He Says He Hates Me

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    • He Says He Hates Me

      ok so there is this guy shaun..and i have liked him for almost a year now... at first me and him were jus friends and we werent really that close..but then one day he came to this party and flirted with me completely! he was touching me and holding me and everything!! but he had a gf.. he told me not to tell her and i said ok cuz i really liked him... then he asked me to hav sex with him.. i said yes because i rly liked him.. and while all this was happening he still had a gf.. so me and him planned to hav sex but then i told him i felt guilty about him having a gf.. he said ok and that me and him could still be friends.. i said i couldnt be friends with him because i liked him as more then a friend.. he kept trying to convince me to be friends with him but i just wouldnt budge.. about a week later i started missing him.. so i asked him if the friend offer was still available and he said yes.. so me and him were friends but then i started liking him a lot more.. so i was secretly crushing on him.. the one day i was with my friend and she took my cell.. she started txtin him while i was in the shower and when i came out she told me that me and shaun werent friends anymore.. i asked her what happened and she just told me that he was being mean and rude so she was being mean and rude back.. but she didnt tell me that she never told him it was her and not me.. so he thought i said a bunch of mean things to him but i didnt.. then when i tried to say sorry and explain he jus ignored me and said he was done with me.. i didnt freak out cuz me and him fight like every week but we always make up.. but this time it was different.. he said he jus didnt like me anymore.. but he has said that to me before and he has always changed his mind about that.. whenever i try to talk to him he just ignores me or calls me annoying.. he says he hates me and that he will always hate me.. it hurt alot when he said that because me and him have been through so much but we still made it but now some stupid little fight ruined everything.. now he just gives me mean looks and yells at me when ever i say hi to him or somthing... idk wat to do because i cant get over him.. i love him.. a lot.. and i haven slept in 2 days and im barely eating.. i need somme advice..