get our period undergo as it sheds the outer layer then 'washes' them and your eggs out. This is whats causing the cramps, a mixture of your body accumulating enough blood and shedding the womb lining, give it another few days and im pretty sure it will come. That or it could be the opposite, your womb lining is very thin so your going through the motions but wont actually bleed. Again all are normal dont worry. Mind if I ask how old you are and how long ago you started your periods? Because it can take up to 2 years for your menstrual cycle to fully fall into place. Where you considered it regular before your body may be altering its cycle still. If you're really worried however go and speak to a medical proffessional who can put your mind at ease :)
      Feel free to PM me with any questions