Will they accept me?

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    • Will they accept me?

      I am still pretty confused about my sexuality, but I am completely against homophobes. Yesterday, my mother and I got into a conversation about gay/lesbian/bisexuals. She has to no problem with it, but says that she prefers man/woman relationships. Most straight people do right? She said a bunch of other stuff that made me feel uncomfortable. Today, my friend and I somehow talked about the same thing. She is a christian and is completely against gay marriage and dating. I argued with her(my excuse being that I can't stand homophobes), and I told her that people don't have an option opn whether they are gay or not. She disagreed and told me that we do have a choice and gave me Lindsay Lohan as an example. What if I am a bi or lesbian? Will my friend accept me? What about my mother? And how can I prove to her that you don't choose whether to be gay or not?
      98% of Twilight fans would cry if they saw all four of the Twilight books burning in front of them... the other 2% would be the ones that are burning them.
    • Re: Will they accept me?

      First off, nice avi. :p Second of all, here's the straight truth. Most likely, your friend won't accept you. It's sad, but true. Your mother probably will. She is your mother after all. She may be uncomfortable at first, but she'll probably come to accept it. I'd take a look at the Coming Out sticky at the top that Cat put together, if you need more help. I'm sorry I couldn't be much help.
    • Re: Will they accept me?

      I think you mother will accept you because she is your mother and you friend may not accept you if she isnt a real friend if she is she will take you whatever package you come with or in
      [SIZE=3]Everyone Tries to be Different. Thats why all of us are the same. [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Will they accept me?

      Hi :)
      Look hun, whether they accept you or not...there's nothing you can do about it. Your friend said that people decide to be bi/straight/gay...but this is not true. It is a choice that comes from the heart or sould or mind or whichever you wish to call that deep, inner-force that determines who you are and what you will become.
      Your friend - if she is a friend worth having - will accept you. If not then I really don't think that she is worth having as a friend. You say she is a Christian - and I guess she is a strong one, so she will accept you by the laws of her belief :)
      Just...seriously, this isn't something you should worry about. Don't worry about acceptance - worry about what YOU want. It's you and your life not your life and everyone else :)
      Good luck xx
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: Will they accept me?

      LuffEs4Real wrote:

      if ur straight why r u reading this forum?

      I find it refreshing that straight people post in this forum. I like to hear their perspective on gay subjects. I hang out in mainly straight forums, and nobody has ever asked why a gay guy is hanging out in a place usually full of straight people.
    • Re: Will they accept me?

      idk2008 wrote:

      I find it refreshing that straight people post in this forum. I like to hear their perspective on gay subjects. I hang out in mainly straight forums, and nobody has ever asked why a gay guy is hanging out in a place usually full of straight people.

      I think the point that they're getting at is the fact that this thread was posted in a forum named Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual. While I understand what you mean when you say straight people should also give an opinion here (and I also agree), to most it would seem that you venturing in a forum named in such a manner would insinuate you being gay. Remember mate, not everyone thinks the same way as you do.
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Tenris: typo ().

    • Re: Will they accept me?

      i think your mum will accept you by the sound of it. as for your friend, i think people may have been a bit too quick to say that she wouldnt. it sounds like she doesnt really understand, and if she doesnt have any experience with it and has only learnt from the perspective of religion then i see why. maybe if you explained to her about it in a more personal way, rather than just a general discussion which could be about anything, she would be more willing to listen and understand. but as Tenris said, if she doesnt accept you then maybe she wasnt the best friend for you.

      im straight and i post on this forum :) ive got a few gay friends who have come out, and its nice being able to understand. i just like to see my friends with people who make them happy, hopefully your friend will feel the same way x