Help I'm Addicted!!!!!!!!!

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    • Help I'm Addicted!!!!!!!!!

      Okay, so I'm bi, (don't want to confuse anybody). So I met this guy, I'll call him Jack, well Jack and I became very very close friends, so I "came out" to him. He told me he bi also, so we began to "talk" I guess you could say. Well I fell in love with him, I mean head over heals in love, I think about him none stop, I did EVERYTHING for him, and at first it was great he was like the best guy in the world, but it seemed the more I did for him the worse he treated me, he wouldn't really talk to me in public, he would tell me I'm not worth his respect, he hurt me over and over again, but no matter what I still love him, and he always did something sweet after he hurt me, and so I wanted REALLY badly to make him happy, so you know we "fooled around" a little bit, this was over the course of about a year, well he told me he was moving on the 30th of May, and I just didn't think about it, and now has moved but, I still love him and he is being a SUPER jerk to me now, he will not return my text, calls, e-mails. What should I do, I mean I feel like my heart was burned out of my chest. Should I give up?
      [SIZE=3]I walk this lonely road!!!!!!!![/SIZE]:cries:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by tHe CoBb ().

    • Re: Help I'm Addicted!!!!!!!!!

      The reason why you don't move on, it's because you felt secure with him.
      He gave you that comfort, because if you did love him, you'd love yourself, and won't have gone through the abuse.

      I'm not saying, what you intially felt wasn't love, it was, thats beautiful, but in the course of time that love became an obessions. He became of aware of that, and he knew you'd do anything for him, so you became his full on scape goat.

      It's important for you to respect yourself, and give you both of you sometime. It's understandable, you want to communicate with him, but to him it's just annoying. His ignoring you for a reason, and he left for a reason. RESPECT YOURSELF.

      Perhaps, to let go write a non-sent letter. Direct it to him, tell him everything you want to say.. and then either give it to him, burn it, keep it.. whatever feels most right. That way everything is coming out.

      I also suggest, you do afirmations. Look in the mirror, and tell yourself your worthy and beautiful, and that you love himself.

      Finally, if you love him.. you love him. He doesn't has to be by you, because you love the fact his exists, that's it. But, you deman his attention, because that feeds your ego. Accept it, it's reality.

      I hope you can manage to handle this, I know it's hard.
    • Re: Help I'm Addicted!!!!!!!!!

      It sounds to me that he has got you wrapped around his little finger. As you said you would do anything for him..
      It sounds like he will be nice to you, talk to you, when it suits HIM.
      And that isn't good enough..
      He is playing you a bit.. And you have to stand up for yourself!
      I would just leave him - see if he contacts you, if he doesn't you know where you stand with him. I know its easier said then done, but you have to be strong for your own sake. Trust me there is other people out there!!

      DomGTR wrote:

      Yeah, end up bumping into Mr Bear who just found out Goldilox had eaten his porridge and slept in his bed wouldn't end well.

      [CENTER] Teenhut makes me smile :)[/CENTER]
    • Re: Help I'm Addicted!!!!!!!!!

      "he is being a SUPER jerk to me now"

      If he is being a jerk than just ignore him. Oh and usually if people do this once, it means they're prone to doing it again. So I wouldn't take him back if you know what I mean. Think of it as being good that he's moved. And why is this all in purple?!