What are some ways I can TRULY get over someone?

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    • What are some ways I can TRULY get over someone?

      I just got out of a relationship with being with a boy for about half a year and we took it very seriously. He had a very romantic and long distance relationship, but I saw him a lot.

      He broke up with me about a month or so ago and it's been extremely hard to get over him.

      The reason why is mostly because I've realized that my "love" for him was mostly him manipulating me into being with him and taking advantage of my emotions.

      But, for some reason, I still miss him and keep trying to run back to him.

      I have no idea what to do.

      I'm a pretty good with coping, but occasionally I'll have a random break down and they are bad...I scare myself a lot...

      I've tried what I can, dating a few guys, meditating, therapy, getting rid of things that remind me directly of him...nothing works for more than a day. The thought of him comes back to me even more intensely than before.

      They are not always positive, either, mostly, they are negative. I get so angry and so scared.

      Being with him really left a negative impact on my life.

      Please help.

      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Lyublov s Zahrah =][/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: What are some ways I can TRULY get over someone?

      I think you should remind yourself of how manipulating he was and it should remind you that you are better without him. However, for some reason, these type of people seem to make their significant others miss them even more. Its been a month. Getting over people takes time and once you move on you'll find someone that's truly deserving of you and you'll forget all about him.
    • Re: What are some ways I can TRULY get over someone?

      It's hard getting over someone when you were really in love, but the best thing you can do is remind yourself you're young, and although it may hurt that it's over you probably learnt some valuble lessons from your time together.

      Try not to get upset or angry, you really need to be strong and get through it.
    • Re: What are some ways I can TRULY get over someone?

      It's a time thing and more than anything it WILL take time. But there are some things you can do til then. Your deff right about getting rid of things that will remind you of him. But also get rid of his number, and any way to contact him. The worst thing you can do is talk to him while your trying to heal! Have a friend you can call instead when you get the urge to call him. And then, keep yourself really busy. Find SOMETHING to do. Anything you've always wanted to do and never had the time. Learn an instrument or read a book or catch up with some old friends. And when you have break downs, just let yourself cry. Don't try to hold back, because letting it out will make you feel a LOT better. Then music and hot showers are usually what help me the most. Find a friend to talk to during those break downs, too. Anyone who will listen and be there for you. It's hard but you'll get through it. I know, because I've been through the same thing. PM if you ever want to talk bout anything :)
      Don't Think. Don't Try. Just Dance!
    • Re: What are some ways I can TRULY get over someone?

      pr3ttylilprobl3m wrote:

      It's a time thing and more than anything it WILL take time. But there are some things you can do til then. Your deff right about getting rid of things that will remind you of him. But also get rid of his number, and any way to contact him. The worst thing you can do is talk to him while your trying to heal! Have a friend you can call instead when you get the urge to call him. And then, keep yourself really busy. Find SOMETHING to do. Anything you've always wanted to do and never had the time. Learn an instrument or read a book or catch up with some old friends. And when you have break downs, just let yourself cry. Don't try to hold back, because letting it out will make you feel a LOT better. Then music and hot showers are usually what help me the most. Find a friend to talk to during those break downs, too. Anyone who will listen and be there for you. It's hard but you'll get through it. I know, because I've been through the same thing. PM if you ever want to talk bout anything :)

      That's good advice. Let me know if it works.
    • Re: What are some ways I can TRULY get over someone?

      You are looking at this the wrong way. This is actually not that bad ( I know that you dont think so at thm moment ). Think of this as a learning experience. What have you learned? First thing you know what you want in your next boyfriend. You know more know who you are and what you want. In fact breaking up with him brought you one guy closer to the man you will marry! It might get some time to get over him, but don't rush. Enjoy being single for a while until you feel ready to move on. Dont think of this as a faluire, think of this as a learning experience.
      Boots Palace for all you boots lovers
    • Re: What are some ways I can TRULY get over someone?

      I know exactly what you're going through and yes, it's very hard. Think about it this way, you deserve better. You will date so many guys and when you find the right one he won't be manipulating and all the negative things you ex was. And then when you find that special guy he'll ask you to marry him and this guy your sad about now won't even matter. If you ex broke up with you, it probably wasn't meant to be just try not to think about him too much...it might help if you got involved in sports if you aren't already because that will keep you busy and you won't think about him as much...and every weekend you need to be with friends and soon the hurt won't be near as bad. That's all I got I hope I helped :)
      [SIZE=3]1Corinthians 13:4-8[/SIZE]
    • Re: What are some ways I can TRULY get over someone?

      I'm sorry I usually read everyone's posts before posting... but there's a lot and I'm tired....

      So, you were 'in love' well now you're out of love.... doesn't mean you can't love this dude anymore... like you care for him still or whatever maybe?

      But like I always say... love is infinite... you will find someone else to love.... then be 'in love' with.... hmm... I need to think of a way of categorizing different kinds of love..... rather than love and in love.... since in love isn't a verb...... oh well