I really don't know what else to do... help me please

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    • I really don't know what else to do... help me please

      My friend always seems to get drawn to the wrong boys.

      There is one in particular she's been seeing on and off for the last five years, and he has done things to hurt her on several occassions... he just doesn't treat her how he should and he's cheated on her along with other things. Well a few months ago he got her pregnant (it turns out the pregnancy was eptopic, but that's not the point).

      Well they broke up after that, but i think she may end up going back to him again.

      I've tried and tried to help her, and i just don't know what to do anymore.

      my friends knows how bad this boy is for her, but she keeps going back to him.

      i've told her how i feel about all this and when we were talking about it this week she said "it seems like you're making me choose between you and him", and that's made me wonder if that is the thing to do. It is most likely that she would pick me, but i'm not 100% sure...

      please help!
    • Re: I really don't know what else to do... help me please

      I don't want to be mean or anything, but in a situation like this, I think it's completely up to your friend. Experiences are always judged greater than opinions in the human mind. You letting her know how you feel about this, how you think he's bad for her, will never completely sink into her mind, until and unless she hasn't made the same mistakes over and over until it's ingrained. I should know, I am the same way.

      Just have patience and be there for your friend. Offer support and continue to give her your opinion and everything, but give her time too. I'm sure she'll make the right decision, in the end. Good luck. :]

    • Re: I really don't know what else to do... help me please

      Erik! wrote:

      I don't want to be mean or anything, but in a situation like this, I think it's completely up to your friend. Experiences are always judged greater than opinions in the human mind. You letting her know how you feel about this, how you think he's bad for her, will never completely sink into her mind, until and unless she hasn't made the same mistakes over and over until it's ingrained. I should know, I am the same way.

      Just have patience and be there for your friend. Offer support and continue to give her your opinion and everything, but give her time too. I'm sure she'll make the right decision, in the end. Good luck. :]

      Right there, just always be there for her when she needs you and hopefully she will eventually realize that she is in a bad relationship and should get out of it.
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