How do I deal with my depressed friend?

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    • How do I deal with my depressed friend?

      I haven't known him for that long but we've gotten pretty close. We talk everyday and he says how much he hates his life and how depressed he feels. He says he got depressed 4 years ago too and was 'somewhat suicidal' but he said hes not as bad this time. He's said things like 'I can't go on' and that he just wants it all to end, but sometimes hes like 'I'll get through it'. I'm not sure if hes being dramatic. He said that he gets why his parents aren't proud of him because hes not proud of himself either, and he talks about how he thinks God is screwing with his life. He told me he dreamt one time about bleeding to death...

      I don't think he talks to anyone else so I feel really responsible and to make matters worse he has a crush on me. I would go ask my school counselor but tomorrow is the last day of school.

      Advice? Thanks in advance :) , sorry if this was too long, I just joined so I could ask this because I couldn't find answers anywhere.

      EDIT: ugh, I just realized I posted it in the wrong place, oops sorry.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by RejoiceItsSusan ().

    • Re: How do I deal with my depressed friend?

      Its hard to deal with a friend who is like that..
      Sometimes people who are depressed are looking for Attention by the sounds of it, he isn't getting that at home with his parents. He's almost craving it.
      You just have to listen to him, listen to what he has to say, thats what he probably wants too, somebody he can just blurt everything out too. Be a shoulder to cry on..
      Its difficult that he has a crush on you - because if you liked him too, its not always a good idea to get with someone because they are "depressed".

      DomGTR wrote:

      Yeah, end up bumping into Mr Bear who just found out Goldilox had eaten his porridge and slept in his bed wouldn't end well.

      [CENTER] Teenhut makes me smile :)[/CENTER]
    • Re: How do I deal with my depressed friend?

      toastlover13 wrote:

      alright im a guy, this is what i would say to my friend if he were in that position.

      Man the hell up and stop acting like the victim of everything bad that has happened in his life. emo life moves on jesus

      Haha. Yeah thats my first instinct too, but since my mom has tried to kill herself before it really freaks me out and I don't want to wave this off when it could really be serious. Also, I don't have the balls to say that...
    • Re: How do I deal with my depressed friend?

      First of all: Hai Susan! I love your username and I'm rejoicing ;)

      To something actually relevant.....

      To me, it doesn't sound like you need any advice. You're doing just fine. You're his friend and thats about all people can do for others who are depressed. Since we're both human (well I'm not sure about myself....I may be Martian) we can't answer every question! We don't have all the answers. Personally, I think the worst thing you could do to someone who is depressed, is leave them. Like someone said, many depressed people want attention. Leaving him is pretty much the opposite of attention ;)

      But, I have no doubt that you will never do that. You sound like a wonderful person so just keep it up!

      If you are going through a tough time and need a friend, go ahead and shoot me a PM. Much love, Glow.