woah got this thing over a girl i don't even know

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    • woah got this thing over a girl i don't even know

      So yeah there is this total hottie at my school but I didn't have any classes with her or anything like that. I'd always would be talking to my friends and then look up and always make eye contact with her. I don't know if she just looked because i looked up or she was looking and I looked up. But anyway its weird I always know where shes at basically I'll turn around and there she is.. woah.. is that weird or stalkerish in any way?
      I think she may have tried to get my attention sometimes saying hi to some of my friends some of them she knows well and some of them i don't think she does which is why i bring that up.
      I saw her at the mall the other day.. I looked up and there she was.. i talked to her friend for a while. i wish i could of talked to her.. but she didn't really cut in to conversation and i was sitting down and i looked up at her and saw her staring off into nothing like she was bored..
      does anyone think she was showing signs of being slightly attracted to me or anything like that? i think she was a tiny bit but i also get doubts because i'm over thinking it because she's so damn cute. but i'm also asking if this is incredibly weird or if anyone else had something like this.
    • Re: woah got this thing over a girl i don't even know

      Who knows unless you ask her??
      If she's always where you are then there is a slight possibility she is following you because she wants you to talk to her and she's interested..
      why not just randommly start a conversation with her about anything you would talk about with your friends. Gradually get to know her more, and see where it goes from there

      DomGTR wrote:

      Yeah, end up bumping into Mr Bear who just found out Goldilox had eaten his porridge and slept in his bed wouldn't end well.

      [CENTER] Teenhut makes me smile :)[/CENTER]