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    • Flirting???

      I don't know how to flirt!:lol:
      I haven't had a boyfrined for about 4 years, and I am only 17. People say that I push guys away, but I don't' know what I am doing wrong!!!:mad:
      I am very shy and kind and patient, I don't know how to talk to guys.
      So what should I do?:confused:
      Peace, Love and Hugs:freehugs:
    • Re: Flirting???

      Neal wrote:

      I don't think flirting is the issue here.

      Neal C.

      What's that supposed to mean NEAL C? And are we really that desperate to know your name and the 'C'? or are you like a dog pissing on a street corner? leaving your filthy scent?

      Now back to the topic, I think the main thing with flirting is confidence, are you confident with guys? flirting tends to be a very playful thing, It can be compliments but is in no way limited too, playful teases, maybe complimenting one aspect of ones appearance/personality, but then questioning another.

      Such of making fun of a girl if she is short, if done in a cute and not bullish way is flirting, I guess it comes more naturally to some people? while other struggle and have to learn. Your probably better off listing to a fellow Female ;)
    • Re: Flirting???

      Mr Jack wrote:

      What's that supposed to mean NEAL C?

      That the ability for a girl to get a guy to like her is not about her ability to flirt.

      Mr Jack wrote:

      And are we really that desperate to know your name and the 'C'? or are you like a dog pissing on a street corner? leaving your filthy scent?

      Now back to the topic, I think the main thing with flirting is confidence, are you confident with guys? flirting tends to be a very playful thing, It can be compliments but is in no way limited too, playful teases, maybe complimenting one aspect of ones appearance/personality, but then questioning another.

      Such of making fun of a girl if she is short, if done in a cute and not bullish way is flirting, I guess it comes more naturally to some people? while other struggle and have to learn. Your probably better off listing to a fellow Female ;)
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: Flirting???

      Mr Jack wrote:

      It's a big part of it! how to do meet a girl/guy how to you get there attention! So what is the Ability to get the guy/girl then NEAL C? and we are talking first encounters here NEAL C.

      As Goddess of Judecca will say, "the ability to get guys comes with age. And boobs."
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: Flirting???

      Be endearing, like if your a little clumsy: make a joke about it. Laugh at yourself, or make jokes at your own expense. It shows that your comfortable in your own skin, and that your charming. Don't compliment a guy too much, to me it just sounds fake and insincere. Only give compliments when you actually mean it. Teasing is always good, but don't be hurtful. And tease with a smile on your face, I don't mean a smirk, but a playful smile. Touch his arm, hand, or shoulder when your teasing him, or just even talking.

      I have a question though, what's your specific problem? Are you shy, or is it something else?