I'm REALLY a bit worried

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    • I'm REALLY a bit worried

      Please, read this conversation i had with my boyfriend recently....
      Me= Pink
      Him= Blue

      tell me how you lit your leg on fire?

      I didnt light my leg on fire i burned it


      Does it truely matter how

      is it really that embarrassing

      U cud say that i suppose

      just tell me
      i won't make fun
      i love you

      I did it

      did what?

      I made the knife red hot
      I like pain
      I did it

      i still love you
      don't selfharm
      i'm here for you

      Hah i dont do it bc im depressed or anything like that i did it to see if i cud besides u nvr feel more adrenaline

      you sound slightly insane
      it not the adrenaline is it? its the ability to feel and not be numb to everything?

      whats going on joey?

      Busted i suppose

      from what?
      talk to me

      U caught me i enjoy pain bc i in the extemes i can feel it

      it's a bit morbid but not unheard of
      i would tell you to see a therapist but i know you wont so I just wanna say that i'm only a phone call away
      i love you

      Hah i dont need help i like it this way...im a whole different animal then ur used to

      What does that even mean?

      Dont worry bout it

      alright =/
      goodnight love

      ...i love you goodnight sweetheart

      He is the last person I would expect this from. I want to support him because I really care about him. Should I be worried? Should I get him help? Or is it really none of my business at all and should I stay out of it?
      Please help me out I'm not sure what the right thing in this situation would be to do.:(
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    • Re: I'm REALLY a bit worried

      ZebraStripes wrote:

      if it continues, i'd be pretty worried.
      maybe he's just going through a phase.
      but if it gets to be more serious, talk to him.

      I feel like he has been doing it for a while though...I mean he has a lot of anger inside of him.
      His ex-girlfriend lied point blank to the school and filed for rape because she didn't want her parents to think she was willing having sex with him when they found out about it.
      His sister is 19 and currently has a 1 1/2 year old kid. She also had twin boys a few months ago but they died really young. They were his nephews and that is pretty tragic.
      He actually cracked a cement wall with his fist in anger last year...of course resulting in a broken wrist.
      He's always the 'clutz' you know? and know i'm starting to think it's no mistake or accident that he's always hurt.
      He usually blames it on football but now i'm second guessing that reason too....
      [CENTER]DANGER: Mouth operates faster than brain.
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    • Re: I'm REALLY a bit worried

      Self harm can become an addiction.. Ask him weather he really wants to do it for a big part of his life??
      I dont think you should forget about it, but I think you should just keep trying to tell him, tell him what he's doing isn't good.. Tell him its hurting you..

      DomGTR wrote:

      Yeah, end up bumping into Mr Bear who just found out Goldilox had eaten his porridge and slept in his bed wouldn't end well.

      [CENTER] Teenhut makes me smile :)[/CENTER]
    • Re: I'm REALLY a bit worried

      SimplyKate wrote:

      I feel like he has been doing it for a while though...I mean he has a lot of anger inside of him.
      His ex-girlfriend lied point blank to the school and filed for rape because she didn't want her parents to think she was willing having sex with him when they found out about it.
      His sister is 19 and currently has a 1 1/2 year old kid. She also had twin boys a few months ago but they died really young. They were his nephews and that is pretty tragic.
      He actually cracked a cement wall with his fist in anger last year...of course resulting in a broken wrist.
      He's always the 'clutz' you know? and know i'm starting to think it's no mistake or accident that he's always hurt.
      He usually blames it on football but now i'm second guessing that reason too....


      thats rough.
      well, not much you can do about it.
      just always be there for him and comfort him when he's in need or angry.
      make it obvious to him that you care and that he can come to you with anything.
      most of the time people won't just stop self harming themselves if someone simply says, 'stop', but maybe after a while he'll come to the realization that he doesn't need pain to feel better.
      [LEFT] yahh trick.
    • Re: I'm REALLY a bit worried

      ZebraStripes wrote:


      thats rough.
      well, not much you can do about it.
      just always be there for him and comfort him when he's in need or angry.
      make it obvious to him that you care and that he can come to you with anything.
      most of the time people won't just stop self harming themselves if someone simply says, 'stop', but maybe after a while he'll come to the realization that he doesn't need pain to feel better.

      I like that last bit :)

      No one needs pain to feel better; its an oxymoron if you ask me.
      I'm gonna use it on him...
      [CENTER]DANGER: Mouth operates faster than brain.
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    • Re: I'm REALLY a bit worried

      Cyanide. wrote:

      Tell him that self-harm isn't a path he wants to go down, because it's really hard to get out of unless he/anyone does it for attention.

      yea he definitely doesn't do it for attention. It took me days for me to squeeze that out of him. He was definitely embarrassed. :(

      ---------- Post added at 06:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 PM ----------

      harvey wrote:

      just keep hinting at it
      but it sounds like he is kinda insane

      My mind tells me he is insane. But my heart ....well I love him. I really do. And I think its gonna be really hard for me to accept that fact or cope with it.

      ---------- Post added at 06:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:07 PM ----------

      Chloe93 wrote:

      Self harm can become an addiction.. Ask him weather he really wants to do it for a big part of his life??
      I dont think you should forget about it, but I think you should just keep trying to tell him, tell him what he's doing isn't good.. Tell him its hurting you..

      thanks for the advice :o
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    • Re: I'm REALLY a bit worried

      He might just be a masochist at heart? Not to worry you even more but, there are some people who are like that. People who are masochists though find pain or abuse to be a turn on. If you're familiar with S&M? Yeah, that kind of thing. That could be it, that might not be. If it makes him happy, like smiling happy and giddy to hurt himself he might be one. Something to note though, is that he most likely is one if he likes it when others hurt him too. So, say you slap him he might get a rush from that. If it's just self-harm that he likes well ... he most likely isn't, so rest assured.

      About the self-harm bit though, if you're really absolutely not comfortable with it, you have to be firm with telling him that. If he's smart, he'll try not to do it as much and eventually quit altogether (get him off it gradually) If it gets really bad, don't be afraid to take desperate measures. But before anything else, find out the root cause of this and try to work from there.

    • Re: I'm REALLY a bit worried

      Njord wrote:

      LOL. He obviously feels emasculated.
      Are you two having sex?

      It isn't funny...yes we are having sex.

      He doesn't do this very often.
      I spoke to him last night. He does it once every couple of years at maximum.
      I beleive him because he has never lied to me
      [CENTER]DANGER: Mouth operates faster than brain.
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    • Re: I'm REALLY a bit worried

      Sounds like you're both being dumb, overdramatic teenagers.


      ---------- Post added at 12:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 PM ----------

      You can't neg-rep me, Kate. You're too new. Har har @ chu and your anonymity fail.

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: I'm REALLY a bit worried

      SimplyKate wrote:

      It isn't funny...yes we are having sex.

      He doesn't do this very often.
      I spoke to him last night. He does it once every couple of years at maximum.
      I beleive him because he has never lied to me

      Is the sex good? And don't lie either.
      Does he control well?
      Is there a balance?
      Do you give in to him every once in awhile?
      Do you listen to him?
      And I'm talking about sex and the relationship in general. And don't lie. It's a bit pointless.

      Reason I'm asking is because of his "new animal" line. Obviously, he believes he isn't aggressive enough, for whatever reason, and is just using his self-harm as an ego/confidence/masculinity boost.
    • Re: I'm REALLY a bit worried

      Hi :)
      Many people resort to self harm to make them
      feel alive, the same as when people go rock
      climbing or mountain boarding or other extreme
      sports - it's to give them that extra buzz in life,
      and they love it. Sometimes self harm has that
      effect on some people. This could be why he
      does it - to feel alive and human.
      It could also be, as Njord said, a way to replen-
      ish his masculinity and make him feel like he
      has regained control over something. Either
      way, I think you should be worried. This isn't
      normal, and as much as he denies it; he needs
      help. He either needs some new adrenaline
      boost like, as I said, some kind of sports to
      help him feel alive, or he needs some way of
      distracting himself or feeling in control of
      something, or to help him feel more "manly".
      Overall, he needs some help - but he won't
      go for proffessional help, trust me.
      Good luck...
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]