Losing your virginity story.

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  • Re: Losing your virginity story.

    I'm still clean as a whistle. :rolleyes:

    Dear god, I love how almost all the stories in here involved alcohol, or empty headed stupidity mixed with random encounter with someone you don't even like, or someone you're not even with anymore.

    ...Really, what the fuck is wrong with these people's heads? What is this world coming to?

    P.S, I don't like how half of you were horribly young, either.
    [SIZE=3]-Melanie [SIZE=5]♥[/SIZE][/SIZE]

    Hunger hurts but I want it so bad.
    Hunger hurts but starving works when it costs too much to love

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Spinder ().

  • Re: Losing your virginity story.

    I'm 17, lost mine a few weeks ago to a 20yo hot kinky goth raver chick.

    Met her earlier this yea.r.started flirting with her recently
    went over to her house on haloween and watched a few horror movies

    we were just mucking about..then i smothered her with a pillow..and shes into the whole asphyxiation type stuff, so she got a little bit excited...

    restrained her arms (she also cuts) and squeezed her wrists a few times and watched her wince in pain :P

    then grabbed the restraints on the bed and tied her arms...
    bit her neck, and and slowly bit and scratched my way down her chest/stomach...

    undid her jeans and took off her underwear then ate her out.

    took off my jeans and entered her...then proceeded to fuck her, with my hand around her neck choking her to the point shes almost passing out.

    finished in her after about 10/15 minutes or so (she was on the pill..no condom)

    undid her restraints...smoked a bit of weed together, then we watched a few movies and went to sleep.

    woke up the next morning and went at it twice before i went home LOL

    I don't regret it, and i honestly couldn't think of a better way to have lost my virginity LOL
    everything went smoothly...she was impressed with my perfomance, so yeah :P
  • Re: Losing your virginity story.

    I'm still a virgin and happy.

    But I don't hate on people who have sex with random people. It is their life, who am I to judge?
    [CENTER]You the people have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness. You the people have the power to make life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure.[/CENTER]
  • Re: Losing your virginity story.

    my first time was....awkward to say the least.
    I was dating a guy Nick at the time.
    I was 15, he was 17 and had a baby.
    My aunt took us to gatlinburg for the weekend and got us our own room oddly enough.
    The first night there i took a shower and he came in and led me to the bed. He was sweet about it but i was too scared to even enjoy foreplay.
    He was BIG and when he finally entered me it hurt like hell.
    He tried to stop but i wouldn't let him.
    He was my first love so it made sence to have him be the first to take that.
    I didn't want the first time to be with someone i had nothing for...
    The rest of the weekend we had sex 3 times a day and by the end of the weekend it was easier to do it. It didn't hurt as bad and i actually started to enjoy it.
  • Re: Losing your virginity story.

    xRC wrote:

    Haha!! whoever bad repped me because of the way i lost mine really needs to get a life to be honest and stop judging my own as i didn't regret anything i did and it was a good thing that happened.
    That rep made me major LOL though.

    Same thing happened to me... I got negged for what I said in this thread, and the comment that went with it was "teehee", I mean, WTF!
    [CENTER]Monica | Northern California | 28 | Pilates Instructor [/CENTER]
  • Re: Losing your virginity story.

    bigboss3254 wrote:

    well it is kinda wrong to lose your virginity at 13, god damn

    Well, boss, i actually have to half agree and half disagree here. I agree in your eyes and in some others this wrong but take a look at statisics.... most loseing virginity now around age 11 to 12. you have to take a look at society as a whole and see that her age wasn't so bad after all! And since she has no regrets and it's her life why judge her?
  • Re: Losing your virginity story.

    LaurenN0el wrote:

    Well, boss, i actually have to half agree and half disagree here. I agree in your eyes and in some others this wrong but take a look at statisics.... most loseing virginity now around age 11 to 12. you have to take a look at society as a whole and see that her age wasn't so bad after all! And since she has no regrets and it's her life why judge her?

    Eleven or twelve? My kids are going to be on lock-down. :)

    I've been a virgin up until quite a few months ago. I was made in fun of for still being a virgin. I was with this guy, who was 18, and he had been drinking a little, and I decided, oh what the hell. He lives with me, so it's gonna happen eventually. In my bed. At 2:00 a.m. It hurt, I bitched, I regret it. Turns out he's been fucking all these other girls too. We ended it. The end.

    I don't see how some girls get stuck on their firsts. I really didn't give a lick with him, after we broke up. He's just another guy to me.

    I like sex now, though. :)

    The post was edited 1 time, last by freckles.: because I can :) ().

  • Re: Losing your virginity story.

    Quill wrote:

    ^ bet you anything it was spinder, she's got serious issues with other people's life styles

    Not this time...

    Dime_A_Whiskey wrote:

    Why do you say it is wrong?

    Because it's just horrible. You're 13. You're a fucking KID. You should be playing soccer, chilling with your little chums and being happy - not off scoring rock and boozing and getting fucked like a donkey in mating season.
    [SIZE=3]-Melanie [SIZE=5]♥[/SIZE][/SIZE]

    Hunger hurts but I want it so bad.
    Hunger hurts but starving works when it costs too much to love