Visionire - online game in development.

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    • Visionire - online game in development.

      The “Introduction to innovation”
      Johnathan Vann Fowler - May 9th, 2009, 05:11 AM

      Hello there,

      My name is Johnathan Fowler, and I am a shockwave developer and pixel artist. With experience
      with isometric and diametric projections. I'm also an innovator and I specialize in conceptual
      idea modeling. I sometimes think of myself as a Director and lingo enthusiast.

      I've been around online game development since Fusion City was born back in 1999.
      Fusion City was started on the obligation of developing a chatting community that was to be
      exciting and somewhat enjoyable. You could say for the least, the next big thing.

      Of course, back in those days. It was substantial to create the next Habbo Hotel. Not many people
      were doing it as they are now.

      This time around. It's not the focus, nor direction.

      I'm currently developing towards an upcoming project. Which you'll all come familiar with
      very shortly. With Fusion City out of the picture. I have taken Laurie May on board. (Some of you
      may know of her handle "VyeOlin".) To continue out the goal which we made back in 2001.

      Also teaming up with Ciprian for server development. Our goal shall be reached very soon.
      Which is to develop a community that's expandable as well as enjoyable.

      I have been doing quite some research and development towards technologies and methods in
      which will aid in better performance and durability.

      Developing our project from ground up using high-end technologies which performance is a major
      factor as well as scalability. We have developed our technologies around ERLANG OTP/Run-time
      Environment for the back-end ("server application") and Shockwave for the front-end ("application
      client") for performance, security and liability.

      Our aim is to provide an 2D.5 environment. Using a 3D engine with a 2D perspective.
      We will be able to provide a more scalable environment with more freedom to enjoy and even
      expand on to.


      Visionire is an online role playing game in development. Which is social driven Axonometric Multi-
      user Chat Environment (AMCE) based on the Massive Multi-user Online Role Playing Game
      (MMORPG) genre.

      Our goal is to create a social interactive and integrated experience that is able to be expanded
      upon with expansions to provide more exciting enhancements and enjoyment.

      Currently our focus is to develop towards our initial release. A mini-downgraded version,
      an expansion of the actual goal. Limiting to a small town environment scenario. We will be able
      to focus more on the development by keeping it portable and lightweight. Not to stray away
      from out target.

      Visionire - Downtown; will be developed and to be expanded upon as a beta stage project.
      Will feature a small scenario, but scalable with buildings. Which each building will serve its
      purpose. An apartment complex where user's will be able to create their own room and furnish
      them but not limited to and much more...

      More information

      If you haven't already signed up to the Visionire - Community forum's for private access to
      the test stubs and to find out how you can help out with future developments.
      (Will provide more information about this later.)

      Also feel free to contact me here for more information about the project
      and job inquires.

      Visionire Community Adviser

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Larwick ().