Being bi in the Bible Belt.

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    • Being bi in the Bible Belt.

      Anyone else down here in the 'belt that has to deal with the lovely packs of super-conservative nutters?
      I live in Florida, which is basically the North of the South if you get what I mean, so it isn't as bad as it is some places, but it's still annoying.
      Most people tolerate it but you still get odd looks.
      Dear old mom tries to pretend I'm not, and I can't even let her BF know or I'd be so far out of the house....

      So yeah.
      Who here hates the bloody South X(
    • Re: Being bi in the Bible Belt.

      ouch, man...i'm in VA, but in a pretty well-read, suburban, conservative area...i don't know any guys who are out over here not for fear of beatings or anything, but i don't think anyone wants to be the social would be nice to have another guy to talk to about it all, but, meh, what can you do?
      [SIZE=4]Simul Justus et Peccator[/SIZE]
    • Re: Being bi in the Bible Belt.

      CashMoney wrote:

      Her bf...? He's not even her husband what the fuck could he do?

      We live in his house. He is like, uber super straight. Ex Spec Ops, Ex football and basketball player/referee. Used to fix airplanes. Etc. So homophobic it's actually funny.

      And Matt I know what about mean about no one seeming to understand bi's. You get the ones that say you are either one or the other (my mom couldnt understand how someone could be bi. i was like "i like...both that really that hard?..."
      and the ones that just suppose you are a faker and trying to get attention
      and then you get the whores that tell you that bi/gay is a choice X(
      Luckily I have mostly female friends and they are all usually pretty chill with it.
      And oddly, my little town gets near the entire gay population down here on memorial day. They all go to the beach. I want to go sooooooo bad but I'm still bloody sick. THE ONE DAY there are gays around here lol
    • Re: Being bi in the Bible Belt.

      silentjudas wrote:

      We live in his house. He is like, uber super straight. Ex Spec Ops, Ex football and basketball player/referee. Used to fix airplanes. Etc. So homophobic it's actually funny.

      And Matt I know what about mean about no one seeming to understand bi's. You get the ones that say you are either one or the other (my mom couldnt understand how someone could be bi. i was like "i like...both that really that hard?..."
      and the ones that just suppose you are a faker and trying to get attention
      and then you get the whores that tell you that bi/gay is a choice X(
      Luckily I have mostly female friends and they are all usually pretty chill with it.
      And oddly, my little town gets near the entire gay population down here on memorial day. They all go to the beach. I want to go sooooooo bad but I'm still bloody sick. THE ONE DAY there are gays around here lol

      I hear ya. All you can really do is endure the bullshit and try to use college as your escape. You can start planning now and try to make the best grades possible so that the colleges/locations you want to go to will actually be realistic options. That was my plan...I got into New York University and Boston University (both in extremely gay-friendly areas of the country), but they turned out to be a little too much for my family to stomach, but it's not too late for you. And also remember pretty much anywhere you go to college, people generally respect any differences you may have.
    • Re: Being bi in the Bible Belt.

      I live in the south. Tennessee to be precise, but not to precise as to gain stalkers.

      But, I don't really notice the hate being any worse than anywhere else. Of course I live just below Nashville. They have a line-up of gay clubs on "Church Street" so I suppose it can't be more open, or at least ironic.
    • Re: Being bi in the Bible Belt.

      I live in Queensland which is kinda like 'the south' of America... only it's in the north... but yeh it's probably the most homophobic state in Australia. It kinda sucks.
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]
    • Re: Being bi in the Bible Belt.

      silentjudas wrote:

      Anyone else down here in the 'belt that has to deal with the lovely packs of super-conservative nutters?
      I live in Florida, which is basically the North of the South if you get what I mean, so it isn't as bad as it is some places, but it's still annoying.
      Most people tolerate it but you still get odd looks.
      Dear old mom tries to pretend I'm not, and I can't even let her BF know or I'd be so far out of the house....

      So yeah.
      Who here hates the bloody South X(

      I hate the south, I'm gay and it's completely looked at wrong, where I live it's just a bunch of red necks and hicks who gay/bi's.
    • Re: Being bi in the Bible Belt.

      I live here in South Carolina. At first, my parents didn't want to accept it at all. They were all, "Why the hell do you think you're bi?" (I said I was bi at first.) I actually still say I'm bi to most people. Right now, I'm really struggling with what label I'm am. I can't decide if I'm full out lesbian or just girl-oriented bisexual. UGH. It's so confusing sometimes.

      Sometimes, I realllllllllllly hate living in the South because people say it's a sin and that I'm going to hell and I even got harassed my first 2 years of high school. D:
      Heather. 17. Single. Bisexual. Loves languages (especially Japanese and German.)

      Talk to me! I won't bite! :D
    • Re: Being bi in the Bible Belt.

      Eh, I've been lucky to find around over 9000 bisexual women, and they are fine with it, of course. I have very few male friends but they are fine with it. As long as I don't hit on them. Or talk about gay stuff. Or gay sex. Or penis. hahaha
      Which of course I do just to bug them. SQUIRM STRAIGHT BOYS, SQUIRM!

      Actually I came out to one friend during graudation. He was commenting about "no body cares about fags" when the valadictorian was discussing her views on gay marriage and I harumphed and was like "what, are you gay?" "Bi. actually." His mind was blown. I always acted very straight around him. Super straight ROTC boy. Hot as hell so it was hard X(
      So he was kind of confused but quickly followed it with a "well it's all good, one of my friends is gay" like that made it all better.
      Straight boys. So silly.