tell me if you're ever had this

    • tell me if you're ever had this

      I just noticed that if I run, I'm much less inclined to having bad moods. And I'm much friendlier! Anyone get this? I know its because of the endorphins released when you run and such, but it gets addicting. And its just so weird, my day feels waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy better if I had ran the night before, or earlier that morning.
      [CENTER]Future Rifleman of the Marine Corps!
      Saepius Exertus ||| Semper Fidelis ||| Frater Infinitas
    • Re: tell me if you're ever had this

      They say the reason is because your blood is pumping faster, everything's running on double time, and your system can clean out bad toxins or whatever it is that usually causes stress. It has a very long-lasting effect. The way your body is woking after intense exercise makes everything seem clearer, like being extra sober.

      Regular exercisers who stop exercising, usually end up with mood swings and depression. I read about another study which followed multiple sets of twins for 30 years. On twin in each set lived healthy, exercised, and the other didn't. The one who lived healthier was slim and fit, and lived a happier life, the one who didn't gained a lot of extra pounds and inches around the waist. Just goes to show, you can't just blame genetics for the extra pounds, eating crap and being lazy has something to do with it too.
      [CENTER][CENTER]Taken: Shibuya, Toto-Super Space.
      "o-shaberi Benki-kun" - "Talkative convenience container"
      Only the Japanese would give a personality to a toilet.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Titus Pullo ().

    • Re: tell me if you're ever had this

      Titus Pullo wrote:

      Just goes to show, you can't just blame genetics for the extra pounds, eating crap and being lazy has something to do with it too.

      Quoted for truth.

      I bet you could find 3 genetic markers for obesity in me, but I still have a ~18.0 BMI. That's the problem with these day time TV nutrionists, they give people an excuse to be overweight.
      [CENTER]"Young King, pay me in gold."