My Sister Always Gets Her Way

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    • My Sister Always Gets Her Way

      I know alot of older siblings have been through the same thing, and I tried to get over it knowing that.... but this has gotten completely out of line. Everytime my little sister and I have to come up with a desicion for something and we disagree about it, we always end up doing whatever she wants. When things doesn't look like its going her way, she cries, and wins over my dad. My mom thinks it is annoying when she cries, and that is how I won over my mother. Yet, she still has my father wrapped around her finger.

      Almost a year ago, my parents asked us where we wanted to go to eat, and we both suggested two completely different places to eat. We ended up going to where my sister wanted to eat. My parents had promised that I'd choose the next resteraunt.

      That time came a few weeks later. My parents asked my where I wanted to go, and I suggested a place. My sister disagreed and we got in a big fight over it. She was fighting over a resteraunt, and I was fighting over getting my way. Long story short, she cried and we ended up going to different places. My mom and I went to the resteraunt I wanted, and my dad took my sister to the place she wanted. I didn't get my way, because my sister got hers as well.

      Today, my mother, sister and I went to Olive Garden. Right around the time desert came around my sister and I wanted different deserts. My mom wanted us to split a desert so she doesn't have to spend as much. I wanted the 'Torta di Chocolate', and my sister wanted 'Chocolate Mousse Cake'. I despise mousse cake, yet my sister wanted it knowing I hated it. She said what I wanted looked disgusting, but I know she thought it looked good too. She was doing it to annoy me. My mom took my side, and ordered what I wanted. The waitress comes back with a mousse cake. I don't know how she did it, but in the end she still got her way.

      What do I do to stop her from getting her way? All she does is cry and gets her way. If she doesn't get her way, she cries and gets her way anyway. At first I thought it was normal, but now it is getting out of line and I need advice to stop this. Help?
      98% of Twilight fans would cry if they saw all four of the Twilight books burning in front of them... the other 2% would be the ones that are burning them.
    • Re: My Sister Always Gets Her Way

      Hey Sarah!

      Ah, sisters. Hah, I know what you mean, even
      though I have an older sister. I do usually get
      my way as well when my sister and I fight ._.
      Oops. Anyways, I didn't know what I was doing,
      all I remembered was that I loved to annoy my
      older sister and do anything just to get my way.

      Now that we're older, we don't bicker/fight/argue
      much anymore. It's just a phase that you and
      your sister are going through, at the moment.
      Eventually, you two will be really close, even if
      you don't agree on decisions.

      Though, right now, you're probably beyond annoyed.
      A suggestion, would probably talking to your
      parents about how irritated you are by how you
      and your sister fight, but somehow your sister
      ends up winning. If that doesn't work, you should
      try to ignore her -- let her get her way. I know that
      I did stuff just to annoy my sister and see her reaction.
      I was mean :3 If you ignore her, she won't get the
      satisfaction of getting her way, you know?

      Haha, but remember that she's family. Talk to her
      about it, she'll mostlikely understand.

      Whatever happens, I wish you luck... sisters can be
      tough, but they become your lifetime bestfriend <3
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