It's in your hands.

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    • It's in your hands.

      I don't know what to do. I've been with this guy for seven months. I can't say the whole thing was a joke but.... it was a joke. He's the kind of guy you'd marry- I'm too young to worry about that.
      He doesn't deserve me, I'm a whore pretty much.

      I just broke up with him. I told him "If it was meant to be, we'll end up together." And he called me almost crying. I swore he started when he hung up o the voicemail. Now, this guy isn't a sissy. He's not one to cry. At all. Not a wuss at all. And I broke his heart. I led him on, and I broke his heart.

      This was his first real relationship, I guess. And I didn't want to break his heart after we were dating for two months... and it progressed to seven. I couldn't do it in person. Cowardly of me, but I would just take him back if I saw him break down in front of me.

      I feel horrible. I don't want to break his heart.

      WTF do I do? Tell me. Seriously.

    • Re: It's in your hands.

      If you dont want to be with him it was better you told him now.
      Its sad that he's hurt but he'll get better soon and we all know that :)
      If you want to be with him be with him.
      I dont get why you said 'If it was meant to be, we'll end up together' and then break up with him though......
      [CENTER]E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle ♥
    • Re: It's in your hands.

      Wait, why don't you want to be with him now? It sounds like you do like him. If you don't, break up with him but do it face to face. Even if its harder for you, its the better thing to do and in the end will benefit you both.

      If you do like him, I think you should stay together just take things slow. I mean, you've got time just be there for each other. Going out doesn't mean you have to do anything huge, it can be being there for each other and holding hands, all the small things, you know?
      [SIZE=5]<3 Annemarie[/SIZE]
    • Re: It's in your hands.

      You did what you had to do and that's really what's important, so good job :) It's better you do it when the time was right than to wait seven more months. Obviously, you need time alone and he needs to get over you. In other words, what he needs from you is closure. Meaning, you need to talk to him and let him know where he stands in your life and tell him how you feel; What I want from you is... things like that. Avoiding him and ignoring him isn't the answer, because if he has strong feelings for you, he won't leave you alone and it might be frustrating for you. It is always a good idea to confront him now and tell him that he'll find somebody that will reciprocate his feelings. Whether or not you want to be his friend or end it, is up to you.

      You can talk to him in person (which might be tough, but it's way more personal that way) or a simple phone call will suffice :)

      Good luck!
      Support Leader,

      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: It's in your hands.

      you called yourself a whore? and you have a guy crying for you. honestly, your way back in my book. but if i keep my mind open.. all i can advice you is to make a choice and be firm about it, if you go back and forth all your going to do is hurt him more. and if your doing this cous you want some badass guy, then i can't wait till the same crap happens to you, its a little something thats called karma, but youll soon learn that first hand.

      buh bye.
    • Re: It's in your hands.

      secretstash411 wrote:

      you called yourself a whore? and you have a guy crying for you. honestly, your way back in my book. but if i keep my mind open.. all i can advice you is to make a choice and be firm about it, if you go back and forth all your going to do is hurt him more. and if your doing this cous you want some badass guy, then i can't wait till the same crap happens to you, its a little something thats called karma, but youll soon learn that first hand.

      buh bye.

      I agree,

      Your mucking him about quite a bit, and ive had it done to me, and it pissed me off something cronic, you gotta make the choice, stop thinking of yourself as a bad person, if you were really that much of a whore, he would have dumped you, but he is crying because he really likes you.

      Just make the choice, if you really like him, get back together and dont look back, if you dont, then stop screwing him around with false hope that you 'might' get back together down the line, just tell him your sorry and that its over.

      God damn!!!
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: It's in your hands.

      As everyone else said, you're not a bad person if you still care about his feelings. A real whore would just move on to the next guy without remorse. Obfangirl, I don't think she still likes him. She just feels sorry for him, and staying with him for that, and him finding about it, will hurt him more.
      Just ignore his phone calls and texts and he'll get the message. If you still are worried about him, just send him one last message saying you guys want different things in life so it won't work out, but you'll try to be friends with him when he's ready. Then give him the space that he'll need to get over this.
    • Re: It's in your hands.

      Armyforthebroken's got it. My ex broke up with me over the phone. I actually made the mistake of not talking to him about the relationship after the break up and 5 years later I still regret it. I was angry because I never got any reasoning. He just said "Let's be friends" and that was it. No reason as to what I did wrong (if I didn't anything) what was missing from the relationship. Nothing. And it pissed me off like you wouldn't believe. To this day I'm still a little mad ... I talked it over with my boyfriend and he's helped me put it to rest but I'd still like to at least punch his face in for making me so angry. So, at least talk to the guy one more time about what went wrong. It's not gonna make him feel any better about it now, but later he might not feel so bad about it. It's amazing what not knowing the answer can do to a person ...

    • Re: It's in your hands.

      captain_kurenai wrote:

      Armyforthebroken's got it. My ex broke up with me over the phone. I actually made the mistake of not talking to him about the relationship after the break up and 5 years later I still regret it. I was angry because I never got any reasoning. He just said "Let's be friends" and that was it. No reason as to what I did wrong (if I didn't anything) what was missing from the relationship. Nothing. And it pissed me off like you wouldn't believe. To this day I'm still a little mad ... I talked it over with my boyfriend and he's helped me put it to rest but I'd still like to at least punch his face in for making me so angry. So, at least talk to the guy one more time about what went wrong. It's not gonna make him feel any better about it now, but later he might not feel so bad about it. It's amazing what not knowing the answer can do to a person ...

      I agree with this 100%. Maybe he's really upset because he doesn't understand the reason why you want to break up, and what he has done wrong, if anything. You sound like you don't want to be tied down at the moment, and maybe in the future, you might end up back together, but at the moment, you want to be free. And I guess I do understand that. Of course, if he is the kind of guy someone would marry, the chances are, someone else will snap him up and you won't have that chance, as good people are hard to find.

      If you ignore him, he's going to go out of his mind, and he doesn't deserve it, from what you have said. So, take his call, and talk to him. Tell him that you don't have anything against him, you just don't want to be tied down, or whatever the reasons are, so he knows and understands that he's done nothing specifically wrong. If he has done something wrong you haven't said, then make sure he knows what it was.

      I know it might be hard to do, but it's the fair thing to do
      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.